第二十一章 結論 n.5:性に必要な倫理と不要な倫理

社会学的な問題は,しばしば困難で複雑である一方,個人的な問題は,ごく単純であるように,私には思われる。性には何か罪深いものがあるという教え(教義)は,個人の性格に,幼児期初期から生涯を通して,言うに言えない(計り知れない)害悪(untold harm)を与えてきた。性愛(sex love 性的な愛)を牢獄にとじ込めることによって,因習的な道徳は,他のあらゆる友好的な感情を牢獄に閉じ込め,人間をいっそう非寛容かつ不親切にし,いっそう自己主張的かつ残酷にすることに大いに貢献してきた(のである)。どのような性倫理が最終的に受け入れられるようになるとしても,それは,迷信から解放されていなければならず,また,それを支持する明確な,論証可能な根拠をもっているものでなければならない。
Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.5
While the sociological questions are often difficult and complicated, the personal questions are, to my mind, quite simple. The doctrine that there is something sinful about sex is one which has done untold harm to individual character-a harm beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout life. By keeping sex love in a prison, conventional morality has done much to imprison all other forms of friendly feeling, and to make men less generous, less kindly, more self-assertive and more cruel. Whatever sexual ethic may come to be ultimately accepted must be free from superstition and must have recognizable and demonstrable grounds in its favour. Sex cannot dispense with an ethic, any more than business or sport or scientific research or any other branch of human activity. But it can dispense with an ethic based solely upon ancient prohibitions propounded by uneducated people in a society totally unlike our own. In sex, as in economics and in politics, our ethic is still dominated by fears which modern discoveries have made irrational, and the benefit to be derived from those discoveries is largely lost through failure of psychological adaptation to them.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.