第二十一章 結論 n.11:

大部分の男女は,もし幼年期に(いろいろな)タブーに(現状ほど)とりかこまれていなかったなら,心からの大らかな愛を結婚にもたらすことができたはずなのに,現状からすると(as things stand 現状では),それができない(のである)。彼らは,必要な経験を欠いているか,あるいは,こそこそした好ましくない方法でそれ得たかのいずれかである。さらに,嫉妬(心)は道徳家の認可を得ているので,彼らは,お互いを相互に牢獄に閉じこめ続けることは正当化されると感じている。夫婦が,どちらも不倫(不義)を働く気になれないほどに完全に愛しあっているのであるなら,もちろん,それはとても良いことである。しかし,もし(仮に)不倫が実際に起こったなら,それを何か恐ろしいことのように扱うのは,良いことではないし,また,(他の)異性とのつきあいを不可能にするところまで行くのも,望ましいことではない。
Chapter XXI: Conclusion, n.11
Sex morality has to be derived from certain general principles, as to which there is perhaps a fairly wide measure of agreement, in spite of the wide disagreement as to the consequences to be drawn from them. The first thing to be secured is that there should be as much as possible of that deep, serious love between man and woman which embraces the whole personality of both and leads to a fusion by which each is enriched and enhanced. The second thing of importance is that there should be adequate care of children, physical and psychological. Neither of these principles in itself can be considered in any way shocking, yet it is as a consequence of these two principles that I should advocate certain modifications of the conventional code. Most men and women, as things stand, are incapable of being as wholehearted and as generous in the love that they bring to marriage as they would be if their early years had been less hedged about with taboos. They either lack the necessary experience, or they have gained it in furtive and undesirable ways. Moreover, since jealousy has the sanction of moralists, they feel justified in keeping each other in a mutual prison. It is of course a very good thing when a husband and wife love each other so completely that neither is ever tempted to unfaithfulness; it is not, however, a good thing that unfaithfulness, if it does occur, should be treated as something terrible, nor is it desirable to go so far as to make all friendship with persons of the other sex impossible. A good life cannot be founded upon fear, prohibition, and mutual interference with freedom. Where faithfulness is achieved without these, it is good, but where all this is necessary it may well be that too high a price has been paid, and that a little mutual toleration of occasional lapses would be better. There can be no doubt that mutual jealousy, even where there is physical faithfulness, often causes more unhappiness in a marriage than would be caused if there were more confidence in the ultimate strength of a deep and permanent affection.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.