「素直でない」子供 = 大人が扱いにくい子供

gca_nincompoop 何らかの価値ある仕事を成し遂げる大人は、子供の頃ほとんど’協力的’ではない。一般的に言って、彼らは孤独を愛し、本を抱えて教室の片隅にこっそり移動し、野蛮な仲間(同時代人)の目を逃れることができた時が一番幸せな時であった。芸術家、作家、科学者として傑出した人たちのほとんどは、子供の頃、仲間の嘲笑と軽蔑の的(対象)であり、教師にとっては生徒が風変わりでは扱いにくかったので、残念ながらしばしば、教師も生徒集団(群衆)の味方をする場合が多かった。
出典:Of co-operation, May 18, 1932. In: Mortals and Others, v.1 (1975)

Adults who achieve anything of value have seldom been ‘co-operative’ children. As a rule, they have liked solitude: they have tried to slink into a corner with a book and have been happiest when they could escape the notice of their barbarian contemporaries. Almost all men who have been distinguished as artists, writers or men of science have in boyhood been objects of derision and contempt to their schoolfellows; and only too often the teachers have sided with the herd, because it annoyed them that a boy should be odd.

