

What has changed the situation since Mill’s day is, as I remarked before, the great increase of organization. Every organization is a combination of individuals for a purpose; and, if this purpose is to be achieved, it requires a certain subordination of the individuals to the whole. If the purpose is one in which all the individuals feel a keen interest, and if the executive of the organization commands confidence, the sacrifice of liberty may be very small. But if the purpose for which the organization exists inspires only its executive, to which the other members submit for extraneous reasons, the loss of liberty involved may grow until it becomes almost total. The larger the organization, the greater becomes the gap in power between those at the top and those at the bottom, and the more likelihood there is of oppression. The modern world, for technical reasons, is very much more organized than the world of a hundred years ago: there are very many fewer acts which a man does simply from his own impulse, and very many more which he is compelled or induced to perform by some authority. The advantages that spring from organization are so great and so obvious that it would be absurd to wish to return to an earlier condition, but those who are conscious only of the advantages are apt to overlook the dangers, which are very real and very menacing.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.



 17世紀から19世紀の末まで,「自由」は急進主義者や革命家の合言葉だったが,現代ではこの言葉は反動主義者(保守反動家)に奪い取られており,自らを最も進歩的と考えている者たちはこの自由という言葉を軽蔑する傾向がある。自由という言葉には「腐敗したブルジョアの観念論」の一部というレッテルが貼られており,優雅な閑暇をすでに楽しんでいる裕福な人たちにとってのみ重要な,中産階級の一時的な気まぐれとみなされている。 誰か一人の人間がこの変化に責任があるとすれば,その責任はマルクスが負わなければならない。彼はプロシヤ的統制革命的行動の手段及び目的としての自由に置き代えたのである。しかし,もしも社会組織および技術における大きな変化がなかったとしたならば、マルクスがなし得たような成功を彼(マルクス)が得ることはなかったであろう。それらの大きな変化が初期の改革者たちの思想に対立したマルクスの思想を助長したのである。

With Mill’s values, I for my part find myself in complete agreement. I think he is entirely right in emphasizing the importance of the individual in so far as values are concerned. I think, moreover, that it is even more desirable in our day than it was in his to uphold the kind of outlook for which he stands. But those who care for liberty in our day have to fight different battles from those of the nineteenth century, and have to devise new expedients if liberty is not to perish. From the seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth, “Liberty” was the watchword of the radicals and revolutionaries; but in our day the word has been usurped by reactionaries, and those who think themselves most progressive are inclined to despise it. It is labeled as part of ”rotten bourgeois idealism” and is regarded as a middle-class fad, important only to those who already enjoy the elegant leisure of the well-to-do. So far as any one person is responsible for this change, the blame must fall on Marx, who substituted Prussian discipline for freedom as both the means and the end of revolutionary action. But Marx would not have had the success which he has had if there had not been large changes in social organization and in technique which furthered his ideals as opposed to those of earlier reformers.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.

人間の「自由」(の擁護)は大事であり、政治において最も重視すべき事柄の一つであろう。しかし、その「自由」が一部の支配階級や富裕者しか享受できないものであったとしたら、その価値は半減いや、色褪せる。Freedom for All でなければならないが、それも掛け声だけではうさんくさいものとなる。


(注:みすず書房版の中村秀吉訳『(ラッセル)自伝的回想』では「しかし農奴解放後の当時のロシアは現在のロシアよりも千倍も自由を持っていた。」と訳出されている。」 中村訳は間違ってはいないが,”Russia of his day” は,「当時のロシア」ではなく「ミルの時代のロシア」と明示的に訳さないと誤読される恐れがある。つまり,現在のロシアには自由はあまりない。しかし,農奴制があった時代のロシアと比べれば農奴が解放されたミルの時代のロシアは千倍も自由が増したのであり,ミルはそのことを適切に評価していない,というニュアンスが読み取れないように思われる。)

Mill’s book On Liberty is more important to us in the present day than his book On the Subjection of Women. It is more important because the cause which it advocates has been less successful. There is, on the whole, much less liberty in the world now than there was a hundred years ago; and there is no reason to suppose that restrictions on liberty are likely to grow less in any foreseeable future. Mill points to Russia as a country so dominated by bureaucracy that no one, not even the individual bureaucrat, has any personal liberty. But the Russia of his day, after the emancipation of the serfs, had a thousand times more freedom than the Russia of our day. The Russia of his day produced great writers who opposed the autocracy, courageous revolutionaries who were able to carry on their propaganda in spite of prison and exile, even liberals among those in power, as the abolition of serfdom proved. There was every reason to hope that Russia would in time develop into a constitutional monarchy, marching by stages toward the degree of political freedom that existed in England. The growth of liberty was also apparent in other countries. In the United States, slavery was abolished a few years after the publication of Mill’s book. In France, the monarchy of Napoleon III, which Mill passionately hated, came to an end eleven years after his book was published; and, at the same time, manhood suffrage was introduced in Germany. On such grounds I do not think that Mr. Packe is right in saying that the general movement of the time was against liberty, and I do not think that Mill’s optimism was irrational.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.


男女平等への闘いの歴史 ー ラッセルも大きな寄与






Much more important than Mill’s longer treatises were his two short books On the Subjection of Women and On Liberty. In regard to the first of these, the world has gone completely as he would have wished. In regard to the second, there has been an exactly opposite movement.
It is a disgrace to both men and women that the world should have had to wait so long for champions of women’s equality. Until the French Revolution, nobody except Plato ever thought of claiming equality for women, but when the subject came to be raised, incredibly ridiculous arguments were invented in support of the status quo. It was not only men who argued that women should have no part in politics. The arguments were equally convincing to women, and especially to political women such as Queen Victoria and Mrs. Sidney Webb. Very few seemed capable of realizing that the supremacy of men was based solely upon a supremacy of muscle. The claim for women’s equality was regarded as a subject of ridicule, and remained so until three years before it achieved success. I spoke in favor of votes for women before the First World War and in favor of pacifism during it. The opposition which I encountered in the first of these causes was more virulent and more widespread than that which I encountered in the second. Few things in history are more surprising than the sudden concession of political rights to women in all civilized countries except Switzerland. This is, I think, part of a general change from a biological to a mechanistic outlook. Machinery diminishes the importance of muscle. Industry is less concerned with the seasons than agriculture. Democracy has destroyed dynasties and lessened the feeling of family continuity. Napoleon wanted his son to succeed him. Lenin, Stalin and Hitler had no such desire. I think the concession of equality to women has been rendered possible by the fact that they are no longer regarded primarily in a biological light. Mill remarks that the only women in England who are not slaves and drudges are those who are operatives in factories. Unaccountably, he forgot Queen Victoria. But there is a measure of truth in what he says, for the work of women in factories, unlike childbearing, is such as men are capable of doing. It seems that, however admirable the emancipation of women may be in itself, it is part of a vast sociological change emphasizing industry at the expense of agriculture, the factory at the expense of the nursery, and power at the expense of subsistence. I think the world has swung too far in this direction and will not return to sanity until the biological aspects of human life are again remembered. But I see no reason why, if this occurs, it should involve a revival of the subjection of women.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.





The history of words is curious. Nobody in Mill’s time, with the possible exception of Marx, could have guessed that the word “Communism” would come to denote the military, administrative, and judicial tyranny of an oligarchy, permitting to the workers only so much of the produce of their labor as might be necessary to keep them from violent revolt. Marx, whom we can now see to have been the most influential of Mill’s contemporaries, is, so far as I have been able to discover, not mentioned in any of Mill’s writings, and it is quite probable that Mill never heard of him. The Communist Manifesto was published in the same year as Mill’s Political Economy, but the men who represented culture did not know of it. I wonder what unknown person in the present day will prove, a hundred years hence, to have been the dominant figure of our time.
Apart from the pronouncements on Socialism and Communism, Mill’s Political Economy, is not important. Its main principles are derived from his orthodox predecessors with only minor modifications. Ricardo’s theory of value, with which on the whole he is in agreement, was superseded by Jevon’s introduction of the concept of marginal utility, which represented an important theoretical improvement. As in his Logic, Mill is too ready to acquiesce in a traditional doctrine provided he is not aware of any practical evil resulting from it.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.



 ミルは,共産主義と社会主義を区別している。彼は後者の方を好み,一方前者を全面的に非難することはしない。彼の時代のこの(共産主義と社会主義の)区別は,それ以後ほどはっきりしたものではなかった。彼が説明しているように,大雑把に言って,(当時における)両者の区別は,共産主義者はあらゆる私有財産(私的所有)に反対するが,一方,社会主義者は単に「土地や生産機器は個人の所有(財産)ではなくて共同体や団体あるいは政府の所有(財産)であるべきである」と主張する,ということである。彼が共産主義についての意見をのべた有名な一節として次の文章がある。 (長い一文=このミル文章は悪文と思われます。誤読しないために,一番下に追加した松下注を必ずお読みください!)

「それゆえ,あらゆる好機にめぐまれている共産主義(注:「社会主義」と読み替える必要あり!)と,(1)もしも,あらゆる苦悩と不正とをもった現在の社会状態との間で選択がなされなければならないのであれば;(2)もしも,私有財産制度が,労働の産物(成果)を現在我々が目にしているように,ほとんど労働(量)に逆比例して分配されることを,必然的に結果としてもたらすならば -(つまり)労働の産物(成果)の最大の部分は全然働いたことのない人々に分配され,次に大きな部分はその仕事がほとんど名目的である人々に分配され,そうして仕事(労働)が厳しく辛くなればなるほど,報酬は減ってゆき,ついには,最も肉体を消耗する労働が生活必需品を購入することさえもこと欠くほどになってゆくとういのであれば;(3)もしも,こういう状態を選ぶかそれとも共産主義(注:「社会主義」と読み替え)を選ぶかが二者択一であるならば; 共産主義(注:「社会主義」と読み替え)のあらゆる難点も,つり合いから言えば,小さな挨のようなものであろう。しかし比較を適切に行うためには,その最上の状態における共産主義(注:「社会主義」と読み替え)と,現にあるままではなく,ありうべき形の私有財産制度とを比較しなければならない。私有財産(私的所有)の原則は,いかなる国においてもいまだ公平に試みられたことはないし,おそらくこの国(英国)においては他の国よりもそうであろう。」

(松下注:つまり,ミルがここで使っている “Communism” という言葉を「共産主義」ではなく,「社会主義」と訳さないと=解さないと誤解・誤読することになる,ということです。ロシア革命が起こる前であれば,”Communism” という言葉を「社会主義」という意味合いで使ってもそれほど誤解する人はいなかったでしょうが,ロシア革命以後は誤解のもとになり,その意味合いで使用しない方がよいという指摘です。
実際,ラッセルは,1920年に出した The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism で Communism を「社会主義」の意味で使っており,1949年版の第2版の「まえがき」では,次のページにあるように,「多くの箇所で「共産主義」という語を「社会主義」に変えた。・・・。このように訂正しなければ間違った印象を与えることになるであろう。」と注意喚起しています。
Mill distinguishes between Communism and Socialism. He prefers the latter, while not wholly condemning the former. The distinction in his day was not so sharp as it has since become. Broadly speaking, as he explains it, the distinction is that Communists object to all private property while Socialists contend only that “land and the instruments of production should be the property, not of individuals, but of communities or associations, or of the Government.” There is a famous passage in which he expresses his opinion on Communism:
“If, therefore, the choice were to be made between Communism with all its chances, and the present state of society with all its sufferings and injustices; if the institution of private property necessarily carried with it as a consequence, that the produce of labor should be apportioned as we now see it, almost in an inverse ratio to the labor the largest portions to those who have never worked at all, the next largest to those whose work is almost nominal, and so in a descending scale, the remuneration dwindling as the work grows harder and more disagreeable, until the most fatiguing and exhausting bodily labor cannot count with certainty on being able to earn even the necessaries of life; if this or Communism were the alternative, all the difficulties, great or small, of Communism would be but as dust in the balance. But to make the comparison applicable, we must compare Communism at its best, with the regime of individual property, not as it is, but as it might be made. The principle of private property has never yet had a fair trial in any country; and less so, perhaps, in this country than in some others.”
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.



この種の記述を読むのは苦痛である。なぜなら,それは将来の発展の方向をそのおおざっぱな輪郭ですら予見することの不可能さを我々に実感させるからである。このことについてある程度正確に将来を予見した19世紀唯一の著作家はニーチェ(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, 1844-1900:ドイツの古典文献学者,哲学者)であったが,それは彼が他の人たちより賢かったからではなく,起こりつつあった憎むべきことがみな彼の見たいと思っていたことだったからである。オーウェル(George Orwell, 1903-1950:イギリスの作家,ジャーナリスト/ユートピアの逆の,全体主義的国家であるディストピアの世界を描いた『1984年』で有名)のような予言者たちが,(彼らが)希望したというよりはむしろ恐れたことを予言し始めたのは,幻想から覚まされた我々の時代(現代)になってからのことである

To readers of our time, who take it as part of the meaning of Socialism that private capitalists should be replaced by the State, it is difficult to avoid misunderstanding in reading Mill. Mill preserved all the distrust of the State which the Manchester School had developed in fighting the feudal aristocracy; and the distrust which he derived from this source was strengthened by his passionate belief in liberty. The power of governments, he says, is always dangerous. He is confident that this power will diminish. Future ages, he maintains, will be unable to credit the amount of government interference which has hitherto existed. It is painful to read a statement of this sort, since it makes one realize the impossibility of foreseeing, even in its most general outlines, the course of future development. The only nineteenth-century writer who foresaw the future with any approach to accuracy was Nietzsche, and he foresaw it, not because he was wiser than other men, but because all the hateful things that have been happening were such as he wished to see. It is only in our disillusioned age that prophets like Orwell have begun to foretell what they feared rather than what they hoped.
Mill, both in his prophecies and in his hopes, was misled by not foreseeing the increasing power of great organizations. This applies not only in economics, but also in other spheres. He maintained, for example, that the State ought to insist upon universal education, but ought not to do the educating itself. He never realized that, so far as elementary education is concerned, the only important alternative to the State is the Church, which he would hardly have preferred.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.




In his chapter on “The Probable Futurity of the Laboring Classes” he develops a Utopia to which he looks forward. He hopes to see production in the hands of voluntary societies of workers. Production is not to be in the hands of the State, as Marxian Socialists have maintained that it should be. The Socialism to which Mill looks forward is that of St. Simon and Fourier. (Robert Owen, to my mind, is not sufficiently emphasized.) Pre-Marxian Socialism, which is that of which Mill writes, did not aim at increasing the power of the State. Mill argues emphatically that even under Socialism there will still have to be competition, though the competition will be between rival societies of workers, not between rival capitalists. He is inclined to admit that in such a Socialist system as he advocates the total production of goods might be less than under capitalism, but he contends that this would be no great evil provided everybody could be kept in reasonable comfort.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.


ミルの社会主義に対する見方の変化 - その変化の原因と内容

 『政治経済学原理(経済学原理)』(The Principles of Political Economy)は,ミルの二番目の主要著作であった。第一版は1848年に出版されたが,翌年にかなり修正された版が出された。パック氏は,彼の賞賛すべき伝記(The Life of John Stuart Mill, by Michael St. John Packe, 1954)の中で,この2つの版の相違について,言及する必要のある大部分のことを述べている。その相違は,主に社会主義の問題に関係していた(注:Socialism と大文字になっているが,小文字の場合と意味は同じ)。第一版においては,社会主義は従来の(正当的な)見地から批判されていた。しかし,これはテーラー夫人を驚かせ,新しい版が要求された時,彼女はミルに大規模な修正を行わせた。パック氏の本の中で最も価値のあるものの一つは,テーラー夫人に偏見のない光をあてて,彼女のミルに対する影響の源(出所)をついに我々が理解できるようにしたことである。だが,社会主義に対するミルの意見の変化に対するパック氏の批判は,恐らく少し厳しすぎたのではないか,と私は考える。テーラー夫人がこの点で彼のためになしたことは,(ミルが父から)教えられたことではなく(と対立するものとして),彼自身の本性が彼に考えるように導く事柄について考える(注:つまり,自分の頭で考える)ことを可能にしたことである,としか考えられない(考えざるを得ない)。第二版以降に現れる彼の社会主義への態度は決して無批判的なものではない。彼は,それでなお,社会主義者がまともに取り組もうとしないいくつかの困難があることを感じている(のである)。たとえば,彼は次のように言っている,「人類は,生まれつき怠惰であることを見過ごすことは,社会主義者の共通な誤謬である。」この理由で,彼は,社会主義社会が停滞する可能性があることを恐れる。彼は我々の時代(現代)よりも幸福な時代に生きていたのである。(即ち)われわれが停滞のような快適なものを望むことができるとすれば,喜びに満ちた精神的高揚を感ずることであろう(注:このエッセイが発表されたのは,ビキニ水爆事件直後の,またラッセル=アインシュタイン宣言直前の,核戦争の脅威により気を張り詰めていなければいけない時代であった,ということであろう)。

The Principles of Political Economy was Mill’s second major work. The first edition appeared in 1848, but it was followed by a substantially modified edition in the next year. Mr. Packe, in his admirable biography, has said most of what needs to be said about the difference between these two editions. The difference was mainly concerned with the question of Socialism. In the first edition, Socialism was criticized from the point of view of the orthodox tradition. But this shocked Mrs. Taylor, and she induced Mill to make very considerable modifications when a new edition was called for. One of the most valuable things in Mr. Packe’s book is that he has at last enabled us to see Mrs. Taylor in an impartial light, and to understand the sources of her influence on Mill. But I think perhaps Mr. Packe is a little too severe in criticizing Mill for his change as regards Socialism. I cannot but think that what Mrs. Taylor did for him in this respect was to enable him to think what his own nature led him to think, as opposed to what he had been taught. His attitude to Socialism, as it appears in the later editions of the book, is by no means uncritical. He still feels that there are difficulties which Socialists do not adequately face. He says, for example, “It is the common error of Socialists to overlook the natural indolence of mankind”; and on this ground he fears that a Socialist community might stagnate. He lived in a happier age than ours: we should feel a joyful ecstasy if we could hope for anything as comfortable as stagnation.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.



 ミルがダーウィン及び進化論によってほとんど影響されなかったことは非常に驚くべきことである。このことは,彼がしばしばハーバート・スペンサー(注:Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903:イギリスの社会哲学者。社会的ダーウィン主義者として有名)を引用しているので,よりいっそう奇妙に感ぜられる。
彼はダーウィンの理論を受入れたがそれが意味することがらを理解していなかったようである。彼の『論理学』の「分類について」という章の中で,彼は全くダーウィン以前のやり方で「自然種」について語っているが,ダーウィンの種の起源に関する本が,この立場は支持できないことを証明したのに,知られている動植物の種はスコラ哲学的な意味における「最低種」(注:infamae species)であるという意見をさえ述べている。
1843年に出版された彼の『論理学』の第一版が進化論を無視している(何の言及もしていない)のは当然であるが(注:ダーウィン『進化論』の出版は1859であるため),後の版になっても何の修正も加えられなかったのは不思議なことである。おそらくなお一層驚くべきことは,ずっと晩年に書かれた,『宗教にかんする三つの小論』では,動植物の環境への適応に基づいた神の意向による証明法(注:argument from design 「この世は万事人間がちょうどよく生存(適合)できるように(神によって)造られているのであり,もし今と少しでも違っていたら人間は生きていけない(いけなかった)だろう) といった考え方 を拒否してないこと,あるいは,この適応に関するダーウィンの説明を論じてもいないこと,である。
我々の大部分は,明確な論拠よりも我々の信念に影響するこのような意識下の前提をもって生活しており(世の中に対処しており),これらの前提は我々の大部分においては25歳になるまでにすっかり形作られている。ミルの場合にはテーラー夫人(注:Taylor と結婚していたが後にミルの夫人になった。)が一定の変化を及ぼしたが,それらは純粋に知的な領域においてではなかった。(即ち)この知的領域においては,(父親の)ジェームスが息子(ミル)の意識下を支配し続けた(のである)。

It is rather surprising that Mill was so little influenced by Darwin and the theory of evolution. This is the more curious as he frequently quotes Herbert Spencer. He seems to have accepted the Darwinian theory but without realizing its implications. In the chapter on “Classification” in his Logic, he speaks of “natural kinds” in an entirely pre-Darwinian fashion, and even suggests that the recognized species of animals and plants are infimae species in the scholastic sense, although Darwin’s book on the Origin of Species proved this view to be untenable. It was natural that the first edition of his Logic, which appeared in 1843, should take no account of the theory of evolution, but it is odd that no modifications were made in later editions. What is perhaps still more surprising is that in his Three Essays on Religion, written very late in his life, he does not reject the argument from design based upon the adaptation of plants and animals to their environment, or discuss Darwin’s explanation of this adaptation. I do not think that he ever imaginatively conceived of man as one among animals or escaped from the eighteenth-century belief that man is fundamentally rational. I am thinking, now, not of what he would have explicitly professed, but of what he unconsciously supposed whenever he was not on his guard. Most of us go about the world with such subconscious presuppositions which influence our beliefs more than explicit arguments do, and in most of us these presuppositions are fully formed by the time we are twenty-five. In the case of Mill, Mrs. Taylor effected certain changes, but these were not in the purely intellectual realm. In that realm, James continued to reign supreme over his son’s subconscious.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.

