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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第6章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.9 (松下 訳) - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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 ルネッサンス(時代)において、異教信仰への急激な変化のために,恋愛は,詩的であることに変わりはなかったが,通常,プラトニックなものではなくなった。ルネッサンス(時代の人々)が中世の慣習をどのように考えていたかは、ドン・キホーテと彼のドルシネア(姫)(注:ドン・キホーテが作り上げた妄想上の貴婦人)に関する記述に見ることができる。それでも、中世の伝統も影響を残さなかったわけではない。シドニー(Sir Philip Sidney, 1554-1586:エリザベス朝のイングランドの詩人)の『アストロフェルとステラ』はその伝統に満ちているし、シェイクスピアが W・H 氏にささげたソネットも、その影響を相当に受けている。しかし、大体において、ルネッサンス(時代)の特徴的な恋愛詩は、陽気かつ率直である。
と、あるエリザべス朝の詩人が歌っている。この感情は率直かつあけっぴろげであり、全然プラトニックなものではないことは、認めなければならない。けれども,ルネッサンス(時代)は,中世のプラトニックな恋愛から、詩を求愛の手段として利用することを学んでいた。『シンベリーン』に登場するクローテンは、自分で恋愛詩を作ることができずに三文文士(penny-a-liner へっぽこ文士)を雇わなければならないので嘲笑われる。三文文士は、「聴け、聴け、ヒバリ」を作り出すが(turn out)、これは,努力によるなかなかの出来と言ってよいだろう。

Chapter VI: Romantic Love

In the Renaissance, as a consequence of the revulsion towards Paganism, love usually ceased to be platonic although it remained poetic. What the Renaissance thought of the medieval convention is to be seen in the account of Don quixote and his Dulcinea. Nevertheless the medieval tradition remained not without influence ; Sydney's Astrophel and Stella is full of it, and Shakespeare's Sonnets to Mr. W. H. are considerably influenced by it. On the whole, however, the characteristic love poetry of the Renaissance is cheerful and straightforward.
Do not mock me in thy bed
While these cold nights freeze me dead
says an Elizabethan poet. This sentiment, it must be admitted, is straightforward and uninhibited, and by no means platonic. The Renaissance had, however, learnt from the platonic love of the Middle Ages to employ poetry as a means of courtship. Cloten in Cymbeline is laughed at because he cannot produce his own love poem, but has to hire a penny-a-liner, who turns out Hark, hark, the lark-quite a creditable effort, one would say. It is curious that before the Middle Ages, although there had been a good deal of poetry concerned with love, there was very little that was directly a part of courtship. There is Chinese poetry representing the grief of a lady because of the absence of her lord ; there is mystical Indian poetry, in which the soul is represented as the bride longing for the advent of the bridegroom, who is God ; but one gathers that men had so little difficulty in securing the women they desired that it hardly ever became necessary to woo them with music and poetry. From the point of view of the arts, it is certainly regrettable when women are too accessible ; what is most to be desired is that they should be difficult but not impossible of access. This situation has existed more or less since the Renaissance. The difficulties have been partly external and partly internal, the latter being derived from scruples due to conventional moral teaching.
(掲載日:2016.07.18 /更新日: )