第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.3

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.3:身分の差があればこそ

ロマンチックな恋愛は中世(時代)以前には知られていなかったと言えば正しくないであろう。しかし,ロマンチックな恋愛が,一般に認められた情熱の一形式(一形態)となったのは,ようやく中世になってからである。ロマンチックな恋愛の本質は,最愛の対象を,非常に手に入れ難くかつ非常に貴重な存在と見なすことにある。ロマンチックな恋愛は,それゆえ,詩により,あるいは歌により,あるいは武勲により( by feats of arms),あるいは,その他,その貴婦人(lady)の一番喜びそうに思われるやり方で,最愛の対象の愛を勝ち得るために(その男に)大変な努力をさせる(ことになる)。貴婦人には測り知れない価値があるという信念は,彼女を手に入れることの困難さが(人間の)心理に及ぼす効果(影響)であり,男性が容易にその女性を手に入れることができる場合には,男性の女性に対する感情は,ロマンチックな恋愛の形をとらない,と断言(主張)してよいと思われる。



To say that romantic love was unknown before the Middle Ages would not be correct, but it was only in the Middle Ages that it became a commonly recognized form of passion. The essential of romantic love is that it regards the beloved object as very difficult to possess and as very precious. It makes therefore great efforts of many kinds to win the love of the beloved object, by poetry, by song, by feats of arms, or by whatever other method may be thought most pleasing to the lady. The belief in the immense value of the lady is a psychological effect of the difficulty of obtaining her, and I think it may be laid down that when a man has no difficulty in obtaining a woman, his feeling towards her does not take the form of romantic love. Romantic love, as it appears in the Middle Ages, was not directed, at first, towards women with whom the lover could have either legitimate or illegitimate sexual relations ; it was directed towards women of the highest respectability, who were separated from their romantic lovers by insuperable barriers of morality and convention. So thoroughly had the Church performed its task of making men feel sex inherently impure, that it had become impossible to feel any poetic sentiment towards a lady unless she was regarded as unattainable. Accordingly love, if it was to have any beauty, had to be platonic. It is very difficult for the modern to feel in imagination the psychology of the poet lovers in the Middle Ages. They profess ardent devotion without any desire for intimacy, and this seems to a modern so curious that he is apt to regard their love as no more than a literary convention. Doubtless on occasion it was no more than this, and doubtless its literary expression was dominated by conventions. But the love of Dante for Beatrice, as expressed in the Vita Nuova, is certainly not merely conventional ; I should say, on the contrary, that it is an emotion more passionate than any known to most moderns. The nobler spirits of the Middle Ages thought ill of this terrestrial life ; our human instincts were to them the products of corruption and original sin; they hated the body and its lusts; pure joy was to them only possible in ecstatic contemplation of a kind that seemed to them free from all sexual alloy. In the sphere of love, this outlook could not but produce the kind of attitude which we find in Dante. A man who deeply loved and respected a woman would find it impossible to associate with her the idea of sexual intercourse, since all sexual intercourse would be to him more or less impure; his love would therefore take poetic and imaginative forms, and would naturally become filled with symbolism. The effect of all this upon literature was admirable, as may be seen in the gradual development of love poetry, from its beginning in the court of the Emperor Frederick II to its flowering in the Renaissance.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
