ラッセル『結婚論』第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.6

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.6:騎士道のロマンス

(注:if が省略され,倒置されていることに注意。「had the way not been prepared by chivalry」→「if the way had not been prepared by chivalry」)。

The age was one of extraordinary coarseness, but the kind of love advocated by the Romaunt of the Rose, while not virtuous in the priestly sense, is refined, gallant, and gentle. Such ideas were, of course, only for the aristocracy; they presupposed not only leisure, but a certain emancipation from ecclesiastical tyranny. Tournaments, in which motives of love were prominent, were abhorred by the Church, which however was powerless to suppress them; in like manner it could not suppress the system of knightly love. In our democratic age we are apt to forget what the world has owed at various times to aristocracies. Certainly in this matter of the revival of love the Renaissance could not have been so successful had the way not been prepared by chivalry.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.