
VIRTUE 西欧世界において,少年少女は,彼らの最も重要な社会的忠誠は,彼らが市民として所属する国家への忠誠であり,国家に対する義務は,政府の命令通りに行動することだ,と教えられる。この教義に疑問を抱かせないように,彼らは偽りの歴史や偽りの政治学や偽りの経済学を教えらえる。彼らは外国の過失は教えられるが,自国の過ちは知らされない。自国が関与してきた戦争は全て自衛のための戦争であり,他国が行った戦争は侵略戦争だと思うように仕向けられる。予期に反して、自国が他国を征服するときは,文明を広めるために,福音の光を灯すために,高い道徳や禁制やその他の同様な高貴なことを広めるためにそうしたのだと信じるように教育される。

Throughout the Western world boys and girls are taught that their most important social loyalty is to the State of which they are citizens, and that their duty to the State is to act as its government may direct. Lest they should question this doctrine, they are taught false history, false politics, false economics. They are informed of the misdeeds of foreign States, but not of the misdeeds of their own state. They are led to suppose that all the wars in which their own State has engaged are wars of defence, while the wars of foreign States are wars of aggression. They are taught to believe that when, contrary to expectation, their own country does conquer some foreign country, it does so in order to spread civilization, or the light of the gospel, or a lofty moral tone, or prohibition, or something else which is equally noble.
出典: Education and the Social Order, 1932, chap. 10:Patriotism in Education (George Allen and Unwin ed.) p.137.
