
序 論 n.1

scans_244, Thu Sep 08, 2011, 10:51:41 AM, 8C, 8568×10566, (105+773), 150%, bent 6 stops, 1/160 s, R50.7, G36.2, B47.9


私自身はどちらの学派の信奉者でもない。なぜなら,経済と性との相互の結びつきは,因果的効力(causal efficacy 因果作用)の点から見て,一方が他方よりも優位であることをはっきり示しているとは,私には思えないからである。たとえば,疑いもなく,産業革命は性道徳に深刻な影響を及ぼしてきたし,これからも及ぼすと思われるが,逆に,清教徒の性道徳は,心理的に見れば,産業革命の原因の一部(ひとつ)として不可欠であった


もし仮に,プラトンの『国家』に書かれているように,子供が両親からとりあげられて国家によって養育されるとしたら,生命保険だけでなく,私的な(個人的な)の貯蓄の大部分の形態はほとんど影を消してしまうであろう。すなわち,もしも,国家が父親の役割を引き受けるとしたら,事実上(ipso facto),国家が唯一の資本家になるだろう。徹底した共産主義者はしばしば逆の主張,即ち,もし,国家が唯一の資本家になるようであれば,我々の知っているような家族(形態)は生き残ることはできない,と主張してきた。たとえ,これは誇張しすぎだとしても,私有財産と家族との間に密接な関係があることは否定できないしかも,この関係は相互的なものであり,一方が原因で他方が結果である・と言うことはできない

In characterising a society, whether ancient or modem, there are two elements, rather closely interconected, which are of prime importance: one is the economic system, the other the family system. There are at the present day two influential schools of thought, one of which derives everything from an economic source, while the other derives everything from a family or sexual source, the former school that of Marx, the latter that of Freud. I do not myself adhere to either school, since the interconnection of economics and sex does not appear to me to show any clear primacy of the one over the other from the point of view of causal efficacy. For example: no doubt the industrial revolution has had and will have a profound influence upon sexual morals, but conversely the sexual virtue of the Puritans was psychologically necessary as a part cause of the industrial revolution. I am not prepared myself to assign primacy to either the economic or the sexual factor, nor in fact can they be separated with any clearness. Economics is concerned essentially with obtaining food, but food is seldom wanted among human beings solely for the benefit of the individual who obtains it; it is wanted for the sake of the family, and as the family system changes, economic motives also change. It must be obvious that not only life insurance but most forms of private saving would nearly cease if children were taken away from their parents and brought up by the state as in Plato’s Republic; that is to say, if the State were to adopt the role of the father, the State would, ipso facto, become the sole capitalist. Thoroughgoing Communists have often maintained the converse, that if the State is to be the sole capitalist, the family, as we have known it, cannot survive; and even if this is thought to go too far, it is impossible to deny an intimate connection between private property and the family, a connection which is reciprocal, so that we cannot say that one is cause and the other is effect.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.

Marriage and Morals (1929)には,『ラッセル幸福論』,及び『ラッセル教育論』とともに,岩波文庫に安藤貞雄氏による名訳があります。しかし,残念ながら,『ラッセル幸福論』『ラッセル教育論』ほど売れておらず,新刊書店で見かけることもほとんどありません。



Fifth: a piece of matter is a group of events connected by causal laws, namely, the causal laws of physics. A mind is a group of events connected by causal laws, namely, the causal laws of psychology. An event is not rendered either mental or material by any intrinsic quality, but only by its causal relations. It is perfectly possible for an event to have both the causal relations characteristic of physics and those characteristic of psychology. In that case, the event is both mental and material at once. There is no more difficulty about this than there is about a man being at once a baker and a father. Since we know nothing about the intrinsic quality of physical events except when these are mental events that we directly experience, we cannot say either that the physical world outside our heads is different from the mental world or that it is not. The supposed problem of the relations of mind and matter arises only through mistakenly treating both as “things” and not as groups of events. With the theory that I have been suggesting, the whole problem vanishes.
In favor of the theory that I have been advocating, the most important thing to be said is that it removes a mystery. Mystery is always annoying, and is usually due to lack of clear analysis. The relations of mind and matter have puzzled people for a long time, but if I am right they need puzzle people no longer.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)



(即ち)物理的空間(物的空間)知覚空間と異なり,因果的な近接(隣接)に基づいている。感覚による知覚の因果的近接性は,その直前に先行する物理的刺激,およびその刺激の直後に続く物理的反応とともにある。物理的空間における正確な位置は,単独の事象には属しておらず,古いスタイルの言語に固執すれば,物理学が一片の物質の瞬間的状態とみなすような事象群に属している。一つの思考とは事象群の一つであり,それらは,物理学の用途としては,脳の中のある領域とみなされる事象群(の一つ)であろう。思考が脳の中にあるというのは次のことを簡略化したものである。即ち,思考とは共在する事象の集まりであり,その集まりは,感覚印象(もしそれらが「思考群(思想)」と呼ばれるべきなら)の場合を除いて,心理学的空間の中に存在するという見解を,私は,提示(示唆)しているのではない(ということである)(注:単に物理的に眼などの生命体の感覚器官に刺激が届いただけなら,物理的空間の中に存在するが,その刺激を人間などが受け身ではなく積極的に知覚する場合には心理学的空間の中に存在すると考えられる,ということか? 感覚と知覚の違いがここにある)。

Fourth: if the foregoing is accepted there must be two sorts of space, one the sort of space which is known through experience, especially in my visual field, the other the sort of space that occurs in physics, which is known only by inference and is bound up with causal laws. Failure to distinguish these two kinds of space is a source of much confusion. I will take again the case of a physiologist who is examining someone else’s brain. Common sense supposes that he sees that brain and that what he sees is matter. Since what he sees is obviously quite different from what is being thought by the patient whom he is examining, people conclude that mind and matter are quite different things. Matter is what the physiologist sees, mind is what the patient is thinking. But this whole order of ideas, if I am right, is a mass of confusions. What the physiologist sees, if we mean by this something that he experiences, is an event in his own mind and has only an elaborate causal connection with the brain that he imagines himself to be seeing. This is obvious as soon as we think of physics. In the brain that he thinks he is seeing there are quantum transitions. These lead to emission of photons, the photons travel across the intervening space and hit the eye of the physiologist. They then cause complicated occurrences in the rods and cones, and a disturbance which travels along the optic nerve to the brain. When this disturbance reaches the brain, the physiologist has the experience which is called “seeing the other man’s brain.” If anything interferes with the causal chain, e.g. because the other man’s brain is in darkness, because the physiologist has closed his eyes, because the physiologist is blind, or because he has a bullet in the brain at the optic center, he does not have the experience called “seeing the other man’s brain.” Nor does the event occur at the same time as what he thinks he sees. In the case of terrestrial objects, the difference of time is negligible, but in the case of celestial objects it may be very large, even as much as millions of years. The relation of a visual experience to the physical object that common sense thinks it is seeing is thus indirect and causal, and there is no reason to suppose that close similarity between them that common sense imagines to exist. All this is connected with the two kinds of space that I wrote of a moment ago. I horrified all the philosophers by saying that their thoughts were in their heads. With one voice they assured me that they had no thoughts in their heads whatever, but politeness forbids me to accept this assurance. Perhaps, however, it might be well to explain exactly what I mean, since the remark is elliptical. Stated accurately, what I mean is as follows: physical space, unlike the space of perception, is based upon causal contiguity. The causal contiguities of sense perceptions are with the physical stimuli immediately preceding them and with the physical reactions immediately following them. Precise location in physical space belongs not to single events but to such groups of events as physics would regard as a momentary state of a piece of matter, if it indulged in such old-fashioned language. A thought is one of a group of events, such as will count for purposes of physics as a region in the brain. To say that a thought is in the brain is an abbreviation for the following: a thought is one of a group of compresent events, which group is a region in the brain. I am not suggesting that thoughts are in psychological space, except in the case of sense impressions (if these are to be called “thoughts”)
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)

たとえば 現在の宇宙は約138億光年前にビッグバンによって誕生したと言われている。そうして、我々は宇宙の果を直接見ることはできないが、宇宙の果からやってくる光や電波をとらえることによって、宇宙が誕生して間もないころの姿(映像)を我々は「見ることができる」。もちろん「見ることができる」といっても、私達が「見ている」のは130億光年以上もかかって、我々のところに到達した電波や光などのデータから構成されたものである。即ち、それは、我々の感覚器官が受容した刺激が我々の脳に届いて起こった脳内現象であり、130億光年前の宇宙の姿(のイメージ)であって、現在の宇宙の姿ではないのである。



Third: I should admit that there may be no such thing as a physical world distinct from my experiences, but I should point out that if the inferences which lead to matter are rejected, I ought also to reject the inferences which lead me to believe in my own mental past. I should point out further that no one sincerely rejects beliefs which only such inferences can justify. I therefore take it that there are events which I do not experience, although some things about some of these can be inferred from what I do experience. Except where mental phenomena are concerned, the inferences that I can make as to the external causes of my experiences are only as to structure, not as to quality. The inferences that are warranted are those to be found in theoretical physics; they are abstract and mathematical and give no indication whatever as to the intrinsic character of physical objects.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)

それから「集団の記憶」というものもある。語り続けられている歴史として、「シーザー(カエサル)がルビコン川を渡った」,そしてその時シーザーは「賽は投げられた」と言ったと伝えられている。それを疑う者はほとんどいない。 しかし、それは本当か? 今生きている人で当時生きていて目撃した人はまったくいないではないか!? 当時のビデオが残っているわけではない。
これには、古代ローマにシーザ(カエサル)という物理的存在があった(いた)という前提があり、必要である。これまでの検討で物理的存在が非常にあいまいになってきている。人間の心的現象はその物理的存在が前提になっている以上、物理的世界のようなものが存在しないのであれば、心的世界(心的過去)も存在するとは言えないのではないか? ということにならないか?


 第二に,直接体験(経験)される感覚的対象,即ち,我々が椅子やテーブルや太陽や月などを見るときに我々が見るものは,我々の精神の諸部分であって,我々が見ていると思っている物理的対象の全体あるいは部分(そのもの)ではない。(また)私が(今)言っているこの部分は新しいものではなく,バークリーから出て(に由来し),ヒュームによって補強されたものである。けれども,私がこの考えを支持するために使っている議論(論拠)は,厳密に言うとバークリーのもの(と同じ)ではない。多くの人が単一の対象を異なった角度から眺めれば,彼らの視覚的印象は,遠近法(laws of perspective)や,光の投射する仕方によって異なることを指摘したい。,従って,視覚的印象はいずれも,彼らのすべてが自分が見ていると思っている中立的な「物 “thing”」ではない(のである)。また,物理学は対象から発して我々の感覚器官に達する因果連鎖(causal chains)を信じこませることを,また,この因果連鎖の最後の(連鎖の)環が最初の環と正確に同じだったとすれば大変妙だということを,を指摘したい。(注:「link 環」というのは,たとえば,多くの丸い環(わ)を数珠つなぎしていったようなイメージ)

Second: sensible objects, as immediately experienced, that is to say, what we see when we see chairs and tables and the sun and the moon and so on, are parts of our minds and are not either the whole or part of the physical objects that we think we are seeing. This part of what I am saying is also not new. It comes from Berkeley, as reinforced by Hume. The arguments that I should use for it, however, are not exactly Berkeley’s. I should point out that if a number of people look at a single object from different points of view, their visual impressions differ according to the laws of perspective and according to the way the light falls. Therefore no one of the visual impressions is that neutral “thing” which all think they are seeing. I should point out also that physics leads us to believe in causal chains, starting from objects and reaching our sense organs, and that it would be very odd if the last link in this causal chain were exactly like the first.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)



私が明らかにしようと試みてきた理論(説)は,人々が非常に誤解しやすいものであり,誤解される場合にはその説は馬鹿げたものになる(見える/思われる)ということを経験は示している(注:ラッセルが馬鹿げた・不合理なことを言っているように思われてしまう,ということ)。それゆえ,新しい言葉遣い(new wording)によってもっと明らかになるようにとの期待のもと,その主な点(論旨)について要約して述べてみよう。


Experience has shown me that the theory which I have been trying to set forth is one which people are very apt to misunderstand, and, as misunderstood, it becomes absurd. I will therefore recapitulate its main points in the hope that by means of new wording they may become less obscure.
First: the world is composed of events, not of things with changing states, or rather, everything that we have a right to say about the world can be said on the assumption that there are only events and not things. Things, as opposed to events, are an unnecessary hypothesis. This part of what I have to say is not exactly new, since it was said by Heraclitus. His view, however, annoyed Plato and has therefore ever since been considered not quite gentlemanly. In these democratic days this consideration need not frighten us. Two kinds of supposed entities are dissolved if we adopt the view of Heraclitus: on the one hand, persons, and on the other hand, material objects. Grammar suggests that you and I are more or less permanent entities with changing states, but the permanent entities are unnecessary, and the changing states suffice for saying all that we know on the matter. Exactly the same sort of thing applies to physical objects. If you go into a shop and buy a loaf of bread, you think that you have bought a “thing” which you can bring home with you. What you have in fact bought is a series of occurrences linked together by certain causal laws.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)




If this theory is right, certain kinds of connection between mind and brain are inescapable. Corresponding to memory, for example, there must be some physical modifying of the brain, and mental life must be connected with physical properties of the brain tissue. In fact, if we had more knowledge, the physical and psychological statements would be seen to be merely different ways of saying the same thing. The ancient question of the dependence of mind on brain, or brain on mind, is thus reduced to linguistic convenience. In cases where we know more about the brain it will be convenient to regard the mind as dependent, but in cases where we know more about the mind it will be convenient to regard the brain as dependent. In either case, the substantial facts are the same, and the difference is only as to the degree of our knowledge.
I do not think it can be laid down absolutely, if the above is right, that there can be no such thing as disembodied mind. There would be disembodied mind if there were groups of events connected according to the laws of psychology, but not according to the laws of physics. We readily believe that dead matter consists of groups of events arranged according to the laws of physics, but not according to the laws of psychology. And there seems no a priori reason why the opposite should not occur. We can say we have no empirical evidence of it, but more than this we cannot say.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)




If what I am saying is correct, the difference between mind and brain does not consist in the raw material of which they are composed, but in the manner of grouping. A mind and a piece of matter alike are to be considered as groups of events, or rather series of groups of events. The events that are grouped to make a given mind are, according to my theory, the very same events that are grouped to make its brain. Or perhaps it would be more correct to say that they are some of the events that make the brain. The important point is, that the difference between mind and brain is not a difference of quality, but a difference of arrangement. It is like the difference between arranging people in geographical order or in alphabetical order, both of which are done in the post office directory. The same people are arranged in both cases, but in quite different contexts. In like manner the context of a visual sensation for physics is physical, and outside the brain. Going backward, it takes you to the eye, and thence to a photon and thence to a quantum transition in some distant object. The context of the visual sensation for psychology is quite different. Suppose, for example, the visual sensation is that of a telegram saying that you are ruined. A number of events will take place in your mind in accordance with the laws of psychological causation, and it may be quite a long time before there is any purely physical effect, such as tearing your hair, or exclaiming “Woe is me!”
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)



 私は,デカルト学派によって前進された対応説(注:theory of correspondence 精神と物質/心と物との間に因果関係はないが,両者は同時並行=対応しているとの説=理論)よりも好んでいる理論(説)を,証明可能ではないけれども,単純かつ統一的な仮説として,提出したい。
 この見解を拒否するために,自然に(当然のように)思い浮ぶ理由は,物質的対象を視覚や触覚において(見たり触ったりして)経験する対象と混同することに依存している。後者は,あなたの精神の一部分である(注:物的対象そのものではなく,その物的対象から発せられた光がその人の目に達し,視神経を通ってその人の脳で再構成された心的現象である)。普通の(常識的な/日常的な)言語を使ってよいならば,今この瞬間において,私は自分の部屋の家具や,風にゆらぐ木々や,家々,雲,青空,それから太陽を見ることができる(と言うことができる)(注:厳密な科学言語で言わなければいけないとしたら,このようには言えない)。(私の/我々の)常識は,これら全ての物は私の外(部)に存在していると想像する。これら全ての物は,私の外部にある物理的対象と因果的に結合している(因果関係にある)と私は信じているが,物理的対象が,重要な点で私が直接的に経験するものと異なっていなければならない(異なっているに違いない)ということを悟るやいなや,また私が物理的対象から出て私の感覚が起る(感覚器官で受け取る)以前に私の脳に達する因果の連鎖(因果関係)を説明するやいなや,物理的因果関係の見地から,私は直接に経験した感覚対象が,私の脳の中にあって(私の)外の世界にないことを知る(注:つまり,脳内現象に過ぎないということ)。カントは,星の満ちた天と(人間の)道徳律とを一緒にしたが,両者とも(彼の/人間の)脳の虚構物(figments 産物/作り事)であるゆえに,彼の考えは正しかった

I wish to suggest, as a hypothesis which is simple and unifying though not demonstrable, a theory which I prefer to that of correspondence advanced by the Cartesians. We have agreed that mind and matter alike consist of series of events. We have also agreed that we know nothing about the events that make matter, except their space-time structure. What I suggest is that the events that make a living brain are actually identical with those that make the corresponding mind. All the reasons that will naturally occur to you for rejecting this view depend upon confusing material objects with those that you experience in sight and touch. These latter are parts of your mind. I can see, at the moment, if I allow myself to talk the language of common sense, the furniture of my room, the trees waving in the wind, houses, clouds, blue sky, and sun. All these common sense imagines to be outside me. All these I believe to be causally connected with physical objects which are outside me, but as soon as I realize that the physical objects must differ in important ways from what I directly experience, and as soon as I take account of the causal trains that proceed from the physical object to my brain before my sensations occur, I see that from the point of view of physical causation the immediately experienced objects of sense are in my brain and not in the outer world. Kant was right to put the starry heavens and the moral law together, since both were figments of his brain.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)

それでは、「感覚を持つ生命体」がまったく存在しない宇宙とはどんなものであろうか? 今我々が見ているような生命や物質にあふれた宇宙ではなく、量子が充満し、ある場所ではそれらの濃度が濃く、ある場所ではそれらの濃度が薄い、カオス宇宙にすぎないのであろうか?


生理学者の中には,まだ,顕微鏡を通して脳の組織(そのもの)を見ることができると想像している者がいる。もちろん,これは楽天主義的な幻想である。あなたが椅子を見ていると思うとき,量子遷移を見ている(量子遷移が見えている)わけではない。あなたは,物理的椅子との非常に長くて複雑な因果的関係(因果的連鎖) -(即ち)光子(光のエネルギーが目に届き),(網膜内の)桿体と錐体(rods and cones),視神経を通って脳に至る関係(つながり) -を有している経験を持っている。これらのすべての段階は,あなたが「椅子を見る」という視覚経験を持つためには必要なものである。あなたは目を閉じることによって光子(の衝突)を止める(目に対する刺激を止める)ことができるだろう。視神経は切断できるであろう。脳の(視覚に対応する)適切な部分(該当部分)は,弾丸によって(弾丸を脳に撃ちこめば)壊せるであろう。もしこれらのいずれかのものが起れば,あなたは「椅子を見る」ことはないであろう。

We have not yet learned to talk about the human brain in the accurate language of quantum physics. Indeed we know too little about it for this language to be necessary. The chief relevance, to our problem, of the mysteries of quantum physics consists in their showing us how very little we know about matter, and, in particular, about human brains. Some physiologists still imagine that they can look through a microscope and see brain tissues. This, of course, is an optimistic delusion. When you think that you look at a chair, you do not see quantum transitions. You have an experience which has a very lengthy and elaborate causal connection with the physical chair, a connection proceeding through photons, rods and cones, and optic nerve to the brain. All these stages are necessary if you are to have the visual experience which is called “seeing the chair.” You may stop the photons by closing your eyes, the optic nerve may be severed, or the appropriate part of the brain may be destroyed by a bullet. If any of these things has happened you will not “see the chair.” Similar considerations apply to the brain that the physiologist thinks he is examining. There is an experience in him which has a remote causal connection with the brain that he thinks he is seeing. He can only know concerning that brain such elements of structure as will be reproduced in his visual sensation. Concerning properties that are not structural, he can know nothing whatever. He has no right to say that the contents of a brain are different from those of the mind that goes with it. If it is a living brain, he has evidence through testimony and analogy that there is a mind that goes with it. If it is a dead brain, evidence is lacking either way.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)

