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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル結婚論 序論 経済制度と家族制度 (松下彰良・訳)

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序論 - どのような性道徳が最良か?

 社会の性道徳は、いくつかの層から成っていることが見出される(わかる)であろう。まず、法律に成文化されている明確な制度(positive institutions)がある。たとえば、一夫一婦制の国(国々)もあれば、一夫多妻制の国(国々)もある、というようなことである。次に、法律は干渉しないが世論が勢いのある層がある。そして最後に、理論上はたとえそうでないとしても(if not = even if not)、実際上は個人の裁量(思慮分別)にまかされている層がある。


(掲載日:2016.05.24/更新日: )


The sexual morals of the community will be found to consist of several layers. There are first the positive institutions embodied in law; such, for example, as monogamy in some countries and polygamy in othersT. Next there is a layer where law does not intervene but public opinion is emphatic. And lastly there is a layer which is left to individual discretion, in practice if not in theory. There is no country in the world and there has been no age in the world's history where sexual ethics and sexual institutions have been determined by rational considerations, with the exception of Soviet Russia. I do not mean to imply that the institutions of Soviet Russia are in this respect perfect; I mean only that they are not the outcome of superstition and tradition, as are, at least in part, the institutions of all other countries in all ages. The problem of determining what sexual morality would be best from the point of view of general happiness and well-being is an extremely complicated one, and the answer will vary according to a number of circumstances. It will be different in an industrially advanced community from what it would be in a primitive agricultural regime. It will be different where medical science and hygiene are effective in producing a low death-rate from what it would be where plagues and pestilences carry away a large proportion of the population before it becomes adult. Perhaps when we know more, we shall be able to say that the best sexual ethic will be diffrerent in one climate from what it would be in another, and different again with one kind of diet from what it would be with another.