序 論 n.1

私自身はどちらの学派の信奉者でもない。なぜなら,経済と性との相互の結びつきは,因果的効力(causal efficacy 因果作用)の点から見て,一方が他方よりも優位であることをはっきり示しているとは,私には思えないからである。たとえば,疑いもなく,産業革命は性道徳に深刻な影響を及ぼしてきたし,これからも及ぼすと思われるが,逆に,清教徒の性道徳は,心理的に見れば,産業革命の原因の一部(ひとつ)として不可欠であった。
もし仮に,プラトンの『国家』に書かれているように,子供が両親からとりあげられて国家によって養育されるとしたら,生命保険だけでなく,私的な(個人的な)の貯蓄の大部分の形態はほとんど影を消してしまうであろう。すなわち,もしも,国家が父親の役割を引き受けるとしたら,事実上(ipso facto),国家が唯一の資本家になるだろう。徹底した共産主義者はしばしば逆の主張,即ち,もし,国家が唯一の資本家になるようであれば,我々の知っているような家族(形態)は生き残ることはできない,と主張してきた。たとえ,これは誇張しすぎだとしても,私有財産と家族との間に密接な関係があることは否定できない。しかも,この関係は相互的なものであり,一方が原因で他方が結果である・と言うことはできない。
In characterising a society, whether ancient or modem, there are two elements, rather closely interconected, which are of prime importance: one is the economic system, the other the family system. There are at the present day two influential schools of thought, one of which derives everything from an economic source, while the other derives everything from a family or sexual source, the former school that of Marx, the latter that of Freud. I do not myself adhere to either school, since the interconnection of economics and sex does not appear to me to show any clear primacy of the one over the other from the point of view of causal efficacy. For example: no doubt the industrial revolution has had and will have a profound influence upon sexual morals, but conversely the sexual virtue of the Puritans was psychologically necessary as a part cause of the industrial revolution. I am not prepared myself to assign primacy to either the economic or the sexual factor, nor in fact can they be separated with any clearness. Economics is concerned essentially with obtaining food, but food is seldom wanted among human beings solely for the benefit of the individual who obtains it; it is wanted for the sake of the family, and as the family system changes, economic motives also change. It must be obvious that not only life insurance but most forms of private saving would nearly cease if children were taken away from their parents and brought up by the state as in Plato’s Republic; that is to say, if the State were to adopt the role of the father, the State would, ipso facto, become the sole capitalist. Thoroughgoing Communists have often maintained the converse, that if the State is to be the sole capitalist, the family, as we have known it, cannot survive; and even if this is thought to go too far, it is impossible to deny an intimate connection between private property and the family, a connection which is reciprocal, so that we cannot say that one is cause and the other is effect.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.
Marriage and Morals (1929)には,『ラッセル幸福論』,及び『ラッセル教育論』とともに,岩波文庫に安藤貞雄氏による名訳があります。しかし,残念ながら,『ラッセル幸福論』『ラッセル教育論』ほど売れておらず,新刊書店で見かけることもほとんどありません。