
 両親が亡くなっていたので,祖父(英国首相に2度就任)の晩年の二年間,私は祖父の家(注:Pembroke Lodge)で過ごした。この時期のちょうど(even)最初(の頃)から彼の体力はかなり損なわれた(減じた)。彼が(庭の散歩のために)病人用の幌付き車椅子(a Bath chair :大文字になっていることに注意)に載せられて移動するところや,自分の居室で坐って本を読んでいる光景を覚えている。私が記憶しているのは,-もちろんその頃の私の記憶は覚束ないものであるが-,祖父が大広間の壁全体を覆う製本された報告書を(とり出して)読んでいる姿(光景)である。その頃彼は,1876年の 露土戦争に関連した政治活動を熟慮していた。しかし健康がすぐれないためにそれは不可能になった。

As my parents were dead, I lived in my grandfather’s house during the last two years of his life. Even at the beginning of this time his physical powers were much impaired. I remember him out of doors being wheeled in a Bath chair, and I remember him sitting reading in his sitting room. My recollection, which is of course unreliable, is that he was always reading Parliamentary Reports of which bound volumes covered all the walls of the large hall. At the time to which this recollection refers, he was contemplating action connected with the Russo-Turkish War of 1876, but ill health made that impossible.
In public life he was often accused of coldness, but at home he was warm and affectionate and kindly in the highest degree. He liked children, and I do not remember any single occasion when he told me not to make a noise or said any of the other repressive things that old people are apt to say to the very young. He was a good linguist and had no difficulty in making speeches in French or Spanish or Italian. He used to sit shaking with laughter over Don Quixote in the original. Like all Liberals of his time he had a romantic love of Italy, and the Italian Government gave him a large statue representing Italy, to express their gratitude for his services in the cause of Italian unity. This statue always stood in his sitting room and greatly interested me.
出典: Lord John Russell (1952).



 ・・・祖父の最大の業績(功績)は,英国を完全な民主主義への軌道に乗せたところの1832年の(第一次)選挙法改正案を通過させたことである。この法案に対するトーリー党側の反対は大変なもので,ほとんど内乱までゆきそうだった。当時の衝突は,英国における反動派と進歩派との間の決定的な闘いだった。英国を革命から救ったのはこの闘いにおける平和的な勝利であった。そうして,この勝利を確保するためにもっともカを尽したのは私の祖父であった。彼は、その後長い政治生活を送り,二度英国首相になったが,重大な危機のときに決定的な指導を行う(指導的な役割を果たす)機会は二度とやってこなかった。彼は晩年にはある一点を除いては極めて穏健な自由主義であった。その一点というのは,宗教的見地からの政治参加資格制限に対する彼の憎悪であった。彼が若い頃,英国国教会に属していない人たちはすべて重大な政治的資格制限を受けた。特にユダヤ人たちは,キリスト教徒のみが行いうる宣誓によって,上下両院(国会)および多くの公職から排除された。1878年5月9日(ラッセルが6歳になろうとしていた時)彼が亡くなる数日前に,我が家(Pembroke Lodge)の前の芝生に多くの熱心な顔をした人たちが集っているのを眺めていたのを,私はいまだ活き活きと思い出す。彼らは歓呼の声をあげたので,私は何を祝っているのか尋ねた。(すると)彼らは指導的な非国教徒であり,彼らは祖父の最初の大事業,すなわち公職や議会から非国教徒をしめ出す審査法(Test Act)及び地方自治体令(Corporation Act)廃止50周年記念日に,祖父を祝福しているのだ,と告げられた。市民的及び宗教的自由への愛は,このような出来事や彼らを啓蒙した歴史を教えられることによって,私に強固にうえつけられた。この感情は,左右両方(左翼及び右翼両方)の私の多くの友人を等しく誘惑した多様な全体主義体制を通して生き残ってきたのである。

His ( = Russell’s grandfather’s) greatest achievement was the carrying of the Reform Bill in 1832, which started Britain on the course that led to complete democracy. The opposition to this Bill on the part of the Tories was very violent and almost led to civil war. The clash at this time was the decisive battle between reactionaries and progressives in England. It was the peaceful victory in this battle that saved England from revolution, and it was my grandfather who did most to secure the victory. He had after this a long career in politics and was twice Prime Minister, but did not again have the opportunity to lead decisively at a great crisis. In his later years he was only moderately liberal, except in one respect, and that was his hatred of religious disabilities. When he was a young man all who were not members of the Church of England suffered grave political disabilities. Jews especially were excluded from both Houses of Parliament and from many offices by means of an oath which only Christians could take. I still remember vividly seeing a large gathering of earnest men on the lawn in front of our house on May 9, 1878, when he was within a few days of his death. They cheered, and I naturally inquired what they were cheering about. I was told that they were leading nonconformists congratulating him on the fiftieth anniversary of his first great achievement, the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, which excluded nonconformists from office and Parliament. The love of civil and religious liberty was very firmly implanted in me by such incidents and by the teaching of history that illuminated them. This feeling has survived through the various totalitarian regimes that have seduced many of my friends of the Right and of the Left equally.
出典: Lord John Russell (1952).


共産主義の拡大は 世界の貧困格差及び憎悪の解消によってを防ぐ

 共産主義の害悪に圧倒されて(重圧感を感じ),これらの害悪と戦う唯一の効果的な方法は世界戦争(による方法)しかないという結論に到達する人々がいる。私はこれを聞達っていると考える。一時期,そのような政策が可能だったかもしれないが,現在では戦争は非常に恐ろしいものとなっており,世界戦争後に何が残るかを誰も答えられないほど共産主義は強力なものになっており,また,何が後に残ったとしてもそれは,多分,少くとも現在の共産主義と同じくらい悪いものであるだろう。この予測は,たとえどちらかが勝利するとしても(if = even if),どちらかが名目的に勝つかどうかということには依存していない。それはただ水素爆弾やコバルト爆弾や,極めて巧妙に伝播させられた悪疫(注:生物化学兵器によるもの?)による大量破壊の不可避的な効果だけに依存している。共産主義と闘う道は戦争ではない。共産主義者たちが西欧を攻撃するのを阻止するであろう武力(軍備)に加えて必要なものは,非共産主義世界のあまり豊かでない地域における不満の理由(根拠)を減らすことである。アジアの大部分の国において,西欧にそうする力がある限り,西欧が減らさなければならない赤貧がある。また何世紀にも渡るヨーロッパ(諸国)の傲慢な支配によって引き起こされた激しい苦痛がある。これは,アジアに生き残っている白人支配の歴史的遺物を放棄するという劇的な声明を伴った忍耐強い臨機応変の才との組み合わせによって(と合わせて)処理されるべきである。共産主義は,貧困や憎悪や闘争によって育まれた信条である。その拡大は貧困と憎悪の地域を減少させることによってのみ阻止できるのである。

There are those who, oppressed by the evils of Communism, are led to the conclusion that the only effective way to combat these evils is by means of a world war. I think this a mistake. At one time such a policy might have been possible, but now war has become so terrible and Communism has become so powerful that no one can tell what would be left after a world war, and whatever might be left would probably be at least as bad as present-day Communism. This forecast does not depend upon which side, if either, is nominally victorious. It depends only upon the inevitable effects of mass destruction by means of hydrogen and cobalt bombs and perhaps of ingeniously propagated plagues. The way to combat Communism is not war. What is needed in addition to such armaments as will deter Communists from attacking the West, is a diminution of the grounds for discontent in the less prosperous parts of the non-Communist world. In most of the countries of Asia, there is abject poverty which the West ought to alleviate as far as it lies in its power to do so. There is also a great bitterness which was caused by the centuries of European insolent domination in Asia. This ought to be dealt with by a combination of patient tact with dramatic announcements renouncing such relics of white domination as survive in Asia. Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife. Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of poverty and hatred.
出典: Why I Oppose Communism? (1954).



 私は常にマルクスに不賛成だった。彼に対する私の最初の敵対的批判は,1896年に出版された(注:ラッセルが24歳の時に出した German Socila Democracy, 1896 のこと)。しかし,私の現代の共産主義に対する批判は,マルクスに対する批判よりも,ずっと深い。私が(現代の共産主義について)特に悲惨だと思ったのは,民主主義の放棄である。秘密警察(注:KGBやCIAや,戦前日本の特高,今の公安調査庁?)の活動によって権力を維持している少数者は,残忍かつ抑圧的かつ反啓蒙主義者(的態度)にならざるをえない。無責任な権力の危険性は,18世紀と19世紀のうちに広く認識されるようになったが,ソヴィエト連邦の表面的な成功に幻惑された人たちは,絶対君主制の時代に苦しい経験を通して学びとられたことをすべて忘れ,自分たちは進歩の前衛だという奇妙な錯覚のもとに,中世における最悪の事態に戻ってしまっている。

時が経過するにつれて,ロシアの政治体制がもっと自由になるであろう徴候は存在している(注:スターリンが1953年3月に亡くなり,フルシチョフが後を継いだことなど)しかし,その可能性はあってもとても心もとない(確かであるとはとても言えない状況である)。それまでの間(in the meantime 自由な体制になるまでの間),芸術や科学だけでなく,日々のパン(食料)が十分であること,また,子供が先生に不注意なことを言ったがためにシベリアの荒野での強制労働にやられるような恐怖からの自由,を高く評価する者はみな,各自の国で,より奴隷的でなくもっと豊かな生活様式を確保するために各自ができることをしなければならない。

I have always disagreed with Marx. My first hostile criticism of him was published in 1896. But my objections to modern Communism go deeper than my objections to Marx. It is the abandonment of democracy that I find particularly disastrous. A minority resting its power upon the activities of a secret police is bound to be cruel, oppressive and obscurantist. The dangers of irresponsible power came to be generally recognized during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but those who have been dazzled by the outward success of the Soviet Union have forgotten all that was painfully learned during the days of absolute monarchy, and have gone back to what was worst in the Middle Ages under the curious delusion that they were in the vanguard of progress. There are signs that in course of time the Russian regime will become more liberal. But, although this is possible, it is very far from certain. In the meantime, all those who value not only art and science but a sufficiency of daily bread and freedom from the fear that a careless word by their children to a schoolteacher may condemn them to forced labor in a Siberian wilderness, must do what lies in their power to preserve in their own countries a less servile and more prosperous manner of life.
出典: Why I Oppose Communism? (1954).


プロレタリアート独裁 → 小さな委員会による独裁 → スターリン独裁


Marx’s doctrine was bad enough, but the developments which it underwent under Lenin and Stalin made it much worse. Marx had taught that there would be a revolutionary transitional period following the victory of the Proletariat in a civil war and that during this period the Proletariat, in accordance with the usual practice after a civil war, would deprive its vanquished enemies of political power. This period was to be that of the dictatorship of the Proletariat. It should not be forgotten that in Marx’s prophetic vision the victory of the Proletariat was to come after it had grown to be the vast majority of the population. The dictatorship of the Proletariat therefore as conceived by Marx was not essentially antidemocratic. In the Russia of 1917, however, the Proletariat was a small percentage of the population, the great majority being peasants. It was decreed that the Bolshevik party was the class-conscious part of the Proletariat, and that a small committee of its leaders was the class-conscious part of the Bolshevik party. The dictatorship of the Proletariat thus came to be the dictatorship of a small committee, and ultimately of one man Stalin. As the sole class-conscious Proletarian, Stalin condemned millions of peasants to death by starvation and millions of others to forced labor in concentration camps. He even went so far as to decree that the laws of heredity are henceforth to be different from what they used to be, and that the germ plasm is to obey Soviet decrees but not that reactionary priest Mendel. I am completely at a loss to understand how it came about that some people who are both humane and intelligent could find something to admire in the vast slave camp produced by Stalin.
出典: Why I Oppose Communism? (1954).
