
人間の行動は,知的に疑わしい事柄に対する何らかの決断と,ほとんど必然的に結びついている。牧師は,神学について公平(利害関係なし)でいることはできないし,軍人は戦争について公平でいることはできない。弁護士(注:事務弁護士ではなく法廷弁護士)は 犯罪者が最高(高額の)の弁護料を支払える場合は別として 犯罪者が罰せられるのは当然だと考えるに決まっている。教師は,自分の受けた訓練と経験からして自分に向いている特定の教育制度を支持するだろう。政治家は,自分を一番役職(任務)につかせてくれそうな政党の主義主張を信じないわけにはいかない。
人間は,ひとたび自分の一生の職業を選んだからには,別の道を選んだほうがよかったのではないか(本当により良いという可能性はなかったかどうか)と始終考えているわけにはいかない。だから,おとなの生活においては,偏見のなさという資質は,-制約はなるべく少ないほうがよいけれども- 種々の制約を受けることになる。
LIBERTY しかし,若い時には,ウィリアム・ジェームズが言ういわゆる「強制された選択」ははるかに少ないので,「信じようとする意志」(注:W.ジェームズの著書のタイトル/一方,ラッセルには Will to Doubt という編集物がある。)を持つ機会も少ない。若い人たちは,あらゆる問題は未解決(open)であるとみなすように,また議論の結果,いかなる意見でも放棄することができるように、励ましてあげるべきである。こうした思想の自由の中には,行動については完全に自由であってはならない,ということが含意されている。カリブ海の冒険物語に刺激されて,(幼い)少年(boy)が海に乗り出すような自由は与えるべきではない。しかし,この少年の教育が続くかぎり,大学教授になるよりも海賊になるほうがいい,と考える自由は許されなければならない。(イラスト出典: Bertrand Russell’s Good Citizen’s Alphabet, 1953))

Open-mindedness is a quality which will always exist where desire for knowledge is genuine. It only fails where other desires have become entangled with the belief that we already know the truth. That is why it is so much commoner in youth than in later life. A man’s activities are almost necessarily bound up with some decision on an intellectually doubtful matter. A clergyman cannot be disinterested about theology, nor a soldier about war. A lawyer is bound to hold that criminals ought to be punished–unless they can afford a leading barrister’s fee. A schoolmaster will favour the particular system of education for which he is fitted by his training and experience. A politician can hardly help believing in the principles of the party which is most likely to give him office. When once a man has chosen his career he cannot be expected to be perpetually considering whether some other choice might not have been better. In later life, therefore, open-mindedness has its limitations, though they ought to be as few as possible. But in youth there are far fewer of what William James called “forced options”, and therefore there is less occasion for the “will to believe”. Young people ought to be encouraged to regard every question as open, and to be able to throw over any opinion as the result of an argument. It is implied in this freedom of thought that there should not be complete freedom of action. A boy must not be free to run off to sea under the influence of some story of adventure in the Spanish Main. But so long as his education continues he should be free to think that it is better to be a pirate than a professor.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles


tokuteihimitu_definition 政権側は,マスコミを支配下に置き、自分たちに都合の悪い情報はできるだけ流させないようにいろいろな手を打つ。一つには、「客観的な報道をすべきだ」という言い方で、権力を批判するマスコミおよびジャーナリストは、「偏向している」と批判したり、報道にあたるジャーナリストのスキャンダルを利用したり,時にはでっちあげたりして,マスコミの国民に対する影響力を削ごうとする。


DOKUSH57 しかし,ここで私は,最初に直面しなければならない議論にぷつかる。子供の好奇心が病的あるいは倒錯的なときにはどうするのか? 子供が猥褻なことや,虐待に関する記事に興味を持っている場合はどうするのか? 子供が他人の行為を詮索することだけに興味を示すとすれば,どうするのか? このような形の好奇心(まで)を奨励すべきなのか?

But at this point I shall be met by an argument which must be faced at the outset. What if a boy’s curiosity is morbid or perverted? What if he is interested in obscenity, or in accounts of tortures? What if he is only interested in prying into other people’s doings? Are such forms of curiosity to be encouraged? In answering this question we must make a distinction. Most emphatically, we are not to behave so that the boy’s curiosity shall continue to be limited to these directions. But it does not follow that we are to make him feel wicked for wishing to know about such things, or that we are to struggle to keep knowledge of them away from him. Almost always, the whole attraction of such knowledge consists in the fact that it is forbidden; in a certain number of cases it is connected with some pathological mental condition which needs medical treatment. But in no case is prohibition and moral horror the right treatment.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles



Albert-Einstein-Quote-Reads-too-Much 教育の目的は,生徒の観点からすればひとつには子どもの好奇心を満たしてあげること,ひとつには生徒が自ら好奇心を満たすために必要な技術を子どもに与えることにあるべきである。教師の観点からすれば子どものある種の実りある好奇心を刺激してあげることでもなければならない。

It is a bad thing for intelligence, and ultimately for character, to let instruction be influenced by moral considerations. It should not be thought that some knowledge is harmful and some ignorance is good. The knowledge which is imparted should be imparted for an intellectual purpose, not to prove some moral or political conclusion. The purpose of the teaching should be, from the pupil’s point of view, partly to satisfy his curiosity, partly to give him the skill required in order that he may be able to satisfy his curiosity for himself. From the teacher’s point of view there must also be the stimulation of certain fruitful kinds of curiosity. But there must never be discouragement of curiosity, even if it takes directions which lie outside the school curriculum altogether. I do not mean that the curriculum should be interrupted, but that the curiosity should be regarded as laudable, and the boy or girl should be told how to satisfy it after school hours, by means of books in the library, for example.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principle.

tumekomi-kyoiku 学習指導要領やカリキュラムで決められたことだけを教えるとか、正解のあるものだけ教えるということであってはならない。特に日本では、正解がなく、自分でいろいろ考えさせる教育が貧弱である。上位の学校へあがるための受験教育や受験勉強も大きく影響している。また、教科書検定制度の弊害も大きい。日本は科学技術は世界一流であっても、教育哲学や教育方法においては二流となっている。たとえITを駆使した授業・学習が増加していったとしても(「教育技術」が発達しても)、国家のための人材養成や論理的思考能力を養わない(いわば知性を軽視する)教育のままであるならば、日本国民の人間力は向上しないであろう。そうして、「日本スゴイですね」と自画自賛する国民を量産しかねない。

科学(の活用)と人類愛 - 科学は「善用」も「誤用」もできる


abe_under-control 科学によって現在私たちが手に入れつつある幼児の心を形成する力は,とても恐ろしい力を有しており,致命的な誤用(悪用)の可能性があるものである。もしも,その力が悪人の手に落ちたとしたら,気まぐれな(人間が制御できない)自然界よりもさらに残忍で残酷な世界を生み出すかもしれない。子供たちに宗教や愛国心や勇気,あるいは,共産主義やプロレタリア主義や革命的情熱を教えているとかの見せかけのもとに,子供たちは,頑迷で好戦的で残忍であるように教えこまれるかもしれない。教育は,愛によって鼓舞されなければならず,子供たちの中にある愛を解放することを目指さなければならない。さもなければ,教育は,科学的な技術の進歩とともに,より効果的に有害になっていくであろう(有害さを効率的に増していくだろう)。


aikoku-yochien だが,おかしなことに,別の形の愛情は欠けている。(即ち)子供たちのために面倒(世話)を惜しまない当の人びとが,その同じ子供たちを,大きくなった時に,集団的な狂気にほかならない戦争において死にさらそうとする情熱を育んでいるのである。子供のときから大人になるまで,愛情がしだいに広がっていくように願うのは,あまりにも多くを望むことになるのだろうか? 子供を愛する人びとは,子供が大人になっていく様子を,変わらない親としての配慮をもって見守ることを学ぶであろうか? 子供たちに強い体と活発な精神を与えたあとで,私たちは,彼らがこの強さと活力を使って,より良い世界を創り出せるようにしてあげるだろうか。それとも,彼らがこの仕事にとりかかるとき,私たちは,怖がってしりごみし,彼らを(昔のように)再び,隷属と(軍隊の)教練の中に陥れるのだろうか。


There is only one road to progress, in education as in other human affairs, and that is : Science wielded by love. Without science, love is powerless; without love, science is destructive. …
The power of moulding young minds which science is placing in our possession is a very terrible power, capable of deadly misuse; if it falls into the wrong hands, it may produce a world even more ruthless and cruel than the haphazard world of nature. Children may be taught to be bigoted, bellicose, and brutal, under the pretence that they are being taught religion, patriotism, and courage, or communism, proletarianism, and revolutionary ardour. The teaching must be inspired by love, and must aim at liberating love in the children. If not, it will become more efficiently harmful with every improvement in scientific technique. Love for children exists in the community as an effective force; this is shown by the lowering of the infant death-rate and the improvement of education. It is still far too weak, or our politicians, would not dare to sacrifice the life and happiness of innumerable children to their nefarious schemes of bloodshed and oppression ; but it exists and is increasing. Other forms of love, however, are strangely lacking. The very individuals who lavish care on children cherish passions which expose those same children, in later life, to death in wars which are mere collective insanities. Is it too much to hope that love may gradually be extended from the child to the man he will become? Will the lovers of children learn to follow their later years with something of the same parental solicitude? Having given them strong bodies and vigorous minds, shall we let them use their strength and vigour to create a better world? Or, when they turn to this work, shall we recoil in terror, and plunge them back into slavery and drill? Science is ready for either alternative ; the choice is between love and hate, though hate is disguised beneath all the fine phrases to which professional moralists do homage.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



abe_rekisi-netuzo_self-deception 即ち、人間にとって、愛なき科学も、科学(合理的思考)なき愛も、(人類にとって)どちらも危険である。狭量な国家主義の立場に立って、愛国主義を子供たちに吹き込み、子供を国家のためにつくす一兵卒としてはならない。



child-psychology セガン(E. O. Seguin ,1812-1880: 白痴研究で有名)の時代以来,幼児(たち)に対する教育方法の進歩は,ある面でまだ精神的に幼児である 白痴(知的障がい者)や精神薄弱者の研究に端を発していることは注目に値する。なぜ,こんな遠回りをする必要があったのか。私の信じるところでは,それは,精神病患者の愚鈍さは責められるべきものとも,また,折檻によって治せるものとも考えられなかったためである。(即ち)アーノルド博士のむち打ちの処方箋によって,こういう人たちの「怠けぐせ」が治されると考える人は,誰もいなかった。その結果,患者たちは,怒りをもってではなく,科学的に取り扱われた。(つまり)彼らが理解できないときでも,教育者は誰も,怒り狂ってどなりつけたり,自分のことを恥ずかしく思えと言ったりしなかったのである。
inequality 「道徳的な責任」という観念は,多くの害悪(の発生)に対して「責任がある」。二人の子供がいて,一人は好運にも保育園に入り,もう一人は取り残されて,楽になることのないスラム街での生活を送っているとしてみよう。もしも,後者の子供が大きくなって前者の子供よりも立派にならなかったとしたら,後者の子どもに「道徳的な責任がある」であろうか。もしも,無知と不注意のために息子をうまく教育できなかったとしたら,(その貧しい)親たちは,そのことに対して「道徳的な責任がある」のだろうか。

It is remarkable that, ever since the time of Seguin, progress in educational methods with young children has come from study of idiots and the feeble-minded, who are, in certain respects, still mentally infants. I believe the reason for the necessity of this detour was that the stupidities of mental patients were not regarded as blameworthy, or as curable by chastisement ; no one thought that Dr. Arnold’s recipe of flogging would cure their “laziness”. Consequently they were treated scientifically, not angrily; if they failed to understand, no irate pedagogue stormed at them and told them they ought to be ashamed of themselves. If people could have brought themselves to take a scientific instead of a moralizing attitude towards children, they could have discovered what is now known about the way to educate them without first having to study the mentally deficient. The conception of “moral responsibility” is “responsible” for much evil. Imagine two children, one of whom has the good fortune to be in a nursery school, while the other is left to unalleviated slum-life. Is the second child “morally responsible” if he grows up less admirable than the first? Are his parents “morally responsible” for the ignorance and carelessness which makes them unable to educate him? Are the rich “morally responsible” for the selfishness and stupidity which have been drilled into them at public schools, and which make them prefer their own foolish luxuries to the creation of a happy community? All are victims of circumstances ; all have had characters warped in infancy and intelligence stunted at school. No good purpose is served by choosing to regard them as “morally responsible”, and holding them up to reprobation because they have been less fortunate than they might have been.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



infants しかし,高等教育を受け,良心的で,あまり忙しくない親たちの場合でさえ,子供たちは,家庭においては,自分たちが必要とするものを保育園におけるほど多く得ることはできない。何よりもまず,同じ年の他の子供たちとの交友が得られない。家族が小人数の場合は、--そういう家族は普通そうであるが--,子供は過度に年長者の注目をあび,その結果,神経質かつおませ(早熟)になりやすい。その上,親たちは,(子どもとの)確実な接触(感)をあたえるところの,多数の子供を扱うという経験を持てない。また,金持ちのみが幼い子供にとって最適の空間と環境を用意することができる。そういうものも,一家族の子供たちのために私的に用意された場合,所有の誇りと優越感を生み出すだけであり,そういう感情は道徳的にはなはだしく有害である。以上のような理由で,どんなに裕福な親であっても,子供が二歳を過ぎてからは,適当な学校が家の近くにあるかぎり,少なくとも一日の何時間かは,子供をそういう学校へやるほうがよい。

nursery-school-infantBut even in the case of parents who are highly educated, conscientious, and not too busy, the children cannot get at home as much of what they need as in a nursery school. First and foremost, they do not get the companionship of other children of the same age. If the family is small, as such families usually are, the children may easily get too much attention from their elders, and may become nervy and precocious in consequence. Moreover, parents cannot have the experience of multitudes of children which gives a sure touch. And only the rich can provide the space and the environment that best suits young children. Such things, if provided privately for one family of children, produce pride of possession and a feeling of superiority, which are extraordinarily harmful morally. For all these reasons, I believe that even the best parents would do well to send their children to a suitable school from the age of two onwards, at least for part of the day–provided such a school existed in their neighbourhood.
* onwards = onward
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



 幼児を取り扱う新しく難しい技術を身につけるためにはそのための熟練と暇(時間)が必要であるが,親たちがそれを持ち合わせていることを期待できない。無教育な親たちの場合はこのことは明らかである。彼らは正しい方法を知らないし,たとえ教わったとしても(注: if = even if),納得しないままであろう。
fat-kid-eating-chips-watching-tv しかし,農夫や小売店主などの子供たちは,ほとんど全て,青白い不健康な顔をしており,元気がない。それは,彼らが食べ物では甘やかされ,遊びでは規制(抑制)されているからである。彼らは決して浜辺へ行かない。足をぬらすのは危険だ,と考えられているからである。彼らは,夏の一番暑い盛りにも,戸外では厚いウールの上着を着ている。彼らの遊びが騒々しい場合には,彼らのふるまいを「上品ぶったもの」にするためにいろんな処置が講じられる。しかし,彼らは夜遅くまで起きていることを許されており,また、おとなの食べるありとあらゆる不健康な食べ物を少しずつ与えられる。

too-much-tv-watching-and-lack-of-exerciseParents cannot be expected to possess the skill or the leisure required for the new and difficult art of dealing with young children. In the case of uneducated parents, this is obvious ; they do not know the right methods, and if they were taught them they would remain unconvinced. I live in an agricultural district by the sea, where fresh food is easy to obtain, and there are no extremes of heat or cold; I chose it largely because it is ideal for children’s health. Yet almost all the children of the farmers, shopkeepers, and so on, are pasty-faced, languid creatures because they are indulged in food and disciplined in play. They never go to the beach, because wet feet are thought dangerous. They wear thick woollen coats out-of-doors, even in the hottest summer weather. If their play is noisy, steps are taken to make their behaviour “genteel”. But they are allowed to stay up late, and are given all kinds of unwholesome tit-bits of grown-up food. Their parents cannot understand why my children have not died of cold and exposure long ago ; but no object lesson will convince them that their own methods are capable of improvement. They are neither poor nor lacking in parental affection, but they are obstinately ignorant owing to bad education. In the case of town parents who are poor and overworked, the evils are, of course, far greater.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



幼児の心と身体 - 親には知恵と気配りが必要

how-to-help-a-frightened-child たとえば,子どもが恐怖(心)を持てば子供の呼吸を困難にし,呼吸が困難だと,子供は種々の病気にかかりやすくなる。こういった相互関係はとても多数見られるので,誰であれ,いくらか医学的な知識がないと子供の性格を首尾よく作りあげることは望めないし,また,いくらか心理学的な知識がないと子どもの健康をうまく管理することは望めない。 このどちらの面においても,必要な知識の大部分はごく新しいものであり,その多くは古くからの(由緒ある)伝統に反するものである。

wise-familyTo begin with, early childhood is of immeasurable importance both medically and psychologically. These two aspects are very closely intertwined. For example : fear will make a child breathe badly, and breathing badly will predispose it to a variety of diseases. 【note: On this Subject cf. The Nursery School, by Margaret McMillan (Dent, I9I9), P. I97 ; The Camp School, by the same author (George Allen and Unwin, Ltd,)】 Such interrelations are so numerous that no one can hope to succeed with a child’s character without some medical knowledge, or with its health without some psychology. In both directions, most of the knowledge required is very new, and much of it runs counter to time-honoured traditions. Take, for example, the question of discipline. The great principle in a contest with a child is : do not yield, but do not punish. The normal parent sometimes yields for the sake of a quiet life, and sometimes punishes from exasperation ; the right method, to be successful, requires a difficult combination of, patience and power of suggestion. This is a psychological example; fresh air is a medical example. Given care and wisdom, children profit by constant fresh air, day and night, with not too much clothing. But if care and wisdom are absent, the risk of chills from wet or sudden cold cannot be ignored.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



sexual_curiosity_in-child 性的な好奇心は,普通,生後三年目頃に,男女の身体上の相違,及び,おとなと子供の身体上の相違についての興味の形で始まる。生来,この性的な好奇心は,幼年期初期においては,特別な性質を有しておらず,単に一般的な好奇心の一部にすぎない。旧式の育て方をされつつある子供に見られる性的好奇心に特別な性質があるのは,おとなが性を秘密(謎)のままにしておこうとするからである。まったく秘密にしなければ,好奇心は満たされると,すぐに消えてしまう。子供は,初めから,自然な状況のもとでは,裸の両親や兄や姉を見ることを許されるべきである。いずれにしても,騒ぎ立ててはならない。即ち,人びとが人間の裸についていろいろな感情を持っていることを,子供に知らせてはいけない。(もちろん,大きくなれば,知らなければならないだろう。)やがて子供は,父親と母親との違いに気づきその違いを兄と姉の違いに結びつける,ということがわかるだろう。しかし,この性的好奇心の問題も,この程度まで探求されると,開けっ放しになっている食器棚のように,すぐに興味をそそらなくなる。もちろん,この時期に子供が性についてどんな質問をしても,ほかの話題に関する質問とまったく同様に,答えてあげなければならない。

MARIAGESexual curiosity normally begins during the third year, in the shape of an interest in the physical differences between men and women, and between adults and children. By nature this curiosity has no special quality in early childhood, but is simply a part of general curiosity. The special quality which it is found to have in children who are being conventionally brought up is due to the grown-up practice of making mysteries. When there is no mystery, the curiosity dies down as soon as it is satisfied. A child should, from the first, be allowed to see his parents and brothers and sisters without their clothes whenever it so happens naturally. No fuss should be made either way ; he should simply not know that people have feelings about nudity. (Of course, later on he will have to know.) It will be found that the child presently notices the differences between his father and mother, and connects them with the differences between brothers and sisters. But as soon as the subject has been explored to this extent it becomes uninteresting, like a cupboard that is often open. Of course, any questions the child may ask during this period must be answered just as questions on other topics would be answered.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education


恐怖(心)は憎しみを生みやすい- 勇気が必要な理由


GREEDY-S 恐怖(心)は,意識的であれ,無意識的であれ,憎しみを生みやすい。なぜなら,他人は,自分に危害を加えることができる者(可能性のある者)とみなされているからである。

Fears, conscious or unconscious, are very apt to produce hatred, because other people are regarded as capable of inflicting injuries. With most people, as things are, envy is a barrier to widespread affection. I do not think envy can be prevented except by happiness; moral discipline is powerless to touch its sub-conscious forms. Happiness, in turn, is largely prevented by fear. Young people who have a chance of happiness are deterred by parents and “friends”, nominally on moral grounds, but really from envy. If the young people have enough fearlessness they will ignore the croakers; otherwise they will allow themselves to be made miserable, and join the company of envious moralists. The education of character that we have been considering is designed to produce happiness and courage; I think, therefore, that it does what is possible to liberate the springs of affection. More than this cannot be done. If you tell children that they ought to be affectionate, you run the risk of producing cant and humbug. But if you make them happy and free, if you surround them with kindness, you will find that they become spontaneously friendly with everybody, and that almost everybody responds by being friendly with them. A trustful affectionate disposition justifies itself, because it gives irresistible charm, and creates the response which it expects. This is one of the most important results to be expected from the right education of character.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

abe_japan's-media_quailing 特に、汚職や嘘などの権力者の腐敗が明らかになり、政権基盤があやうくなった時には必ずといってよいほど、その傾向が強くなる。
