
power_of_concentration 完全な集中力を見分ける(区別する)性質は,三つある。すなわち,それは強烈で,持続的で,自発的でなければならない。・・・中略・・・。

Power of concentration is a very valuable quality, which few people acquire except through education. It is true that it grows naturally, to a considerable extent, as young people get older; very young infants seldom think of any one thing for more than a few minutes, but with every year that passes their attention grows less volatile until they are adult. Nevertheless, they are hardly likely to acquire enough concentration without a long period of intellectual education. There are three qualities which distinguish perfect concentration : it should be intense, prolonged, and voluntary. … To be able to concentrate on the same matter for a considerable time is essential to difficult achievement, and even to the understanding of any complicated or abstruse subject. A profound spontaneous interest brings this about naturally, so far as the object of interest is concerned. Most people can concentrate on a mechanical puzzle for a long time ; but this is not in itself very useful. To be really valuable, the concentration must also be within the control of the will. By this I mean that, even where some piece of knowledge is uninteresting in itself, a man can force himself to acquire it if he has an adequate motive for doing so. I think it is above all the control of attention by the will that is conferred by higher education. In this one respect an old-fashioned education is admirable ; I doubt whether modern methods are as successful in teaching a man to endure voluntary boredom. However, if this defect does exist in modern educational practice it is by no means irremediable. The matter is one to which I shall return later.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles

ichioku-sozange 政治家は、国民「一億総活躍」してくれることを望むしかし、閣僚や与党関係者の腐敗や権力乱用に対し、持続的にしつこく追求することを望まず、政府に従順であることを期待する。(そのような集中力は望まない。)


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