保育園が望ましい理由(松下彰良 訳)
まず第一に,幼年期初期は,医学的にも心理学的にも,はかり知れないほど重要である。この二つの側面は,とても密接にからみ合っている。たとえば,子どもが恐怖(心)を持てば子供の呼吸を困難にし,呼吸が困難だと,子供は種々の病気にかかりやすくなる(原注:この主題については,マーガレット・マクラン『保育園』(1919年),p.149,同『野外学校』(1917)参照)。こういった相互関係はとても多数見られるので,誰であれ,いくらか医学的な知識がないと子供の性格を首尾よく作りあげることは望めないし,また,いくらか心理学的な知識がないと子どもの健康をうまく管理することは望めない。このどちらの面においても,必要な知識の大部分はごく新しいものであり,その多くは古くからの(由緒ある)伝統に反するものである。たとえば,躾け(しつけ)の問題をとりあげてみよう。子供との闘いにおける大原則は,降参するな,しかし罰するな,である。普通の親は,静かな生活を望むために時に降参し,かっとして時に罰する。正しい方法が成功するためには,忍耐心と暗示する能力との難しい組み合せが必要である。これは,心理学の例であり,新鮮な空気の問題は,医学の例である。気配りと知恵があれば,あまり厚着をしないで,昼夜絶えず新鮮な空気に触れることは,子供のためになる。しかし,気配りと知恵がなければ,湿気や突然の寒さ(冷気)のために体が冷えて(風邪をひいて)しまう危険も無視できない。 |
Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap.13 nursery schoolIn previous chapters I have tried to give an outline of what can be done for the young child in the way of creating the habits which will give happiness and usefulness in later life. But I have not discussed the question whether parents are to give this training, or whether it is to be given in schools designed for the purpose. I think the arguments in favour of the nursery school are quite overwhelming--not only for children whose parents are poor, ignorant, and over-worked, but for all children, or, at the very least, for all children who live in towns. I believe that the children at Miss Margaret McMillan's nursery school in Deptford get something better than any children of well-to-do parents can at present obtain. I should like to see the same system extended to all children, rich and poor alike. But before discussing any actual nursery school, let us see what reasons there are for desiring such an institution.To begin with, early childhood is of immeasurable importance both medically and psychologically. These two aspects are very closely intertwined. For example : fear will make a child breathe badly, and breathing badly will predispose it to a variety of diseases. 【note: On this Subject cf. The Nursery School, by Margaret McMillan (Dent, I9I9), P. I97 ; The Camp School, by the same author (George Allen and Unwin, Ltd,)】 Such interrelations are so numerous that no one can hope to succeed with a child's character without some medical knowledge, or with its health without some psychology. In both directions, most of the knowledge required is very new, and much of it runs counter to time-honoured traditions. Take, for example, the question of discipline. The great principle in a contest with a child is : do not yield, but do not punish. The normal parent sometimes yields for the sake of a quiet life, and sometimes punishes from exasperation ; the right method, to be successful, requires a difficult combination of, patience and power of suggestion. This is a psychological example; fresh air is a medical example. Given care and wisdom, children profit by constant fresh air, day and night, with not too much clothing. But if care and wisdom are absent, the risk of chills from wet or sudden cold cannot be ignored. |
(掲載日:2015.06.08/更新日: )