その結果(注:アダムとイブの楽園追放後に起こった天変地異)がどんなに不愉快なものであったかもしれないとしても、アダムに(神が)一つの教訓を教えるためにそのように巨大な天文学的現象がもたらされたことを、彼(アダム)は光栄に思わないではいられなかった(feel flattered 光栄に思う、気分を良くする)。神学全体は(神学は全体として)、天国に関して同様に地獄に関しても、人間は創造されたこの宇宙において最重要なものであることを当然のこととしている。 神学者は全て男であったので、この仮定はほとんど反対に出会うことはなかった。(訳注:女性は男性であるアダムの肋骨から創られたという前提があることに注意)
Outline of Intellectual Rubbish (1943), n.20 However disagreeable the results may have been, Adam could hardly help feeling flattered that such vast astronomical phenomena should be brought about to teach him a lesson. The whole of theology, in regard to hell no less than to heaven, takes it for granted that Man is what is of most importance in the Universe of created beings. Since all theologians are men, this postulate has met with little opposition. Since evolution became fashionable, the glorification of Man has taken a new form. We are told that evolution has been guided by one great Purpose: through the millions of years when there were only slime, or Trilobites, throughout the ages of dinosaurs and giant ferns, of bees and wild flowers, God was preparing the Great Climax. At last, in the fullness of time, He produced Man, including such specimens as Nero and Caligula, Hitler and Mussolini, whose transcendent glory justified the long painful process. For my part, I find even eternal damnation less incredible, and certainly less ridiculous, than this lame and impotent conclusion which we are asked to admire as the supreme effort of Omnipotence. And if God is indeed omnipotent, why could He not have produced the glorious result without such a long and tedious prologue?