「民主主義」の意味(2)- 若者に精確な意味をもった言葉を使わせる教育



It should be a part of education, as it is of science and scientific philosophy, to teach the young to use words with a precise meaning, rather than with a vague mist of emotion. I know from observation that the pursuit of scientific philosophy is practically effective in this respect. Two or three years before the outbreak of the late war I attended an international congress of scientific philosophy in Paris. Those who attended belonged to a great variety of nations, and their governments were engaged in acrimonious disputes which it seemed practically hopeless to settle except by force. The members of the congress in their professional hours discussed abstruse points of logic or theory of knowledge, apparently wholly divorced from the world of affairs, but in their unprofessional moments they debated all the most vexed questions of international politics. Not once did I hear any of them display patriotic bias or fail through passion to give due weight to arguments adverse to his national interest. If that congress could have taken over the government of the world, and been protected by Martians from the fury of all the fanatics whom they would have outraged, they could have come to just decisions without being compelled to ignore the protests of indignant minorities among themselves. If the governments of their several countries had so chosen, they could have educated the young to an equal degree of impartiality. But they did not so choose. Governments in their schools are only too ready to foster the germs of irrationality, hatred, suspicion and envy, which are all too easily fructified in human minds.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)


「民主主義」の意味- 人によって、また国によって意味付けは様々


 今日,「民主主義」という言葉(語)同様の変容を受けつつある。それは,かつては,幾分明確ではない,ちょっとした個人的自由を伴った,多数による統治を意味していた。次には,貧しい者はどこでも大多数であるという根拠にたって,貧しい者の利益を代表する政党の目的を意味するようになった。次の段階では,その党の指導者の目的を表わした。現在は東ヨーロッパとアジアの大部分を通じて,少し前には貧乏人のために闘士であったが今ではもっぱら裕福な者たちが新しい意味で「民主主義的」である場合を除いて,裕福な者たちに破滅をもたらすことに戦いを限定する人による専制的な統治を意味するようになった。これは政治的煽動の極めて有力かつ上出来な方法である。ある強い感情をもった言葉(語)を長い間耳にしてきた人は,同じ語を耳にすると,たとえその言葉の意味が(時代の変遷などにより)変わっていても,同様の強い感情を抱きやすい。今後数年たってから,月への試験旅行にゆく志願者が必要とされるならば,その衛星に「楽しき我が家 “home sweet home”」と名前がつけ変えられるならば,志願者たちはもっと容易に獲得されるであろう。
(注:”home sweet home”はコーラスでよく歌われる歌:下記のページ左上の「melody」をクリックすると聴けます。)
★”home sweet home

The Meaning off “Democracy”

All the stock words of political controversy, in spite of having a definite dictionary meaning, have in use meanings which differ according to the political affiliation of the speaker, and agree only in their power of rousing violent emotions. The word “liberty” originally meant chiefly absence of alien domination; then it came to mean restrictions of royal power; then, in the days of the “rights of man,” it came to denote various respects in which it was thought that each individual should be free from governmental interference; and then at last, in the hands of Hegel, it came to be “true liberty,” which amounted to little more than gracious permission to obey the police. In our day, the word “democracy” is going through a similar transformation: it used to mean government by a majority, with a somewhat undefined modicum of personal freedom; it then came to mean the aims of the political party that represented the interests of the poor, on the ground that the poor everywhere are the majority. At the next stage it represented the aims of the leaders of that party. It has now come, throughout Eastern Europe and a large part of Asia, to mean despotic government by those who were in some former time champions of the poor, but who now confine such championship exclusively to inflicting ruin upon the rich, except when the rich are “democratic” in the new sense. This is a very potent and successful method of political agitation. Men who have long heard a certain word with a certain emotion are apt to feel the same emotion when they hear the same word, even if its meaning is changed. If, some years hence, volunteers are required for a trial journey to the moon, they will be more easily obtained if that satellite is re-christened “home sweet home.”
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)




Words have two functions: on the one hand to state facts, and on the other to evoke emotions. The latter is their older function, and is performed among animals by cries which antedate language. One of the most important elements in the transition from barbarism to civilization is the increasing use of words to indicate rather than to excite, but in politics little has been done in this direction. If I say the area of Hungary is so many square kilometers, I am making a purely informative statement, but when I say that the area of the U.S.S.R. is one sixth of the land surface of the globe, my statement is mainly emotional.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)



 幸福の全主題が,私の意見によれば,あまりにも厳粛に扱われすぎてきた(と思う)。人は,人生観(theory of life)あるいは宗教なくして幸福ではありえないと考えられてきた。おそらく悪しき考え方(人生観)によって不幸になった人は,ちょうど,あなたが病気になったときに強壮剤を必要とするように,回復を助けるためのもっとよい考え方(人生観)が必要だろう。しかし,物事が正常な場合には(うまくいっている場合には),人は強壮剤なくして健康であろうし,人生観がなくても幸福であろう



The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly. It has been thought that men cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion. Perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recovery, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill. But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory. It is the simple things that really matter. If a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he finds his wife hateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare; if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night he sighs for the light of day–then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen–a different diet, or more exercise, or what not. Man is an animal, and his happiness depends upon his physiology more than he likes to think. This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it. Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy. This, incidentally, was the opinion of Jefferson, who on this ground deplored the horse. Language would have failed him if he could have foreseen the motor car.
出典: The road to happiness (1952)
