
 しかし,その極端な形が共産諸国にみられる害悪は,いくらかユーモラスに「自由世界」と呼ばれるものに属している多くの国々にも,より低い程度ではあるが存在しており,また,容易に増大する可能性がある。ロシアが最近生み出した最も優れた遺伝学者であるヴァヴィロフ(注:Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, 1887-1943:ソビエト時代の植物学者,遺伝学者。ルイセンコ学説に反対し,サラトフの刑務所に投獄され,獄死した。)は,獲得形質の遺伝に対するスターリンの無知な信仰に従わなかったという理由で,(ロシアの)北極地方に追放されて悲惨な死に方をした(注:ウィキペディアの説明には,サラトフの刑務所で獄死とある。サラトフ州はカザフスタン共和国の西にあり,北極地方ではない。このエッセイを執筆した1955年当時においては,シベリアの収容所にでも入れられたと新聞報道されていたのだろうか?)。
(一方,自由世界に住んでいた)オッペンハイマー(注:Julius Robert Oppenheimer, 1904-1967:物理学者。ロスアラモス国立研究所所長としてマンハッタン計画を主導し「原爆の父」と呼ばれたが,水爆の実用化には反対した。後に核兵器の開発を主導したことを後悔するようになった。)は,主として,水素爆弾の実用可能性を,そのことを疑うことが全く合理的であった時期に疑ったことが主な理由で,免職となり,研究遂行を妨げられた。警察官に期待される程度以上の教育は受けていないFBI(の連中)は,問題の事態を理解する能力を有する人がみな馬鹿げている(不合理)と思うような根拠にもとづいて,ヨーロッパ最高の学者たちの旅券をさし抑える力があると思っている。この害悪は,合衆国においては,学者の国際会議が不可能となるところまで到達してしまっている(注:1950年代の米国において,マッカーシー上院議員が中心となって共産主義者と疑われる者の追放,いわゆる「赤狩り」,が大々的に行われた。実際は,リベラルな思想の持ち主の多くが追放された。因みに,当時俳優だったロナルド・レーガンは,マッカーシーやニクソンが率いる下院非米活動委員会に協力して「ハリウッドの赤狩り」に協力した。)。ミルが,警察を自由に対する危険としてはほとんど言及していないのは不思議である。こんにち,彼らは,大部分の文明諸国において,最悪の敵である。

But the evils, of which the extreme form is seen in Communist countries, exist in a lesser degree, and may easily increase, in many countries belonging to what is somewhat humorously called the “Free World.” Vavilov, the most distinguished geneticist that Russia has produced in recent times, was sent to perish miserably in the Arctic because he would not subscribe to Stalin’s ignorant belief in the inheritance of acquired characters. Oppenheimer is disgraced and prevented from pursuing his work largely because he doubted the practicability of the hydrogen bomb at a time when this doubt was entirely rational. The FBI, which has only the level of education to be expected among policemen, considers itself competent to withhold visas from the most learned men in Europe on grounds which every person capable of understanding the matters at issue knows to be absurd. This evil has reached such a point that international conferences of learned men in the United States have become impossible. It is curious that Mill makes very little mention of the police as a danger to liberty. In our day, they are its worst enemy in most civilized countries.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.




 けれども,この個人主義者の楽園に(エデンの園の禁断の果実である)蛇が存在した。その蛇とは鉄道であり,鉄道なしには穀物を市場に運ぶことはできなかった。鉄道は資本の膨大な蓄積,労働の莫大な消費,ほとんど農民ではない多くの人間の結合(連携)を象徴(意味)していた。開拓者たちは,彼らの独立が失われることに憤り,人民党運動(注:アメリカ合衆国でにおいて1891年に結成された人民党が鉄道や銀行などを攻撃した運動であり,鉄道,電話の公有化,土地所有の制限等,かなり社会主義的な要求をかかげた。 /= ウィキペディアの説明)を引き起こしたが,それは熱を帯びていたにもかかわらず,いかなる成功もおさめなかった。けれども,この場合においては,個人的独立の敵はただひとつだけにすぎなかった。


As a first example, let us take agriculture. In the years immediately succeeding the publication of Mill’s Liberty, there was an immense development of pioneering in the Middle West of the United States. The pioneers prided themselves upon their “rugged individualism.” They settled in regions which were well wooded, well watered, and of great natural fertility. Without excessive labor, they felled the trees, thereby securing log cabins and fuel, and when the soil was cleared, they procured a rich harvest of grain. There was, however, a serpent in this individualist paradise: the serpent was the railroad, without which the grain could not be got to market. The railroad represented a vast accumulation of capital, an enormous expenditure of labor, and a combination of very many persons, hardly any of them agriculturists. The pioneers were indignant at their loss of independence, and their indignation gave rise to the Populist movement, which, in spite of much heat, never achieved any success. In this case, however, there was only one enemy of personal independence. I was struck by the difference when I came in contact with pioneers in Australia. The conquering of new land for agriculture in Australia depends upon enormously expensive schemes of irrigation, too vast for the separate states and only practicable by the federal government. Even then, when a man has acquired a tract of land, it contains no timber, and all his building materials and his fuel have to be brought from a distance. Medical attention for himself and his family is only rendered possible by an elaborate organization of airplanes and radio. His livelihood depends upon the export trade, which prospers or suffers according to the vagaries of distant governments. His mentality, his tastes and his feelings, are still those of the rugged individualist pioneer of a hundred years ago, but his circumstances are totally different. However he may wish to rebel, he is tightly controlled by forces that are entirely external to himself. Intellectual liberty he may still have; but economic liberty has become a dream.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.




What has changed the situation since Mill’s day is, as I remarked before, the great increase of organization. Every organization is a combination of individuals for a purpose; and, if this purpose is to be achieved, it requires a certain subordination of the individuals to the whole. If the purpose is one in which all the individuals feel a keen interest, and if the executive of the organization commands confidence, the sacrifice of liberty may be very small. But if the purpose for which the organization exists inspires only its executive, to which the other members submit for extraneous reasons, the loss of liberty involved may grow until it becomes almost total. The larger the organization, the greater becomes the gap in power between those at the top and those at the bottom, and the more likelihood there is of oppression. The modern world, for technical reasons, is very much more organized than the world of a hundred years ago: there are very many fewer acts which a man does simply from his own impulse, and very many more which he is compelled or induced to perform by some authority. The advantages that spring from organization are so great and so obvious that it would be absurd to wish to return to an earlier condition, but those who are conscious only of the advantages are apt to overlook the dangers, which are very real and very menacing.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.



 17世紀から19世紀の末まで,「自由」は急進主義者や革命家の合言葉だったが,現代ではこの言葉は反動主義者(保守反動家)に奪い取られており,自らを最も進歩的と考えている者たちはこの自由という言葉を軽蔑する傾向がある。自由という言葉には「腐敗したブルジョアの観念論」の一部というレッテルが貼られており,優雅な閑暇をすでに楽しんでいる裕福な人たちにとってのみ重要な,中産階級の一時的な気まぐれとみなされている。 誰か一人の人間がこの変化に責任があるとすれば,その責任はマルクスが負わなければならない。彼はプロシヤ的統制革命的行動の手段及び目的としての自由に置き代えたのである。しかし,もしも社会組織および技術における大きな変化がなかったとしたならば、マルクスがなし得たような成功を彼(マルクス)が得ることはなかったであろう。それらの大きな変化が初期の改革者たちの思想に対立したマルクスの思想を助長したのである。

With Mill’s values, I for my part find myself in complete agreement. I think he is entirely right in emphasizing the importance of the individual in so far as values are concerned. I think, moreover, that it is even more desirable in our day than it was in his to uphold the kind of outlook for which he stands. But those who care for liberty in our day have to fight different battles from those of the nineteenth century, and have to devise new expedients if liberty is not to perish. From the seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth, “Liberty” was the watchword of the radicals and revolutionaries; but in our day the word has been usurped by reactionaries, and those who think themselves most progressive are inclined to despise it. It is labeled as part of ”rotten bourgeois idealism” and is regarded as a middle-class fad, important only to those who already enjoy the elegant leisure of the well-to-do. So far as any one person is responsible for this change, the blame must fall on Marx, who substituted Prussian discipline for freedom as both the means and the end of revolutionary action. But Marx would not have had the success which he has had if there had not been large changes in social organization and in technique which furthered his ideals as opposed to those of earlier reformers.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.

人間の「自由」(の擁護)は大事であり、政治において最も重視すべき事柄の一つであろう。しかし、その「自由」が一部の支配階級や富裕者しか享受できないものであったとしたら、その価値は半減いや、色褪せる。Freedom for All でなければならないが、それも掛け声だけではうさんくさいものとなる。


(注:みすず書房版の中村秀吉訳『(ラッセル)自伝的回想』では「しかし農奴解放後の当時のロシアは現在のロシアよりも千倍も自由を持っていた。」と訳出されている。」 中村訳は間違ってはいないが,”Russia of his day” は,「当時のロシア」ではなく「ミルの時代のロシア」と明示的に訳さないと誤読される恐れがある。つまり,現在のロシアには自由はあまりない。しかし,農奴制があった時代のロシアと比べれば農奴が解放されたミルの時代のロシアは千倍も自由が増したのであり,ミルはそのことを適切に評価していない,というニュアンスが読み取れないように思われる。)

Mill’s book On Liberty is more important to us in the present day than his book On the Subjection of Women. It is more important because the cause which it advocates has been less successful. There is, on the whole, much less liberty in the world now than there was a hundred years ago; and there is no reason to suppose that restrictions on liberty are likely to grow less in any foreseeable future. Mill points to Russia as a country so dominated by bureaucracy that no one, not even the individual bureaucrat, has any personal liberty. But the Russia of his day, after the emancipation of the serfs, had a thousand times more freedom than the Russia of our day. The Russia of his day produced great writers who opposed the autocracy, courageous revolutionaries who were able to carry on their propaganda in spite of prison and exile, even liberals among those in power, as the abolition of serfdom proved. There was every reason to hope that Russia would in time develop into a constitutional monarchy, marching by stages toward the degree of political freedom that existed in England. The growth of liberty was also apparent in other countries. In the United States, slavery was abolished a few years after the publication of Mill’s book. In France, the monarchy of Napoleon III, which Mill passionately hated, came to an end eleven years after his book was published; and, at the same time, manhood suffrage was introduced in Germany. On such grounds I do not think that Mr. Packe is right in saying that the general movement of the time was against liberty, and I do not think that Mill’s optimism was irrational.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.


男女平等への闘いの歴史 ー ラッセルも大きな寄与






Much more important than Mill’s longer treatises were his two short books On the Subjection of Women and On Liberty. In regard to the first of these, the world has gone completely as he would have wished. In regard to the second, there has been an exactly opposite movement.
It is a disgrace to both men and women that the world should have had to wait so long for champions of women’s equality. Until the French Revolution, nobody except Plato ever thought of claiming equality for women, but when the subject came to be raised, incredibly ridiculous arguments were invented in support of the status quo. It was not only men who argued that women should have no part in politics. The arguments were equally convincing to women, and especially to political women such as Queen Victoria and Mrs. Sidney Webb. Very few seemed capable of realizing that the supremacy of men was based solely upon a supremacy of muscle. The claim for women’s equality was regarded as a subject of ridicule, and remained so until three years before it achieved success. I spoke in favor of votes for women before the First World War and in favor of pacifism during it. The opposition which I encountered in the first of these causes was more virulent and more widespread than that which I encountered in the second. Few things in history are more surprising than the sudden concession of political rights to women in all civilized countries except Switzerland. This is, I think, part of a general change from a biological to a mechanistic outlook. Machinery diminishes the importance of muscle. Industry is less concerned with the seasons than agriculture. Democracy has destroyed dynasties and lessened the feeling of family continuity. Napoleon wanted his son to succeed him. Lenin, Stalin and Hitler had no such desire. I think the concession of equality to women has been rendered possible by the fact that they are no longer regarded primarily in a biological light. Mill remarks that the only women in England who are not slaves and drudges are those who are operatives in factories. Unaccountably, he forgot Queen Victoria. But there is a measure of truth in what he says, for the work of women in factories, unlike childbearing, is such as men are capable of doing. It seems that, however admirable the emancipation of women may be in itself, it is part of a vast sociological change emphasizing industry at the expense of agriculture, the factory at the expense of the nursery, and power at the expense of subsistence. I think the world has swung too far in this direction and will not return to sanity until the biological aspects of human life are again remembered. But I see no reason why, if this occurs, it should involve a revival of the subjection of women.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.

