
(注:みすず書房版の中村秀吉訳『(ラッセル)自伝的回想』では「しかし農奴解放後の当時のロシアは現在のロシアよりも千倍も自由を持っていた。」と訳出されている。」 中村訳は間違ってはいないが,”Russia of his day” は,「当時のロシア」ではなく「ミルの時代のロシア」と明示的に訳さないと誤読される恐れがある。つまり,現在のロシアには自由はあまりない。しかし,農奴制があった時代のロシアと比べれば農奴が解放されたミルの時代のロシアは千倍も自由が増したのであり,ミルはそのことを適切に評価していない,というニュアンスが読み取れないように思われる。)

Mill’s book On Liberty is more important to us in the present day than his book On the Subjection of Women. It is more important because the cause which it advocates has been less successful. There is, on the whole, much less liberty in the world now than there was a hundred years ago; and there is no reason to suppose that restrictions on liberty are likely to grow less in any foreseeable future. Mill points to Russia as a country so dominated by bureaucracy that no one, not even the individual bureaucrat, has any personal liberty. But the Russia of his day, after the emancipation of the serfs, had a thousand times more freedom than the Russia of our day. The Russia of his day produced great writers who opposed the autocracy, courageous revolutionaries who were able to carry on their propaganda in spite of prison and exile, even liberals among those in power, as the abolition of serfdom proved. There was every reason to hope that Russia would in time develop into a constitutional monarchy, marching by stages toward the degree of political freedom that existed in England. The growth of liberty was also apparent in other countries. In the United States, slavery was abolished a few years after the publication of Mill’s book. In France, the monarchy of Napoleon III, which Mill passionately hated, came to an end eleven years after his book was published; and, at the same time, manhood suffrage was introduced in Germany. On such grounds I do not think that Mr. Packe is right in saying that the general movement of the time was against liberty, and I do not think that Mill’s optimism was irrational.
出典: John Stuart Mill,1955.
