
第一(の出来事)は,ロンドンで開かれたベルグソンのための昼食会であり,そこへ,ショーよりもベルグソンに対してもっと批判的な多くの専門哲学者とともに,ショーはベルグソン賛美者(崇拝者)として招待されていた。ショーは『メトシェラ』(注 Methuselah メトセラ:旧約聖書の『創世記』に登場する,969歳で亡くなったとされる伝説的な人物)への序文のスタイルでベルグソン哲学を展開し始めた。このショー版(の説明)ではベルグソン哲学はほとんど専門家に勧めるべきものではなかったので,ベルグソンは,「いやあ,違います。まったく違います(Ah, no-o! it is not qvite zat!)」とおだやかに口をはさんだ。しかし,ショーはまったく動ぜず,「いや,君,私はあなたの哲学をあなた(自身)よりもよく理解しているんだよ」と答えた。ベルグソンはこぶしを握りしめ,ほとんど怒りを爆発するところであった。しかし,ベルグソンは非常な努力をして自分を抑えたので,ショーの解説的モノローグ(長談義/独白)はそのまま続いた(のである)。

Shaw’s attack on Victorian humbug and hypocrisy was as beneficent as it was delightful, and for this the English undoubtedly owe him a debt of gratitude. It was a part of Victorian humbug to endeavor to conceal vanity. When I was young, we all made a show of thinking no better of ourselves than of our neighbors. Shaw found this effort wearisome, and had already given it up when he first burst upon the world. It used to be the custom among clever people to say that Shaw was not unusually vain, but only unusually candid. I came to think later on that this was a mistake. Two incidents at which I was present convinced me of this. The first was a luncheon in London in honor of Bergson, to which Shaw had been invited as an admirer, along with a number of professional philosophers whose attitude to Bergson was more critical. Shaw set to work to expound Bergson’s philosophy in the style of the preface to Methuselah. In this version, the philosophy was hardly one to recommend itself to professionals, and Bergson mildly interjected, “Ah, no-o! it is not qvite zat!” But Shaw was quite unabashed, and replied, “Oh, my dear fellow, I understand your philosophy much better than you do.” Bergson clenched his fists and nearly exploded with rage; but, with a great effort, he controlled himself, and Shaw’s expository monologue continued.
出典: Bernard Shaw, 1953.
