
ラッセル『結婚論』第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.5:禁欲主義の反動

第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.5:禁欲主義の反動

性に関するこうした見解が一般に広まっていたところにおいては,性関係が起こると,それは明らかに,アメリカの禁酒法(注:Prohibition と大文字になっていることに注意)のもとでの飲酒のように,獣的かつ荒々しいものとなりがちであった。愛の技術は忘れられ,結婚は獣的になった

禁欲主義者たちが,人間の心に,貞節(禁欲生活)が重要であるという,深くかつ永続的な確信を植えつけた勲功(services 功績)は,極めて大きかったが,しかし,その功績も,彼らが結婚に及ぼした有害な影響によって大きく相殺された。教父たちの膨大な著作の中から,結婚制度についての美しい記述が2,3抜粋されてきた。しかし,概して,教父たちの結婚に対する態度(結婚観)ほど粗野かつ不快なものを想像することは困難であろう。死の破壊(死による破壊)を回復するという崇高な目的のために自然が計画(設計)し,また,リンネ(注:Carl von Linne 1707-1778:スウェーデンの博物学者)が示したように,花の世界にまで広がっているこの関係は,常にアダムの堕落の結果として扱われ,結婚はほとんどもっぱら,その最も低級な面のみが考察された。結婚が引き出すやさしい愛及び,それに伴って生じる(follow in its train)神聖かつ美しい家庭的な特質は,ほとんど完全に考慮から省かれてしまった。

 禁欲主義者の目的(目標)は,人びとを純潔の生活に引きつけることであり,その必然の結果として,結婚は,劣った状態として扱われた。結婚は,実際,種の繁殖のために必要なものであり,また,それゆえ,正当化できるものであり,また,人びとをより大きな罪を犯させないために必要なものであると考えられた。しかし,それでもなお,結婚は真の神聖さを熱望する人なら誰でもそこから逃れられる堕落した状態である,と見なされていた。聖ヒエロニムスの威勢のよい言葉を借りると,「純潔の斧で結婚という木を切り倒すこと」は,聖者の目的(end)であった。そして,聖ヒエロニムスが結婚を賛美することに同意したとすれば,それは,単に,結婚によって純潔な人間(子ども)を産み出す(生み出す)からにほかならなかった。結婚の契りが結ばれたあとでさえ,禁欲主義者の情熱にはトゲ(sting)が残っていた。そのトゲが,家庭生活のほかの関係をどんなに辛いものにしたかは,すでに見たとおりである。この中に -(つまり)あらゆるものの中で最も神聖な結婚の中に- そのトゲは十倍の苦しみを注ぎこんだのである。

何か強い宗教的情熱が,夫あるいは妻をとらえれる時はいつも,その最初の影響として,幸福な結びつきを不可能なものにした(のである)。宗教心の強いほうの配偶者が,素早く,独りで禁欲生活を送ることを望んだ。あるいは,少なくとも,表面上は別居しなくても(注:if no ostensible separation took place/ if = even if),結婚したまま別居するという不自然な生活をすることを望んだ。

この種の考え方(the order of ideas)が,教父たちの勧告的な著作や聖人の伝説(文学)の中で占めている膨大な箇所を,この文学部門に関する知識が少しでも持っている人であれば誰もが知っているにちがいない。このようにして,たとえば ほんの2,3の例を挙げるなら 聖ニルスは,すでに子供を二人ももうけていたのに,流行(はやり)の禁欲主義への憧れにとらわれた。そして,彼の妻は,長い年月をかけて説き伏せられて,別居することに同意した。聖アモンは,結婚式の夜(初夜)に花嫁を迎えるにあたって,結婚している状態の罪悪について長い演説をし,その結果,すぐさま別居することに意見が一致した。聖メラニアは,長いこと熱心に夫の説得に努めた末,やっと夫と床を別々にする(同衾しない)ことを承諾させた。聖アブラハムは結婚当夜,妻のもとを逃げ去った。いくらか後の伝記(言い伝え)によると,聖アレクシウスも,同じ手段を講じたが,何年もたって,エルサレムから父親の家に戻ってきた。家では,妻がまだ捨てられたことを嘆いていた。彼は懇願して,慈善行為として宿を与えられ ,そこで,死ぬまで,軽蔑され,認められことなく,人に知られることもなく,死ぬまで暮らした(とのことである)。

It is evident that, where such views concerning sex prevailed, sexual relations when they occurred would tend to be brutal and harsh, like drinking under Prohibition. The art of love was forgotten and marriage was brutalized.
The services rendered by the ascetics in imprinting on the minds of men a profound and enduring conviction of the importance of chastity, though extremely great, were seriously counterbalanced by their noxious influence upon marriage. Two or three beautiful descriptions of this institution have been culled out of the immense mass of the patristic writings; but in general, it would be difficult to conceive anything more coarse or more repulsive than the manner in which they regarded it. The relation which nature has designed for the noble purpose of repairing the ravages of death, and which, as Linnaeus has shown, extends even through the world of flowers, was invariably treated as a consequence of the fall of Adam, and marriage was regarded almost exclusively in its lowest aspect. The tender love which it elicits, the holy and beautiful domestic qualities that follow in its train, were almost absolutely omitted from consideration. The object of the ascetic was to attract men to a life of virginity, and as a necessary consequence, marriage was treated as an inferior state. It was regarded as being necessary, indeed, and therefore justifiable, for the propagation of the species, and to free men from greater evils ; but still as a condition of degradation from which all who aspired to real sanctity could fly. To “cut down by the axe of Virginity the wood of Marriage” was, in the energetic language of St. Jerome, the end of the saint ; and if he consented to praise marriage, it was merely because it produced virgins. Even when the bond had been formed, the ascetic passion retained its sting. We have already seen how it embittered other relations of domestic life. Into this, the holiest of all, it infused a tenfold bitterness. Whenever any strong religious fervour fell upon a husband or a wife, its first effect was to make a happy union impossible. The more religious partner immediately desired to live a life of solitary asceticism, or at least, if no ostensible separation took place, an unnatural life of separation in marriage. The immense place this order of ideas occupies in the hortatory writings of the fathers, and in the legends of the saints, must be familiar to all who have any knowledge of this department of literature. Thus –to give but a very few examples– St. Nilus, when he had already two children, was seized with a longing for the prevailing asceticism, and his wife was persuaded, after many tears, to consent to their separation. St. Ammon, on the night of his marriage, proceeded to greet his bride with an harangue upon the evils of the married state, and they agreed, in consequence, at once to separate. St. Melania laboured long and earnestly to induce her husband to allow her to desert his bed before he would consent. St. Abraham ran away from his wife on the night of his marriage. St. Alexis, according to a somewhat later legend, took the same step, but many years after returned from Jerusalem to his father’s house, in which his wife was still lamenting her desertion, begged and received a lodging as an act of charity, and lived there despised, unrecognized, and unknown till his death.
(note: W. E. H. Lecky, History of European Morals, vol. ii, pp. 339-341)
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.4

第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.4::「肉体の清潔=魂の不潔」という考え

 キリスト教会は,入浴の習慣を攻撃したが,その理由(根拠)は,肉体をいっそう魅力的にするものは,すべて罪へと向かう(罪を生む)傾向があるということであった。垢(あか)は称賛され,高潔(神聖)を示すその匂いは,ますます鼻を衝くものとなった。聖パーオラ(St. Paula)は,「肉体とそれを包む衣服の清潔さは魂の不潔さを意味する。」(出典:ハヴェロック・エリス著『性心理の研究』第四巻,p.31)シラミは神の真珠と呼ばれ,シラミだらけであることが,聖者としての不可欠の印であった
 隠修士の聖アブラハムは,(キリスト教への)改宗後50年間も生きたけれども,改宗したその日から,顔も足も洗うことを強く拒んだ。彼は,まれに見る美男子であったと言われており,彼の伝記作家は,「聖アブラハムの顔は,彼の魂の清らかさを映していた」と,いささか奇妙な言い方をしている。聖アモンは,自分の裸体を見たことがなかった。シルヴィアという名前のある有名な処女は,60歳になっていたのに,また,自分の体が弱い(病気がちである)のは(生活)習慣の結果であったが,宗教上の原理原則に基づいて,指のほかは,体のどの部分を洗うことも断固として拒否した。聖エウフラシア修道女(St. Euphraxis)は,130人の修道女のいる女子修道院(convent)の一員となったが,修道女たちは一度も足を洗ったことがなく,風呂の話が出ると身ぶるいした。
 ある隠者(anchorite 世捨て人)は,かつて,垢と何年も陽にさらされたために真っ黒になった裸の生きものが,白髪を風になびかせながら,目の前の砂漠を滑るように過ぎ去っていくのを目にした時,悪魔の幻影が自分をあざけっているのだと想像した。それはかつては美しかった女性の,エジプトの聖メアリーであり,彼女はそのようにして47年間,自分の罪を償ってきたのであった。修道士が時折堕落して身ぎれいにする習慣に陥ったりすれば,大変な非難の対象となった。大修道院長のアレクサンダーは,「我々の教父たちは,決して顔を洗わなかった。しかし,私たちは公衆浴場にしょっちゅう出入りしている。」と悲しそうに昔を回顧しながら言った。


Chapter V Christian Ethics, n.4

The Church attacked the habit of the bath on the ground that everything that makes the body more attractive tends towards sin. Dirt was praised, and the odour of sanctity became more and more penetrating. “The purity of the body and its garments”, said St. Paula, “means the impurity of the soul.”(* note: Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vo1. iv, p. 3I) Lice were called the pearls of God, and to be covered with them was an indispensable mark of a holy man.
St. Abraham, the hermit, however, who lived for fifty years after his conversion, rigidly refused from that date to wash either his face or his feet. He was, it is said, a person of singular beauty, and his biographer somewhat strangely remarks that “his face reflected the purity of his soul”. St. Ammon had never seen himself naked. A famous virgin, named Silvia, though she was sixty years old, and though bodily sickness was a consequence of her habits, resolutely refused, on religious principles, to wash any part of her body except her fingers. St. Euphraxis joined a convent of 130 nuns who never washed their feet, and who shuddered at the mention of a bath. An anchorite once imagined that he was mocked by an illusion of the devil, as he saw gliding before him through the desert a naked creature black with filth and years of exposure, and with white hair floating to the wind. It was a once beautiful woman, St. Mary of Egypt, who had thus, during forty-seven years, been expiating her sins. The occasional decadence of the monks into habits of decency was a subject of much reproach. “Our fathers”, said the abbot Alexander, looking mournfully back to the past, “never washed their faces, but we frequent the public baths.” It was related of one monastery in the desert that the monks suffered greatly from want of water to drink; but at the prayer of the abbot Theodosius a copious stream was produced. But soon some monks, tempted by the abundant supply, diverged from their old austerity, and persuaded the abbot to avail himself of the stream for the construction of the bath. The bath was made. Once, and once only, did the monks enjoy their ablutions, when the stream ceased to flow. Prayers, tears, and fastings were in vain. A whole year passed. At last the abbot destroyed the bath, which was the object of the Divine displeasure, and the waters flowed afresh.(note: W. E. H. Lecky,  History  of European Morals, vol. ii, pp. I I7-I8.)
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.3

第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.3:旧約聖書と新約聖書の大きな違いの一つ


Chapter V Christian Ethics, n.3

Condemnation of all fornication was a novelty in the Christian religion. The Old Testament, like most codes of early civilization, forbids adultery, but it means by adultery intercourse with a married woman. This is evident to anyone who reads the Old Testament attentively. For example, when Abraham goes to Egypt with Sarah he tells the king that Sarah is his sister, and the king, believing this, takes her into his harem; when it subsequently transpires that she is Abraham’s wife, the king is shocked to find that he has unwittingly committed sin, and reproaches Abraham for not having told him the facts. This was the usual code of antiquity. A woman who had intercourse outside marriage was thought ill of, but a man was not condemned unless he had intercourse with the wife of another, in which case he was guilty of an offence against property. The Christian view that all intercourse outside marriage is immoral was, as we see in the above passages from St. Paul, based upon the view that all sexual intercourse, even within marriage, is regrettable. A view of this sort, which goes against biological facts, can only be regarded by sane people as a morbid aberration. The fact that it is embedded in Christian ethics has made Christianity, throughout its whole history, a force tending towards mental disorders and unwholesome views of life.
St. Paul’s view were emphasized and exaggerated by the early Church; celibacy was considered holy, and men retired into the desert to wrestle with Satan while he filled their imaginations with lustful visions.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.2

第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.2:羊と山羊



聖パウロは,なぜ私通(姦淫)がそれほど邪悪なものと考えるのか,教えてくだされない(注:deign 恐れ多くも・・・してくれない,といった揶揄しているような表現か?)。聖パウロは,モーセの律法を投げ捨て,それゆえ,豚肉を食べてるのは自由であるが,それにもかかわらず,自分の道徳は正統派のユダヤ人の道徳に劣らず厳格なものであることを示したかったのではないか,と勘ぐりたくなる。もしかすると,豚肉が禁止されていた期間が長かったために,ユダヤ人には豚肉が私通(姦淫)と同じくらい甘美なものに思われるようになったのかもしれない。そしてそれゆえ,聖パウロは,自分の教義の禁欲的要素について,特に強調する必要があったのであろう。(注:半分冗談)

Chapter V Christian Ethics

It will be seen that in this passage St. Paul makes no mention whatever of children: the biological purpose of marriage appears to him wholly unimportant. This is quite natural, since he imagined that the Second Coming was imminent and that the world would soon come to an end. At the Second Coming men were to be divided into sheep and goats, and the only thing of real importance was to find oneself among the sheep on that occasion. St. Paul holds that sexual intercourse, even in marriage, is something of a handicap in the attempt to win salvation (I Cor. viii. 32-34). Nevertheless it is possible for married people to be saved, but fornication is deadly sin, and the unrepentant fornicator is sure to find himself among the goats. I remember once being advised by a doctor to abandon the practice of smoking, and he said that I should find it easier if, whenever the desire came upon me, I proceeded to suck an acid drop. It is in this spirit that St. Paul recommends marriage. He does not suggest that it is quite as pleasant as fornication, but he thinks it may enable the weaker brethren to withstand temptation; he does not suggest for a moment that there may be any positive good in marriage, or that affection between husband and wife may be a beautiful and desirable thing, nor does he take the slightest interest in the family; fornication holds the centre of the stage in his thoughts, and the whole of his sexual ethics is arranged with reference to it. It is just as if one were to maintain that the sole reason for baking bread is to prevent people from stealing cake. St. Paul does not deign to tell us why he thinks fornication so wicked. One is inclined to suspect that, having thrown over the Mosaic Law, and being therefore at liberty to eat pork, he wishes to show that his morality is nevertheless quite as severe as that of orthodox Jews. Perhaps the long ages during which pork had been prohibited had made it seem to the Jews as delicious as fornication, and therefore he would need to be emphatic as regards the ascetic elements in his creed.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.1

 聖パウロの結婚観は,いたれりつくせりと言ってよいほど(leaves nothing to be desired)明確に,「コリントの信徒への書簡その一」に述べられている。コリントのキリスト教徒は,継母と不義をする奇習があったように思われる (同書第五章第一節)。そこで,聖パウロは,この状況は,断固として対処する必要があると感じた。聖パウロが述べている見解は,次のとおりである。(同書第7章第1-9節)

 というのは,私はみなが私と同じであること(独身であること)を望みます。しかし,人はそれぞれ神から 賜物をもらっているのですから,ある人はこのやり方を,別の人はこのやり方を,というように,人によって生き方が異なります。
 しかし,自制ができないのであれば結婚しなさい。情欲で身を焦がすよりは,結婚したほうがましだからです。 」

Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.9

“Marriage”, Says Westermarck, “is rooted in family rather than family in marriage.” This view would have been a truism in pre-Christian times, but since the advent of Christianity it has become an important proposition needing to be stated with emphasis. Christianity, and more particularly St. Paul, introduced an entirely novel view of marriage, that it existed not primarily for the procreation of children, but to prevent the sin of fornication.
The views of St. Paul on marriage are set forth, with a clarity that leaves nothing to be desired, in the First Epistle to the Corinthians. The Corinthian Christians, one gathers, had adopted the curious practice of having illicit relations with their step-mothers (I Cor. V. I), and he felt the situation needed to be dealt with emphatically. The views which he set forth are as follows (note: I Cor. vii, 1-9) :

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband : and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.
I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
But if they cannot contain, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.8:禁欲主義発生の原因

第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.8:禁欲主義発生の原因?

これまで考察したどれよりもはっきりしない原因が(ほかにもあって),古代世界の後期に次第に強まってきた禁欲主義と関係があったのではないか,と私は思っている。人生が愉快に見え,人間が精力的で,現世に存在する(生きる)喜びが十分あり,完全な満足が得られる時代もある。(また)人間が飽き飽き(倦怠)しているように見え,この世もその喜びも不十分で,人びとが現世(注: sublunary scene 月下=この世界)の本来の虚しさを埋め合わせようと,魂の慰めや来世に頼ろうとする時代もある。




Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.8

I suspect that other causes more obscure than any we have yet considered had to do with the increasing asceticism of the ancient world in its later days. There are epochs when life seems cheerful, when men are vigorous, and when the joys of this mundane existence are sufficient to give complete satisfaction. There are other epochs when men seem weary, when this world and its joys do not suffice, and when men look to spiritual consolation or a future life to make up for the natural emptiness of this sublunary scene. Compare the Solomon of the “Song of Songs” with the Solomon of Ecclesiastes; the one represents the ancient world in its prime, the other in its decay. What is the cause of this difference I do not profess to know. Perhaps it is something very simple and physiological, such as the substitution of a sedentary urban life for an active life in the open air; perhaps the Stoics had sluggish livers; perhaps the author of Ecclesiastes thought that all is vanity because he did not take enough exercise. However that may be, there is no doubt that a mood such as this leads easily to a condemnation of sex. Probably the causes we have suggested, and various others also, contributed to the general weariness of the later centuries of antiquity, and of this weariness asceticism was one feature. Unfortunately it was in this decadent and morbid period that the Christian ethic was formulated. The vigorous men of later periods have had to do their best to live up to an outlook on belonging to diseased, weary and disillusioned men who had lost all sense of biological values and the continuity of human life. This topic, however, belongs to our next chapter.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.7:キリストの花嫁


 けれども,歴史的現象として見た場合の(修道士の)独身主義には,(同様に重要な as well)他の原因もある。神々への奉仕に身をささげている男女の司祭は,これらの神々と結婚したとみなされ,それゆえ,生きている人間(mortals 俗人)との性交はすべて控える義務があると見なされる(のである)。彼らは,当然,例外的に神聖であると考えられるようになり,そのようにして,神聖性と独身主義とが結びつく。カトリック教会では,今日にいたるまで,修道女(尼僧)はキリストの花嫁とみなされている。そして,これこそ,修道女が生きている人間(俗人)と交わるのは邪悪であるとされる理由の一つであることは確かである(確実である)。

Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.7

Where jealousy and sexual fatigue co-operate, as they often do, the strength of the anti-sexual passion may become very great. I think this is the main reason why asceticism is apt to grow up in very licentious societies.
Celibacy as an historical phenomenon has, however, other sources as well. Priests and priestesses dedicated to the service of divinities may be regarded as married to these divinities, and as therefore obliged to abstain from all intercourse with mortals. They will naturally be considered exceptionally holy, and thus an association is brought about between holiness and celibacy. Up to our own day in the Catholic Church, nuns are regarded as the brides of Christ. And this is certainly one of the reasons why it is thought wicked for them to have intercourse with mortals
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.6:性的放縦と反動としての禁欲主義

 性的疲労は文明によってもたらされた現象である。性的疲労は,動物の間ではまったく知られていないにちがいないであろうし,また,未開人の間でも非常にまれであるにちがいない。一夫一婦制の結婚のもとでは,性的疲労は,ごく軽い程度の場合を除いて,起こりそうもない。大部分の男性の場合,生理的過度に陥るためには,目新しさ(新しい刺激)が必要になるからである。また,女性が性交を許すこと(注:one’s favors; favours 情交の同意)を自由に拒絶できるような場合にも,性的疲労は起こりそうもない。なぜなら,そういう場合は,女性は,動物のメスのように,性行為のたびに,事前に求愛を要求し,男性の情熱が十分にかき立てられたと感じないうちは性交を許さないからである。


Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.6

Sexual fatigue is a phenomenon introduced by civilization; it must be quite unknown among animals and very rare among uncivilized men. In a monogamic marriage it is unlikely to occur except in a very small degree, since the stimulus of novelty is required with most men to lead them to physiological excess. It is also unlikely to occur when women are free to refuse their favours, for, in that case, like female animals, they will demand courtship before each act of intercourse, and will not yield their favours until they feel that a man’s passions are sufficiently stimulated. This purely instinctive feeling and behaviour has been rendered rare by civilization. What has done most to eliminate it is the economic factor. Married women and prostitutes alike make their living by means of their sexual charms, and do not, therefore, only yield when their own instinct prompts them to do so. This has greatly diminished the part played by courtship, which is nature’s safeguard against sexual fatigue. Consequently men who are not restrained by a fairly rigid ethic are apt to indulge to excess; this produces in the end a feeling of weariness and disgust, which leads naturally to ascetic convictions.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.5

最初に断わっておかなければならないが,この種の態度の原因を信念に求めるのは無益である。この種の信念は,まず第一に,気分によって引き起こされるにちがいない。確かに,人たたびそれらの信念が生じた場合は,気分を -あるいは,少なくともその気分に応じた行為を- 永続化するかもしれない。しかし,この種の信念が性を否定する態度の根本原因になるなどということは,まずありそうにもない。そのような態度の主要な二つの原因は,私に言わせれば嫉妬と性的疲労である。



Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.5

It should be said to begin with that it is useless to look to beliefs as the source of this kind of attitude. Beliefs of this sort must be in the first place inspired by a mood; it is true that when once they exist they may perpetuate the mood, or at any rate actions in accordance with the mood, but it is hardly likely that they will be the prime causes of an anti-sexual attitude. The two main causes of such an attitude are, I should say, jealousy and sexual fatigue. Wherever jealousy is aroused, even if it be only faintly, the sexual act appears to us disgusting, and the appetite which leads to it loathsome. The purely instinctive man, if he could have his way, would have all women love him and him only; any love which they may give to other men inspires in him emotions which may easily pass into moral condemnation. Especially is this the case when the woman is his wife. One finds in Shakespeare, for example, that his men do not desire their wives to be passionate. The ideal woman, according to Shakespeare, is one who submits to her husband’s embraces from a sense of duty, but would not think of having a lover, since sex in itself is disagreeable to her and is only endured because the moral law commands that it should be. The instinctive husband, when he finds that his wife has betrayed him, is filled with disgust against both her and her lover, and is apt to conclude that all sex is beastly. Especially will this be the case if he has become impotent through excess or old age. Since old men have in most societies more weight than the young, it is natural that the official and correct opinion on sexual matters should be not that of hot-headed youth.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.4


 ウェスターマークは,彼の言うところの「性的関係が一般にそうであるように,結婚には何か不純で罪深いものがあるという奇妙な観念」( 出典:『人類婚姻史』p.151以下)の事例をたくさんあげている。キリスト教や仏教の影響をまったく受けていない,世界の大部分の多様な地域において,独身を誓った男女の司祭の修道会(orders)が存在してきた。ユダヤ人の間では,エッセネ派(の信徒)は性交はすべて不純なものだと考えていた。こういった見解は,古代においては,キリスト教に最も敵対した集団の間においてさえ広まっていたように思われる。実際,ローマ帝国においては,禁欲主義に向かう一般的傾向があった。エピキュロス派の快楽主義は,ほとんど死に絶え,教養あるギリシア人やローマ人の間では,ストア学派の禁欲主義がそれに取って代わった

聖書外典(注:Apocrypha : 聖書の正典に加えられなかった文書)の中の多くの節からは,女性に対するほとんど修道士的とも言うべき態度が伺える(見受けられる)のであり,旧約聖書のもっと古い本に見られるたくましい男性らしさ(力強さ)とは非常に異なっている。



Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.4

So far we have been considering pro-sexual elements in religion ; anti-sexual elements, however, existed side by side with the others from a very early time, and in the end, wherever Christianity or Buddhism prevailed, these elements won a complete victory over their opposites. Westermarck gives many instances of what he calls “the curious notion that there is something impure and sinful in marriage, as in sexual relations generally”. (History of Human Marriage, pp. l5I ff.) In the most diverse parts of the world, quite remote from any Christian or Buddhist influence, there have been orders of priests and priestesses vowed to celibacy.
Among the Jews the sect of the Essenes considered all sexual intercourse impure. This view seems to have gained ground in antiquity even in the circles most hostile to Christianity. There was indeed a general tendency towards asceticism in the Roman Empire. Epicureanism nearly died out and stoicism replaced it among cultivated Greeks and Romans. Many passages in the Apocrypha suggest an almost monkish attitude towards women, very different from the robust virility of the older books of the Old Testament. The neo-Platonists were almost as ascetic as the Christians. From Persia the doctrine that matter is evil spread to the West, and brought with it the belief that all sexual intercourse is impure. This is, though not in an extreme form, the view of the Church, but I do not wish to consider the Church until the next chapter. What is evident is that in certain circumstances men are led spontaneously to a horror of sex, and this when it arises is quite as much a natural impulse as the more usual attraction towards sex. It is necessary to take account of it and to understand it psychologically if we are to be able to judge what kind of sexual system is most likely to satisfy human nature.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
