
ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第7章 革命的な権力 n.6


「(彼女は)ローマの皇帝は自分の領地内において自分の宗教(注:ここでは異端のアリウス派)を公的に使用することを主張してよいだろう,と確信した(説得させられた)。そこで皇后は,穏健かつ合理的な譲歩として,アンブロジウス大司教に対し,ミラノの市内においても,郊外においても,ただ一つの教会という慣行(use)を断念することを申し出た。しかし,アンブロジウスの行動は(皇后などとは)非常に異なる原理原則によって支配されていた。(即ち,)この地上の宮殿はなるほどカエサル(シーザー)のものかも知れない。しかし,教会は神の棲み家であった(indeed – but)。また,自分の監督管区の範囲内において,アンブロジウス自身は,使徒の正当な後継者として,神の唯一の司祭であった。キリスト教の特権は,霊的なもの同様現世的なものも,真の信者だけに限られていた。また(しかも)アンブロジウスの心は,自分自身の神学上の意見は真理と正統性の規準であるということを確信していた。アンブロジウス大司教は,サタンの手先どもと会議をしたり交渉をしたりすることを拒絶し,穏やかではあるが毅然とした態度で,不信心な神に対する冒涜に屈服するくらいならば,むしろ殉教者として死ぬ決意だと宣言した。」(ギボン『ローマ帝国衰亡史』第27章)

【原文では引用部分は改行されていない。引用文の始まりとして “was persuaded, とwas の直前に “マークがつけられ,最後の単語の直後に sacrilege.” と “マークがつけられており,見落とし易い。】

Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.6

The nature of the conflict between the Church and the Arian Empire of the late fourth century is illustrated by the struggle between the Empress Justina and Saint Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan, in the year 385. Her son Valentinian was a minor, and she was acting as regent; both were Arians. Being in Milan during Holy Week, the Empress

“was persuaded, that a Roman emperor might claim, in his own dominions, the public exercise of his religion; and she proposed to the Archbishop, as a moderate and reasonable concession, that he should resign the use of a single church, either in the city or suburbs of Milan. But the conduct of Ambrose was governed by very different principles. The palaces of the earth might indeed belong to Caesar ; but the church were the houses of God ; and, within the limits of his diocese, he himself, as the lawful successor of the apostles, was the only minister of God. The privileges of Christianity, temporal as well as spiritual, were confined to the true believers ; and the mind of Ambrose was satisfied, that his own theological opinions were the standard of truth and orthodoxy. The archbishop, who refused to hold any conference, or negotiation, with the instruments of Satan, declared, with modest firmness, his resolution to die a martyr, rather than yield to the impious sacrilege.” (Gibbon, Ch. XXVII)
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第7章 革命的な権力 n.5

 ローマ皇帝コンスタンティヌス一世の(キリスト教への)改宗教会と国家との間に調和(和合)をもたらすだろうと,当時想った人がいたかもしれない。けれども,そうならなかった。初期のキリスト教徒の皇帝(たち)はアリウス派 (注:イエスの神聖を否定して異端とされたキリスト教の一派) であり,また、西洋における正統の皇帝たちの時期は,アリウス派のゴート族やヴァンダル族の侵入のために,きわめて短いものであった。後,東方の皇帝たちのカトリック信仰が疑問の余地がなくなった時,エジプトは,キリスト単性論(注:monophysite キリストにはただ神的な一性があるのみという主張 )にたっており,西アジアの大部分は,ネストリウス派(注:キリスト教異端派の一派で,キリストには人格と神としての位格の二つのペルソナがあったと主張)であった。こうした国々の異端派の人々は,予言者モハメッドに従う人々(注:the Prophet と大文字になっていることに注意)を,(キリスト教の)ビザンチン政府ほど迫害的でないとして歓迎した。キリスト教会は,キリスト教国家と対抗し,これらの多くの国々において,どこにおいても勝利した。ただ新宗教(イスラム教)のみが,国家に対してキリスト教会を支配する力を与えたのである。

Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.5

It might have been supposed that the conversion of Constantine would lead to harmony between Church and State. This, however, was not the case. The first Christian Emperors were Arians, and the period of orthodox Emperors in the West was very brief, owing to the incursions of the Arian Goths and Vandals. Later, when the adherence of the Eastern Emperors to the Catholic Faith had become unquestionable, Egypt was monophysite and much of Western Asia was Nestorian. The heretics in these countries welcomed the followers of the Prophet, as being less persecuting than the Byzantine government. As against the Christian State, the Church was everywhere victorious in these many contests; only the new religion of Islam gave the State power to dominate the Church.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第7章 革命的な権力 n.4


The principle that we ought to obey God rather than man has been interpreted by Christians in two different ways. God’s commands may be conveyed to the individual conscience either directly, or indirectly through the medium of the Church. No one except Henry VIII and Hegel has ever held, until our own day, that they could be conveyed through the medium of the State. Christian teaching has thus involved a weakening of the State, either in favour of the right of private judgment, or in favour of the Church.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第7章 革命的な権力 n.3


Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.3

In relation to power, the most important of Christian doctrines was: “We ought to obey God rather than man.” This was a precept to which nothing analogous had previously existed, except among the Jews. There were, it is true, religious duties, but they did not conflict with duty to the State except among Jews and Christians. Pagans were willing to acquiesce in the cult of the Emperor, even when they regarded his claim to divinity as wholly devoid of metaphysical truth. To the Christians, on the contrary, metaphysical truth was of the utmost moment: they believed that if they performed an act of worship to any but the one true God they incurred the risk of damnation, to which martyrdom was preferable as the lesser evil.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第7章 革命的な権力 n.2


(I) 初期キリスト教; (II) 宗教改革;(III) フランス市民革命とナショナリズム;(IV) 社会主義とロシア革命




Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.3

I shall illustrate revolutionary power by considering four examples :

(I) Early Christianity; (II) The Reformation ; (III) The French Revolution and Nationalism ; (IV) Socialism and the Russian Revolution.
I. Early Christianity.

I am concerned with Christianity only as it affected power and social organization, not, except incidentally, on the side of personal religion.
Christianity was, in its earliest days, entirely unpolitical. The best representatives of the primitive tradition in our time are the Christadelphians, who believe the end of the world to be imminent, and refuse to have any part or lot in secular affairs. This attitude, however, is only possible to a small sect. As the number of Christians increased and the Church grew more powerful, it was inevitable that a desire to influence the State should grow up. Diocletian’s persecution must have very much strengthened this desire. The motives of Constantine’s conversion remain more or less obscure, but it is evident that they were mainly political, which implies that the Church had become politically influential. The difference between the teachings of the Church and the traditional doctrines of the Roman State was so vast that the revolution which took place at the time of Constantine must be reckoned the most important in known history
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第7章 革命的な権力 n.1


Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.1

A traditional system, we observed, may break up in two different ways. It may happen that the creeds and mental habits upon which the old regime was based give way to mere scepticism; in that case, social cohesion can only be preserved by the exercise of naked power. Or it may happen that a new creed, involving new mental habits, acquires an increasing hold over men, and at last becomes strong enough to substitute a government in harmony with the new convictions in place of the one which is felt to have become obsolete. In this case the new revolutionary power has characteristics which are different both from traditional and from naked power. It is true that, if the revolution is successful, the system which it establishes soon becomes traditional ; it is true, also, that the revolutionary struggle, if it is severe and prolonged, often degenerates into a struggle for naked power. Nevertheless, the adherents of a new creed are psychologically very different from ambitious adventurers, and their effects are apt to be both more important and more permanent.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.33

 私はこのこと(権力の監視及びコントロール)は容易だと言うつもりはない。そのためには,ひとつには,戦争の根絶が必要である(必要となる)。なぜなら,戦争は全てむきだしの権力の行使であるからである。(また)そのためには,世界から反抗を生む耐え難い抑圧をなくす必要がある(自由な世界の実現)。(また)そのためには,全世界を通じての生活水準の向上が - 特にインドと中国と日本において少なくとも世界大恐慌前の米国で達せられていた水準まで向上することが - 必要である(注:この本がだされたのが1938年=昭和13年であり,当時の日本は非常に貧しかった。なお,みすず書房版の東宮訳では,before the depression を「不景気前」と誤訳している)。(また)そのためには,古代ローマの護民官に似たような何らかの制度が必要であり,それは人民(国民)全体のためではなく,マイノリティー(少数派)や犯罪者などのような,抑圧されがちなあらゆる階層のために必要である。(さらにまた)そのためには,とりわけ用心深い世論が必要であり,その世論には事実を確認する(確かめる)いろいろな機会が伴っていなければならない。

 特定の個人とか特定の個人の集団の徳(道徳的美点)を当てにすること(信頼を置くこと)は無益である。哲人王(注:頭脳明晰な哲学者が支配者になること)は随分前に怠惰な夢として退けられたが,(今日)哲人政党は -これも同様に間違っているが- 偉大な発見として,歓呼して迎え入れられている。(注:本書の出版は1938年であることから、ドイツにおけるナチス(=国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党)による1933年の政権獲得を指していると思われる。) 権力の問題の真の解決は,少数者による無責任な政治においては見つけることはまったくできないし,それ以外のいかなる近道においても見つけることはできない。しかし,この問題についてのこれ以上の論議は,後の章に譲らなければならない。

Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.33

I do not pretend that this is easy. It involves, for one thing, the elimination of war, for all war is an exercise of naked power. It involves a world free from those intolerable oppressions that give rise to rebellions. It involves the raising of the standard of life throughout the world, and particularly in India, China, and Japan, to at least the level which had been reached in the United States before the depression. It involves some institution analogous to the Roman tribunes, not for the people as a whole, but for every section that is liable to oppression, such as minorities and criminals. It involves, above all, a watchful public opinion, with opportunities of ascertaining the facts.

It is useless to trust in the virtue of some individual or set of individuals. The philosopher king was dismissed long ago as an idle dream, but the philosopher party, though equally fallacious, is hailed as a great discovery. No real solution of the problem of power is to be found in irresponsible government by a minority, or in any other short cut. But the further discussion of this matter must be left for a later chapter.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.32


hapter VI: Naked Power, n.32

There must be power, either that of governments, or that of anarchic adventurers. There must even be naked power, so long as there are rebels against governments, or even ordinary criminals. But if human life is to be, for the mass of mankind, anything better than a dull misery punctuated with moments of sharp horror, there must be as little naked power as possible. The exercise of power, if it is to be something better than the infliction of wanton torture, must be hedged round by safeguards of law and custom, permitted only after due deliberation, and entrusted to men who are closely supervised in the interests of those who are subjected to them.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.31


 人間(人類)の歴史において,非常に忌むべき行為(注:abominations 複数形であることに注意)の大部分はむきだしの権力と関連している。それは,戦争と結びついたものだけでなく,たとえ戦争ほど目覚ましくはなくとも戦争と同じくらい恐るべき行為と関連している(if = even if)。(たとえば)奴隷制度と奴隷売買コンゴにおける搾取

 伝統に深く根ざしている多くの不正な権力の形態は,一時期はむきだしなものであったはずである(であったにちがいない)。キリスト教徒の妻は,何世紀にもわたって夫に服従してきたが,その理由は聖パウロがそうせよと言ったからである。しかし,ジェイソンとメデアの物語は,聖パウロの教義(妻は夫に服従)が女性一般に受けいれる以前に,男性が経験しなければならなかった苦労(諸困難)を例証している(よく示している)。(訳注:「ジェイソンとメデアの物語」はギリシア神話のなかの一つで,ジェイソンの妻メディアの残酷さを描いた一話。詳しくは、次のページ「> 帰国後のジェイソンとメディア」を参照。
http://palladion.fantasia.to/003-RAY2/010ARGONAUTES09.html )

Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.31

Most of the great abominations in human history are connected with naked power–not only those associated with war, but others equally terrible if less spectacular. Slavery and the slave trade, the exploitation of the Congo, the horrors of early industrialism, cruelty to children, judicial torture, the criminal law, prisons, workhouses, religious persecution, the atrocious treatment of the Jews, the merciless frivolities of despots, the unbelievable iniquity of the treatment of political opponents in Germany and Russia at the present day–all these are examples of the use of naked power against defenceless victims.
Many forms of unjust power which are deeply rooted in tradition must at one time have been naked. Christian wives, for many centuries, obeyed their husbands because St. Paul said they should; but the story of Jason and Medea illustrates the difficulties that men must have had before St. Paul’s doctrine was generally accepted by women.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.30

 社会主義者である貸金労働者(注:a Socialist と大文字になっているので「社会党員」のことか?)は,自分の収入が雇傭者の収入より少ないことは不正(不正義)だと感ずるかもしれない。そのような場合,彼(賃金労働者)に(そのことに)黙従させるのはむきだしの権力である。経済的に不平等な旧い制度は伝統的なものであり,それ自体として怒り(憤り)を起こさせるものではない。ただし,それは,伝統に反対している人々を除いて(例外)の話である。このようにして,社会主義的な意見が増すごとに,資本家の権力をよりむきだしなものにさせる。この事例(場合)は,異端派(や異教徒)とカトリック教会の権力の事例(場合)に類似している。既に見てきたように,むきだしの権力には,内在している若干の害悪があり,それは,黙従を勝ち得る権力とは対称的なものである。その結果,社会主義的な意見が増すごとに,資本家の権力はそれだけいっそう有害なものになってゆくただし,資本家が(労働者の反抗に対する)恐怖心によって,権力行使の苛酷さが緩和される限りにおいては,話は別である(例外である)。マルクス主義者の(想定した)型の社会が与えられ,全ての貸金労働者が確信を抱いた社会主義者であり,他の全ての人々が確信を抱いた資本主義体制の擁護者だという場合には,勝利をおさめる側がどちらであろうと,敵側に対するむきだしの権力の行使から逃れることはまったくできないであろう。マルクスが予言したこのような状況は,とてもゆゆしき事態であろう。マルクスの弟子たちのプロパガンダは,それが成功をおさめるかぎり,そのような事態を引き起こしがちとなっている。

Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.30

A wage-earner who is a Socialist may feel it unjust that his income is less than that of his employer; in that case, it is naked power that compels him to acquiesce. The old system of economic inequality is traditional, and does not, in itself, rouse indignation, except in those who are in revolt against the tradition. Thus every increase of socialistic opinion makes the power of the capitalist more naked; the case is analogous to that of heresy and the power of the Catholic Church. There are, as we have seen, certain evils that are inherent in naked power, as opposed to power which wins acquiescence ; consequently every increase in socialist opinion tends to make the power of capitalists more harmful, except in so far as the ruthlessness of its exercise may be mitigated by fear. Given a community completely on the Marxist pattern, in which all wage-earners were convinced socialists and all others were equally convinced upholders of the capitalist system, the victorious party, whichever it might be, would have no escape from the exercise of naked force towards its opponents. This situation, which Marx prophesied, would be a very grave one. The propaganda of his disciples, in so far as it is successful, is tending to bring it about.
 出典: Power, 1938.