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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第6章 06-32 (松下 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第6章 むきだしの権力 n.32 - 権力の暴走に対する歯止め


Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.32

There must be power, either that of governments, or that of anarchic adventurers. There must even be naked power, so long as there are rebels against governments, or even ordinary criminals. But if human life is to be, for the mass of mankind, anything better than a dull misery punctuated with moments of sharp horror, there must be as little naked power as possible. The exercise of power, if it is to be something better than the infliction of wanton torture, must be hedged round by safeguards of law and custom, permitted only after due deliberation, and entrusted to men who are closely supervised in the interests of those who are subjected to them.
(掲載日:2017.08.03/更新日: )