
dresden_razing (ベルリンの破壊よりも)いっそう弁解できない同国人(英国人)によるドレスデンの完全破壊(抹消)を熟視し,私は胸が悪くなった
((YouTube 動画(ドレスデン空襲: http://youtu.be/SU3wkOGXlcY)。私は,ドイツが明らかに降伏しようとしていたのであるからそれで十分だと思うとともに,135,000人のドイツ人(注:ドレスデン市民)を殺すだけでなく,ドイツ人の住居全てと無数の財産を破壊することは野蛮行為であると思った。
私は,連合国によるドイツの取り扱い方は,ほとんど信じがたいほど愚かであると思った。勝利をおさめた国々の政府は,ドイツの一部をロシアに与え,一部を西側に与えることによって -特に,ベルリンが分割され,西側からベルリンの(西側の)部分(=西ベルリン)にアクセスするには空路によるほか何の保証もなかったので- 東西間の争いの継続を確かなものにした。彼らは,ロシアと西側の同盟国の間の平和的協力を想像していた。しかし,そんな結果は起こりそうもないことを予見すべきだった。感情面に限っても,実際に起こったのは,西側諸国の共通の敵としてのロシアとの戦いの継続ということであった。第三次世界大戦のための舞台が準備された。そしてそれは,諸政府の全く愚かな行為によって念入りになされたであった。

I had known Berlin well in the old days, and the hideous destruction that I saw at this time shocked me. From my window I could barely see one house standing. I could not discover where the Germans were living. This complete destruction was due partly to the English and partly to the Russians, and it seemed to me monstrous. Contemplation of the less accountable razing of Dresden by my own countrymen sickened me. I felt that when the Germans were obviously about to surrender that was enough, and that to destroy not only 135,000 Germans but also all their houses and countless treasures was barbarous.
I felt the treatment of Germany by the Allies to be almost incredibly foolish. By giving part of Germany to Russia and part to the West, the victorious Governments ensured the continuation of strife between East and West, particularly as Berlin was partitioned and there was no guarantee of access by the West to its part of Berlin except by air. They had imagined a peaceful co-operation between Russia and her Western allies, but they ought to have foreseen that this was not a likely outcome. As far as sentiment was concerned, what happened was a continuation of the war with Russia as the common enemy of the West. The stage was set for the Third World War, and this was done deliberately by the utter folly of Governments.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 chap. 1: Return to England, 1969]
