
 この信念を基にして,私は常に一定程度の楽天主義を持ちつづけた。ただしその楽天主義は年をとるに従ってより冷静なものになり,幸福な結末(happy issue)はより遠のいていった。しかし,人間は苦しむように生れついているという物の見方を宿命論的に受けいれる人たちには,私は,相変わらず,全く同意することができない過去及び現在の不幸の原因は(何か),確かめることは困難なことではない。貧困や疾病や飢餓がこれまであったが,それらは人間が自然について十分精通していなかったからである(man’s inadequate mastery of nature)。(これまで)戦争や抑圧や拷問があったが,それらは同胞に対する敵意のせいであった。また,陰気な信条によって促進された病的な惨めさがあり,それはあらゆる外的繁栄を役に立たないものにするような,深刻な内面的な不調和に人間を導いてきた。これらすべて不要である。これらのどれについても,克服することができる手段は知られている。

On the basis of this belief, I have had always a certain degree of optimism, although, as I have grown older, the optimism has grown more sober and the happy issue more distant. But I remain completely incapable of agreeing with those who accept fatalistically the view that man is born to trouble. The causes of unhappiness in the past and, in the present are not difficult to ascertain. There have been poverty, pestilence, and famine, which were due to man’s inadequate mastery of nature. There have been wars, oppressions and tortures which have been due to men’s hostility to their fellow men. And there have been morbid miseries fostered by gloomy creeds, which have led men into profound inner discords that made all outward prosperity of no avail. All these are unnecessary. In regard to all of them, means are known by which they can be overcome. In the modern world, if communities are unhappy, it is because they choose to be so. Or, to speak more precisely, because they have ignorances, habits, beliefs, and passions, which are dearer to them than happiness or even life. I find many men in our dangerous age who seem to be in love with misery and death, and who grow angry when hopes are suggested to them. They think that hope is irrational and that, in sitting down to lazy despair, they are merely facing facts. I cannot agree with these men. To preserve hope in our world makes calls upon our intelligence and our energy. In those who despair it is very frequently the energy that is lacking.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)
