(三) フランス市民革命とナショナリズム

裁判権(注:administration of justice 司法行政)もまた,天賦人権説の擁護者たちの関心を引いた問題であった。(即ち)彼らは,いかなる人間も,然るべき法の手続きをへずに,生命または自由を奪われることがあってはならないと考えた。これは,正しいにせよ,間違っているにせよ,哲学上の不合理をまったく含んでいない意見である。
Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.15
III. The French Revolution and Nationalism.
The Western world, from the Reformation until 1848, was undergoing a continuous upheaval which may be called the Rights-of-Man Revolution. In I848, this movement began to transform itself into nationalism east of the Rhine. In France, the association had existed since 1792, and in England from the beginning; in America, it had existed since 1776. The nationalist aspect of the movement has gradually overpowered the Rights-of-Man aspect, but this latter was at first the more important.
It is customary in our day to pour scorn on the Rights of Man, as a piece of shallow eighteenth-century rhetoric. It is true that, philosophically considered, the doctrine is indefensible ; but historically and pragmatically it was useful, and we enjoy many freedoms which it helped to win. A Benthamite, to whom the abstract conception of “rights” is inadmissible, can state what is, for practical purposes, the same doctrine in the following terms :
“The general happiness is increased if a certain sphere is defined within which each individual is to be free to act as he chooses, without the interference of any external authority.”
The administration of justice was also a matter that interested the advocates of the Rights of Man; they held that no man should be deprived of life or liberty without due process of law. This is an opinion which, whether true or false, involves no philosophical absurdity.
出典: Power, 1938.