のであった。「日和見主義者(風見鶏)」(vicar of Bray 16世紀イングランド Berkshire 州の Bray 村の 教区牧師 VICAR は支配者が代わるたびに,その宗旨に合わせて,四度も転向したことから)は,プロテスタント諸国(新教徒国家)における,国家によるカトリック教会の打破(defeat 打ち負かすこと)を例証している。宗教的寛容ということが可能なことと考えられなかった当時としては,エラストウス主義(注:erastianism 教会組織の問題については、国家が教会よりも力を持つという教義)だけが,教皇とキリスト教公会議(General Councils.)に対する代用物であった。
Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.13
The work of Henry VIII might not have been permanent, but for the fact that, under Elizabeth, a form of nationalism associated with Protestantism became at once necessary and lucrative. Self-preservation demanded the defeat of Catholic Spain, and took the pleasant form of capturing Spanish treasureships. After that time, the only danger to the Anglican Church was from the Left, not from the Right. But the attack from the Left was defeated, and was succeeded by
Good King Charles’s golden days,
When loyalty no harm meant.
The Vicar of Bray illustrates the defeat of the Church by the State in Protestant countries. So long as religious toleration was not thought possible, Erastianism was the only available substitute for the authority of the Pope and General Councils.
出典: Power, 1938.