教皇権と皇帝フリードリッヒ二世との間の長期の争いの中で,最終的に教皇が勝利を得たのは,主として,二つの理由のおかげである。(即ち)一つは,ロンバルディアだけでなくトスカーナ(Tuscany)も含めた,北イタリアの商業精神(利益追求の精神)を持った諸都市が封建制度に反対したからである。もうひとつは,フランシスコ会の人々によってかきたてられた敬虔な熱意があったからである(as well as の用法について。https://www.enago.jp/academy/as-well-as/)。聖フランシスコ(注:アッシジのフランチェスコ, 1182-1226:フランシスコ会の創設者/日本のカトリック教会ではアシジの聖フランシスコと呼んでいる。)は使徒的な清貧と普遍的な愛を説いた。しかし,彼の死の数年たたずして,彼の信奉者たちは,教会財産を守るのための激しい戦争において,(いわゆる)新兵を補充する代理下士官として活動していた。皇帝が敗北をしたのは,主として,彼が自分の大義(主義主張)に敬虔なあるいは道徳の衣を着せることができなかっからである。
同時に,この争いを通じて教皇が採用した戦時措置(war measures)は,多くの人々を,道徳的理由で,教皇権に対して批判的にさせた。皇帝フリードリヒ二世が死ぬまぎわまで争っていた教皇イノセント四世について,『ケンブリッジ(大学)中世史』(第6巻p.176)は次のように述べている。
Chapter IV: Priestly Power, n.18
In the long contest between the Papacy and the Emperor Frederick II, the ultimate victory of the Pope was due, in the main, to two causes: the opposition of the commercially minded cities of North Italy, Tuscany as well as Lombardy, to the feudal system, and the pious enthusiasm aroused by the Franciscans. St. Francis preached apostolic poverty and universal love; but within a few years of his death his followers were acting as recruiting sergeants in a fierce war to defend the property of the Church. The Emperor was defeated largely because he was unable to clothe his cause in a garb of piety or morality.
At the same time, the war measures adopted by the Popes during this struggle made many men critical of the Papacy on moral grounds. Of Innocent IV, the Pope with whom Frederick was contending at the time of his death, the Cambridge Medieval History (Vol. VI, p. I76) says:
“His conception of the Papacy was more secular than any other Pope’s before him. He viewed his weakness as political and his remedies were political. He used his spiritual powers constantly to raise money, buy friends, injure foes, and by his unscrupulousness he roused a disrespectful hostility to the Papacy everywhere. His dispensations were a scandal. In contempt of his spiritual duties and of local rights, he used the endowments of the Church as papal revenue and means of political rewards : there would be four papal nominees waiting one after another for a benefice. Bad appointments were a natural consequence of such a system ; and, further, legates chosen for war and diplomacy would more likely than not be thoroughly worldly in character…. Of the loss of prestige and spiritual influence occasioned by him Innocent was unconscious. He had good intentions, but not good principles. Endowed with courage, with invincible resolution, with astuteness, his cold equanimity was seldom shaken by disaster or good-fortune, and he patiently pursued his ends with a cunning faithlessness which lowered the standards of the Church. His influence on events was enormous. He wrecked the Empire; he started the Papacy on its decline; he moulded the destinies of Italy.”
出典: Power, 1938.