
ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.13

第十一章 売春 n.1

 ちゃんとした女性の貞操(virtue)は非常に重要なものであると見なすかぎり,結婚制度は,もうひとつ別の制度で補われなければならず,それは,実は,結婚制度の一部と見なしてさしつかえないであろう。(岩波文庫版の安藤訳では “a part of it“を「結婚生活の一部」となっている。これでは「売春制度は結婚生活の一部」ということになってしまう。ここは当然,「結婚制度の一部」,つまり「結婚制度の一部として売春制度」が(必要悪として)組み込まれている,と考えるべきであろう。なお,ラッセルはここで売春制度を肯定しているわけでないことに注意。つまり,「女性の貞操の確保が重要だ」というのが絶対条件であれば,と言っており,ラッセルはそうは考えていない。) 私が言おうとしているのは,売春制度のことである。「売春婦は,家庭の神聖さ及び妻や娘の純潔の防波堤(安全弁)である」というレッキーの有名な言葉を誰もがよく知っている(であろう)。この所感(感情)は,ヴィクトリア朝時代的であり,表現方法も旧式であるが,この事実は否定すべくもない。道学者たちは(注:Moralist ここでは複数形)レッキーのこの言葉に猛烈に腹を立てて,彼を非難するとともに,自分たちが怒っている理由が(彼らには)よくわからなかった。しかし,彼らは,レッキーの言ったことが真実ではないということをうまく示すことができなかった。道学者というものは(注:Moralist ここでは単数形),人々が(道学者である)自分の教えに従うなら売春はなくなる,と主張する。もちろん,そのとおりである。しかし,道学者は,人びとが自分の教えに従わないことは百も承知の上である。従って,彼らがかりに従ったとしたらどうなるかという仮定の話を考慮することは,的はずれ(無関係)である

Chapter X: Prostitution, n.1

So long as the virtue of respectable women is regarded as a matter of great importance, the institution of marriage has to be supplemented by another institution which may really be regarded as a part of it- I mean the institution of prostitution. Everybody is familiar with the famous passage in which Lecky speaks of prostitutes as safeguards of the sanctity of the home and of the innocence of our wives and daughters. The sentiment is Victorian, and the manner of expression is old-fashioned, but the fact is undeniable. Moralists have denounced Lecky because his remark made them feel furious and they did not quite know why, but they have not succeeded in showing that what he said was untrue. The moralist asserts, of course quite truly, that if men followed his teaching there would be no prostitution, but he knows quite well that they will not follow it, so that the consideration of what would happen if they did is irrelevant.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.12

第十章 結婚 n.12: 仮面夫婦であってはならず,束縛しあってはならない

 それゆえ,文明人の男女が結婚生活において幸福になることは可能であるけれども,これを実現するためには(if this is to be the case そうなるためには),いくつかの条件が満たされなければならない。(即ち)(夫婦)両者の側に完全な平等感がなければならない。お互いの自由を決して干渉してはならない。(両者の間に)最大限,完全な肉体的・精神的な親密さがなければならない。また,価値の基準について,ある一定の類似性(注:価値観がある程度似通っていること)がなければならない。(たとえば,一方が金銭だけを尊重するのに対して,他方は立派な仕事のみを尊重するような場合は,致命的である。)


Chapter X: Marriage, n.12

It is therefore possible for a civilized man and woman to be happy in marriage, although if this is to be the case a number of conditions must be fulfilled. There must be a feeling of complete equality on both sides; there must be no interference with mutual freedom ; there must be the most complete physical and mental intimacy; and there must be a certain similarity in regard to standards of values. (It is fatal, for example, if one values only money while the other values only good work.) Given all these conditions, I believe marriage to be the best and most important relation that can exist between two human beings. If it has not often been realized hitherto, that is chiefly because husbands and wives have regarded themselves as each other’s policemen. If marriage is to achieve its possibilities, husbands and wives must learn to understand that whatever the law may say, in their private lives they must be free.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.11

第十章 結婚 n.11: 結婚を維持すべき場合と解消すべき場合

 以上のような理由で -それらの理由の多くは,疑いもなく善(いもの)と結びついているが- 結婚(生活)が難しいものとなってしまっており,そうして,結婚(生活)を幸福の障害にすべきでないとしたら,いくらか新しいやり方で結婚を考えなければならない。しばしば提案され,アメリカで実際に大規模に試みられている一つの解決策は,離婚をしやすくすることである。もちろん私も,--人間味のある人だったら誰もがそう考えなければならないように--,離婚は,英国の法律で認められている以上の多くの理由で認められるべきである,と考えている。(注:英国では,当時,どちらかが不貞を働かない限り,離婚は認められておらず,ラッセルも苦労することになった。)しかし,離婚を容易にすることが結婚(生活)の揉め事の解決法だとは,私は考えてはいない。(結婚しても)子供がない場合は,たとえ両当事者(夫婦の双方)が上品な(見苦しくない)ふるまいをしようと最善を尽くしている場合においてさえ,離婚が正しい解決策になることがよくあるであろう。しかし,(夫婦に)子供がいる場合は,結婚生活の安定は(子どもにとって)かなり重要な事柄であると,私には思われる。(この問題については,家族に関連して,再びとりあげるつもりである。)



Chapter X: Marriage, n.11

For all these reasons, many of which are bound up with things undoubtedly good, marriage has become difficult, and if it is not to be a barrier to happiness it must be conceived in a somewhat new way. One solution often suggested, and actually tried on a large scale in America, is easy divorce. I hold, of course, as every humane person must, that divorce should be granted on more grounds than are admitted in the English law, but I do not recognize in easy divorce a solution of the troubles of marriage. Where a marriage is childless, divorce may be often the right solution, even when both parties are doing their best to behave decently; but where there are children the stability of marriage is to my mind a matter of considerable importance. (This is a subject to which I shall return in connection with the family.) I think that, where a marriage is fruitful and both parties to it are reasonable and decent, the expectation ought to be that it will be lifelong, but not that it will exclude other sex relations. A marriage which begins with passionate love and leads to children who are desired and loved ought to produce so deep a tie between a man and woman that they will feel something infinitely precious in their companionship, even after sexual passion has decayed, and even if either or both feels sexual passion for someone else. This mellowing of marriage has been prevented by jealousy, but jealousy, though it is an instinctive emotion, is one which can be controlled if it is recognized as bad, and not supposed to be the expression of a just moral indignation. A companionship which has lasted for many years and through many deeply felt events has a richness of content which cannot belong to the first days of love, however delightful these may be. And any person who appreciates what time can do to enhance values will not lightly throw away such companionship for the sake of new love.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.10

第十章 結婚 n.10: 愛を束縛することは愛を壊す

 現代の結婚(の道のり/結婚生活)にはもうひとつ別の困難があるが,それは,恋愛(男女間の愛情)の価値を一番よく知っている人びとが特に痛感しているものである。恋愛(男女間の愛情)は,自由で自発的である場合にしか栄えることはできない。即ち(従って)恋愛(男女間の愛情)は,義務(の一つ)として考えるときには損なわれがちである。誰それを愛するのはあなたの義務であると言えば(言われれば),確実に,あなたはその人(彼あるいは彼女)のことが嫌いになってしまう(であろう)。恋愛(男女間の愛情)に法律のかせ(束縛)を結びつけるものとしての結婚は,このようにして,あぶはち取らずに終わる(falls between two stools 二兎を追って一兎も得ず)ということになるのである。シェリー(著名な抒情詩人)は次のように言っている。



Chapter X: Marriage, n.10

There is another difficulty in the way of modern marriage, which is felt especially by those who are most conscious of the value of love. Love can only flourish as long as it is free and spontaneous; it tends to be killed by the thought that it is a duty. To say that it is your duty to love so-and-so is the surest way to cause you to hate him or her. Marriage as a combination of love with legal bonds thus falls between two stools. Shelley says :-

I never was attached to that great sect
Whose doctrine is that each one should select
Out of the crowd a mistress or a friend,
And all the rest, though wise and good, commend
To cold oblivion; though it is the code
Of modern morals, and the beaten road
Which those poor slaves with weary footsteps tread
Who travel to their home among the dead
By the broad highway of the world, and so
With one chain’d friend, perhaps a jealous foe,
The dreariest and the longest journey go.

There can be no doubt that to close one,s mind on marriage against all the approaches of love from elsewhere is to diminish receptivity and sympathy and the opportunities of valuable human contacts. It is to do violence to something which, from the most idealistic standpoint, is in itself desirable. And like every kind of restrictive morality it tends to promote what one may call a policeman,s outlook upon the whole of human life-the outlook, that is to say, which is always looking for opportunities to forbid something.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.9

第十章 結婚 n.9: 男女間における性倫理の非対称?


Chapter X: Marriage, n.9

Women’s emancipation has in various ways made marriage more difficult. In old days the wife had to adapt herself to the husband, but the husband did not have to adapt himself to the wife. Nowadays many wives, on grounds of woman’s right to her own individuality and her own career, are unwilling to adapt themselves to their husbands beyond a point, while men who still hanker after the old tradition of masculine domination see no reason why they should do all the adapting. This trouble arises especially in connection with infidelity. In old days the husband was occasionally unfaithful, but as a rule his wife did not know of it. If she did, he confessed that he had sinned and made her believe that he was penitent. She, on the other hand, was usually virtuous. If she was not, and the fact came to her husband’s knowledge, the marriage broke up. Where, as happens in many modern marriages, mutual faithfulness is not demanded, the instinct of jealousy nevertheless survives, and often proves fatal to the persistence of any deeply rooted intimacy even where no overt quarrels occur.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.8

第十章 結婚 n.8: 性的な慣れのために情熱の刃先がなまり・・・

 けれども,結婚(生活)における不幸の現代の原因のその他のものは,そう簡単に片付けることはできない。私は,抑制されない文明人は,男女を問わず,本能的には,通例,一夫多妻的,あるいは一妻多夫的である,と思っている。人はみな(They)激しく恋愛し,数年間は一人の人間にすっかり夢中になるであろう(可能性がある)。しかし,遅かれ早かれ,性的な慣れのために情熱の刃先がなまってきて,以前のスリルの復活を求めてあたりを(どこかにないかと)探し始める。もちろん,この衝動を道徳のためにコントロールすることはできるが,この衝動が起きるのを抑えることは非常に困難である。女性の自由が増すにつれて,夫婦が不倫を働く機会は,以前(昔)よりもはるかに多くなってきている。機会が(不倫をしたいという)想いを生み,想いが欲望(欲求)を生み,そして,宗教上のとがめ(scruples 呵責)がない場合には,欲望(欲求)が行為を引き起こす(ことになる)

Chapter X: Marriage, n.8

Other modern causes of unhappiness in marriages are, however, not so easily disposed of. I think that uninhibited civilized people, whether men or women, are generally polygamous in their instincts. They may fall deeply in love and be for some years entirely absorbed in one person, but sooner or later sexual familiarity dulls the edge of passion, and then they begin to look elsewhere for a revival of the old thrill. It is, of course, possible to control this impulse in the interests of morality, but it is very difficult to prevent the impulse from existing. With the growth of women’s freedom there has come a much greater opportunity for conjugal infidelity than existed in former times. The opportunity gives rise to the thought, the thought gives rise to the desire, and in the absence of religious scruples the desire gives rise to the act.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.7:動物は本能に従えばよいが・・・

第十章 結婚 n.7: 動物は本能に従えばよいが・・・ (1段落落飛ばす)


 まず,(現在よりも文明化されるならば消滅するであろう)後者の原因から考えてみよう。これらの不幸の原因のうちで最も重要なのは,悪しき性教育であり,これは,小作農の間よりも,裕福な人びとの間でずっと一般的に見受けられる。小作農(裕福でない農民)の子供たちは早くから,いわゆる性の実態(注:facts of life 人生の事実)に慣れるようになり,そのことを。子供たちは,人間の間ばかりではなく,動物の間でも観察することができる。こうして,彼らは,(性的)無知と過度の潔癖さから救われる。これに反して,注意深く教育されてきた裕福な家の子供たちは,性的な事柄に関する実際的な知識から遮断されている。また,最も現代的な親でさえ,子供たちに(動物の性に関する事実について)書物から教えるので,小作農(農民)の子供が早くから身につけるところの実際に親しんでいるという感覚を子供に与えることができない。



Chapter X: Marriage, n.7

Among civilized people in the modern world none of these conditions for what is called happiness exist, and accordingly one finds that not many marriages after the first few years are happy. Some of the causes of unhappiness are bound up with civilization, but others would disappear if men and women were more civilized than they are. Let us begin with the latter. Of these the most important is bad sexual education, which is a far commoner thing among the well-to-do than it can ever be among peasants. Peasant children early become accustomed to what are called the facts of life, which they can observe not only among human beings but among animals. They are thus saved from both ignorance and fastidiousness. The carefully educated children of the well-to-do, on the contrary, are shielded from all practical knowledge of sexual matters, and even the most modern parents, who teach children out of books, do not give them that sense of practical familiarity which the peasant child early acquires. The triumph of Christian teaching is when a man and woman marry without either having had previous sexual experience. In a large proportion of cases where this occurs, the results are unfortunate. Sexual behaviour among human beings is not instinctive, so that the inexperienced bride and bridegroom, who are probably quite unaware of this fact, find themselves overwhelmed with shame and discomfort. It is little better when the woman alone is innocent but the man has acquired his knowledge from prostitutes. Most men do not realize that a process of wooing is necessary after marriage, and many well-brought-up women do not realize what harm they do to marriage by remaining reserved and physically aloof. All this could be put right by better sexual education, and is in fact very much better with the generation now young than it was with their parents and grandparents. There used to be a widespread belief among women that they were morally superior to men on the ground that they had less pleasure in sex. This attitude made frank companionship between husbands and wives impossible. It was of course in itself quite unjustifiable, since failure to enjoy sex, so far from being virtuous, is a mere physiological or psychological deficiency, like a failure to enjoy food, which also a hundred years ago was expected of elegant females.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.5

第十章 結婚 n.5: 幸せな結婚の条件

 今日,世界を見わたして,全体的に言って,どのような条件が結婚に幸福をもたらし,どのような条件が不幸をもたらすかを自問する時,我々はいくらか(いささか)奇妙な結論に追いやられる。即ち,人々は,文明化すればするほど,一人の配偶者で(と)終生の幸福を得ることがよりできなくなる,という結論である。アイルランドの小作農は,最近まで結婚は両親によって決められていたが,彼らのことをよく知っている人々の話では,彼らの夫婦生活は,概して幸福で道徳的なものであったようである。一般に,人と人との違いが最も少ない場合に,結婚は最も容易になる。男性が他の男性とほとんど違わず,女性が他の女性とほとんど違わない時は,(他の)別の人と結婚しなかったことを後悔する理由は特にない。しかし,雑多な趣味,仕事(pursuits),興味(など)を持っている人々は,配偶者も同じ趣味・志向(相性)を持っていることを望み,期待したほど(可能性があったほど)それが得られなかった時には,不満を感じがちである。キリスト教会は,結婚を単に性の観点から見る傾向があるので,ある配偶者が,別の配偶者と同じようにしないのか(同じようにうまくいかないのか)その理由がわからない。そうして(それゆえに),結婚の非解消(注:indissolubility 結婚を解消できないこと=離婚できないこと)を擁護し,結婚を解消できないためにしばしば苦難がもたらされる,ということを理解できない(のである)。

Chapter X: Marriage, n.5

When we look round the world at the present day and ask ourselves what conditions seem on the whole to make for happiness in marriage and what for unhappiness, we are driven to a somewhat curious conclusion : that the more civilized people become the less capable they seem of lifelong happiness with one partner. Irish peasants, although until recent times marriages were decided by the parents, were said by those who ought to know them to be on the whole happy and virtuous in their conjugal life. In general, marriage is easiest where people are least differentiated. When a man differs little from other men, and a woman differs little from other women, there is no particular reason to regret not having married someone else. But people with multi-farious tastes and pursuits and interests will be apt to desire congeniality in their partners, and to feel dissatisfied when they find that they have secured less of it than they might have obtained. The Church, which tends to view marriage solely from the point of view of sex, sees no reason why one partner should not do just as well as another, and can therefore uphold the indissolubility of marriage without realizing the hardship that this often involves.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.4

第十章 結婚 n.4: 結婚の「秘蹟化」(秘蹟としての結婚)


これは,人間の幸福にとって利益(得)であったか,損失であったのか? どちらか断言することは非常に困難である。小作農(peasant)の間では,既婚女性の生活は,常に非常に厳しいものであったし,全体的に言って文明度の最も低い小作農の間においては,既婚女性の生活は,最大限厳しいものであった。大部分の蛮族(未開種族)の間では,女は25歳で年寄りになり,その年齢では,美の名残りを少しでもとどめようと望むことはできない(無理な願いである)。女性を家畜とみなすのは,疑いもなく,男にとってははとても心地よいものであったが,女性にとっては,困難辛苦(注:toil and hardship 辛苦と困難)にすぎない生活を意味していた。


Chapter X: Marriage, n.4

With the coming of Christianity this outlook was changed. The part of religion in marriage was very greatly augmented, and infractions of the marriage law came to be blamed on grounds of taboo rather than of property. To have intercourse with another man’s wife remained, of course, an offence against that man, but to have any intercourse outside marriage was an offence against God, and this, in the view of the Church, was a far graver matter. For the same reason divorce, which had previously been granted to men on easy terms, was declared inadmissible. Marriage became a sacrament and therefore lifelong.

Was this a gain or a loss to human happiness? It is very hard to say. Among peasants the life of married women has always been a very hard one, and on the whole it has been hardest among the least civilized peasants. Among most barbarous peoples a woman is old at twenty-five, and cannot hope at that age to retain any traces of beauty. The view of woman as a domestic animal was no doubt very pleasant for men, but for women it meant a life of nothing but toil and hardship. Christianity, while in some ways it made the position of women worse, especially in the well-to-do classes, did at least recognize their theological equality with men, and refused to regard them as absolutely the property of their husbands. A married woman had not, of course, the right to leave her husband for another man, but she could leave him for a life of religion. And on the whole progress towards a better status for women was easier, in the great bulk of the population, from the Christian than from the pre-Christian standpoint.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十章 結婚 n.3: 社会の姦通に対する態度

第十章 結婚 n.3:

大部分の半文明社会の姦通に対する態度は,この見方と一致している(of a piece with)。かなり低いレベルの文明においては,姦通はときに大目に見られる。聞くところによると,サモア人は,旅に出かけないといけない時には,留守中,妻が(性)を楽しむことを十分に予想(覚悟)しているそうである。(原注:マーガレット・ミ-ド(著)『サモア島の成年』(1928年,pp.104以下)けれども,少し高いレベルの文明(社会)においては,女性の姦通は,死か,あるいは,よくても厳しい罰が課せられる。

 マンゴー・パーク(Mungo Park)によるマンボ・ジャンボの話は,私の若い頃よく知られていたが,最近になって,アメリカの知識人たちが,マンボ・ジャンボのことを,コンゴの神だと言及しているのを知って,私は胸を痛めている。マンボ・ジャンボは,実際,神ではないし,コンゴとも関係はない。マンポ・ジャンボは,ニジェール川上流に住む男たちが,(性的))罪を犯した女たちを脅すために創案された見せかけの悪魔(a pretence demon)であった。マンゴー・パークの話(説明)は,どうしても宗教の起源に関するヴォルテール流の見解を想起させるので,現代の人類学者は慎重に伏せておこうとする傾向があった。人類学者は,未開人の行為に,合理的な悪党根性が侵入するのが我慢できない(のである)。他の男の妻と性交をした男も,もちろん,罪人とされたが,未婚の娘と性交をした男は,結婚市場における娘の価値を減少させないかぎりは,まったく非難を招くことはなかった

Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.3

The attitude of most semi-civilized communities towards adultery is of a piece with this outlook. At a very low level of civilization adultery is sometimes tolerated. The Samoans, we are told, when they have to go upon a journey, fully expect their wives to console themselves for their absence.(note: Margaret Mead, Coming of Age in Samoa, 1928, pp. 104 ff.) At a slightly higher leve1, however, adultery in women is punished with death or at best with very severe penalties. Mungo Park’s account of Mumbo Jumbo used to be well known when I was young, but I have been pained in recent years to find highbrow Americans alluding to Mumbo Jumbo as a god of the Congo. He was in fact neither a god nor connected with the Congo. He was a pretence demon invented by the men of the Upper Niger to terrify women who had sinned. Mungo Park’s account so inevitably suggests a Voltairean view as to the origins of religion that it has tended to be discreetly suppressed by modern anthropologists, who cannot bear the intrusion of rational scoundrelism into the doings of savages. A man who had intercourse with another man’s wife was of course also a criminal, but a man who had intercourse with an unmarried woman did not incur any blame unless he diminished her value in the marriage market.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.