最後の要請(注:5つ目の要請)はアナロジー(類比/類推)の要請 (the postulate of analogy) であり、この要請の最も重要な機能は、他人の精神(心)が存在するという信念を正当化することである。この要請は次のごとくである。
A及びBの2つの事象が与えられ、そうして(かつ)AとBとが両方とも観察できる場合に、AがBの原因であると信ずべき理由があるならば、その時には(then)、ある与えられた場合に、Aは観察されるがBが起るか(生ずるか)否かを観察する手段がない場合でも(if = even if)、Bが起こる可能性は高い。Bは観察されるがAが存在するか否かが観察されない場合も同様である(Aは同様に起こル可能性が高い)。
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.19 The last postulate is that of analogy, the most important function of which is to justify the belief in other minds. The postulate is as follows:
Given two classes of events A and B, and given that, whenever both A and B can be observed, there is reason to believe that A causes B, then if, in a given case, A is observed, but there is no way of observing whether B occurs or not, it is probable that B occurs; and similarly if B is observed, but the presence or absence of A cannot be observed. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner//BR_MPD_16-190.HTM
時=空構造の重要性 -私が最初『物質の分析』(The Analysis of Matter, 1927)で強調したもの- は、大変大きいものである。この本では、一つの複合的な事象が他の複合的な事象と、質的にはまったく相似でない場合でも(although)、どのようにして因果的に結合されることが可能なのかを説明している。この2つの事象はそれらの時=空構造のもつ抽象的な特性において相互に似ておりさえすればよい(のである)。放送で使用される電磁波が、聴取者の感覚を引き起こす(知覚の原因となる)ことは明らかであるが、電磁波は感覚(されたもの)と構造に関する事以外は似ていない。 理論物理学が、我々が経験しない出来事についての公式をもって満足しうるのは構造の重要性のゆえであり、そういう出来事は構造において以外は我々の経験するいかなる出来事にも似ている必要はないのである。
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.18 The fourth postulate, which I call ‘the structural postulate’, is very important and very fruitful. It is concerned with such cases as a number of people hearing the same speech or seeing the same performance in a theatre or, to take an example with wider scope, seeing the same stars in the sky. What the postulate says is as follows: When a number of structurally similar complex events are ranged about a centre in regions not widely separated, it is usually the case that all belong to causal lines having their origin in an event of the same structure at the centre. The importance of space-time structure, which I first emphasized in The Analysis of Matter, is very great. It explains how one complex event can be causally connected with another complex event, although they are not in any way qualitatively similar. They need only resemble each other in the abstract properties of their space-time structure. It is obvious that the electro-magnetic waves used in broadcasting cause the sensations of the hearers, but do not resemble them except in structural respects. It is because of the importance of structure that theoretical physics is able to content itself with formulae that are about unexperienced occurrences which need not, except in structure, resemble any of the occurrences that we experience. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner//BR_MPD_16-180.HTM
第三の要請(公準)は時=空の連続性の要請 (the postulate of spatio-temporal)- これは主として遠隔作用(訳注:action at a distance 遠隔作用は、物体が空間を隔てて直接力を及ぼすとするニュートンの仮説で、アインシュタインの相対性理論によって否定された)を否定することに関係している要請- である。この要請の主張するところは、隣接していない二つの事象の間に因果関係(a causal connection )がある場合、因果の連鎖には中間のリンク(鎖)が存在しなければならない、ということである。たとえば、もしBの言うことをAが聞く場合、AとBとの間に何らかの過程が介在したに違いないと我々は考える。けれども、この要請をトートロジー(恒真命題)に還元できないということに確信が持てない(もしかすると、トートロジーに還元できるかも知れない)。なぜなら、物理的な時=空はまったく推論的なもの(推測によるもの)であり(訳注:時間と空間は独立して存在するものではないという相対性理論の考えかた)、時=空における事象の順序(づけ)は因果関係に依存しているからである。(訳注:この一文が精確に何を言っているのかイマイチ理解できません。遠隔作用tというものはなく、どんなに距離が離れていても近接作用の連続によって到達できるということであれば、A=A1=・・・=Anということで、それはトートロジーだ、と言っているように思われます。)
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.17 The third postulate is that of spatio-temporal continuity, which is mainly concerned to deny action at a distance. It maintains that, when there is a causal connection between two events that are not contiguous, there must be intermediate links in the causal chain. For example, if A hears what B says, we think that some process must have intervened between A and B. I do not feel sure, however, that this postulate could not be reduced to a tautology, since physical space-time is entirely inferential and the ordering of space-time events is dependent upon causality. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner//BR_MPD_16-170.HTM
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.16 The second postulate is that of separable causal lines. This is perhaps the most important of all the five. It enables us, from partial knowledge, to make a partial probable inference. We believe that everything in the universe has, or may have, some effect upon everything else, and since we do not know everything in the universe, we cannot tell exactly and certainly what will happen to anything; but we can tell approximately and with probability; and if we could not, knowledge and scientific laws could never get started. The postulate is as follows: It is frequently possible to form a series of events such that, from one or two members of the series, something can be inferred as to all the other members. The most obvious examples are such things as sound waves and light waves. It is owing to the permanence of such waves that hearing and sight can give us information about more or less distant occurrences. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner//BR_MPD_16-160.HTM
私が「準永続性の要請(公準)」 (the postulate of quasi-permanence) と私が呼んでいる (5つの要請/公準の中の)第一の要請(公準)は、ある意味で、ニュートンの運動の第一法則に代るものと考えてよいだろう。 、この要請(の支持)があるからこそ、(我々の)常識は 「人(人格)」 (persons) の概念や「物もの)」 (things) の概念を多少ともうまく用いることができるのである(訳注:人格に「準永続性」がなく、瞬間瞬間で人格が変わるとしたらまともに相手と向き合うことができなくなるから)。また、科学と哲学が、長い間、「実体」(substance) の概念を用いることができたのも、この要請(を支持すること)によってである。この要請(公準)が述べることは次のようなことである。即ち、 任意の事象Aが与えられると、Aに隣接する時間帯に、Aと極めて似ている事象がAに近接している場所に存在する(生じている)ことが,非常に頻繁に起る。 (我々の)常識は、この極めて似ている事象を、事象Aが起った「人(人格)」あるいは「物(もの)」の歴史の一部であるとみなすであろう。
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.15 The first of these I call ‘the postulate of quasi-permanence’, which may be regarded, in a sense, as replacing Newton’s first law of motion. It is in virtue of this postulate that common sense is able to operate more or less successfully with the concept of ‘persons’ and the concept of ‘things’. It is also in virtue of this postulate that science and philosophy were able, for a long time, to make use of the concept of ‘substance’. What the postulate states is as follows: Given any event A, it happens very frequently that, at any neighbouring time, there is at some neighbouring place an event very similar to A. This very similar event will be regarded by common sense as part of the history of the person or thing to whom the event A happened. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info.:https://russell-j.com/beginner//BR_MPD_16-150.HTM
何らかの提示された一般命題(← some suggested generalization:一般化)が、その命題を支持あるいは否定する証拠を吟味する前に、それを指示する有限な確率(a finite probability in its favour)を持っていることをいかにして知ることが可能だろうか? もし、ケインズの議論(論証)がある一般命題を支持する多数の個別的事例(instances)があり反証となるものが一つもない場合にその一般命題(支持)に高い確率を与えることができるとしたら(できるためには)、このこと(訳注:上記の問い)こそ我々は知らなければならない(のである)。私が非論証的推論の具体的な諸事例の分析によって到達した諸要請は、そのように「あらかじめ(前提なしに)認めらるべき (a priori) 」有限な確率を、 ある種の一般命題にのみ与えるためのものであった(訳注:postulates 「諸要請」は単なる「仮定」ではなく、非論証的推論を可能にするためには是非とも認めなければいけない「前提」であり、それゆえ「要請」されるもの/公理に準ずるものという意味合いで「公準」と訳している者もいる)。そしてそれらの問題の要請がこの機能/役割を果すことができるため は、要請自身が確実であるということは必要ではなく、ただ(それを支持する)有限な確率をもっていることのみが必要であることが(観察によって)認められるであろう。この点で、それらの要請は、観念論哲学者達が求めたような「先天的」 (a priori) 原理とは大いに異なっている。というのは、そういう(先天的な)原理は、その主張者達によって、 大部分の経験的知識よりも大きな確実性を持っていると想定されてきたからである。 私が最終的に到達した要請(公準)は5つあった。私は、それらの要請(公準)の定式化を強調しない(厳密に以下の通りであるとは言わない)。要請(公準)の数をさらに減らすことが可能だとか、もっと正確に述べることが可能だとか、ということは大いに有り得ると私は考える。しかし、私は、これら(5つの)要請がすべて必要であると確信してはいないけれども、それらは(この5つがあれば)十分であると考えている。これらの要請は全て確率を述べているのであって確実性を述べているのではないこと、ケインズが帰納を根拠づけるために必要と考えるところの、あらかじめ与えられた有限確率(finite antecedent probability)を与えるためにのみ考えられたものであることは、注意しなければならない。さ て私はすでに、それら要請について予備的にいくらか述べておいたが、いまやそれらをさらに正確に、 はっきりと、述べることにしたい。
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.14 How are we to know that some suggested generalization has a finite probability in its favour before we have examined any of the evidence for or against it? It is this that we must know if Keynes’s argument is to give any high degree of probability to a generalization when we know a great many instances in its favour and none against it. The postulates at which I arrived by an analysis of instances of non-demonstrative inference were intended to be such as would confer this finite a priori probability upon certain generalizations and not upon others. It will be observed that, in order that the postulates in question should fulfil their function, it is not necessary that they should be certain; it is only necessary that they should have a finite probability. In this respect they differ very profoundly from the kind of a priori principles that idealistic philosophers have sought, for such principles have been supposed by their advocates to possess a certainty greater than that of most empirical knowledge. The postulates at which I finally arrived were five. I do not lay any stress upon their exact formulation. I think it highly probable that their number could be reduced and that they could be stated with more precision. But, while I am not persuaded that they are all necessary, I do think they are sufficient. It should be noted that all of them state only probabilities, not certainties, and are designed only to confer that finite antecedent probability which Keynes needs to validate his inductions. I have already said something in a preliminary way about these postulates, but I will now repeat them more exactly and more explicitly. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/BR_MPD_16-140.HTM
非論証的推論(がもとづくところ)の論証(実証)不可能な諸前提が精確にどういう認識論的機能をもつかを説明する前に、帰納法についてもう少し述べておかなければならない。 先に述べたように、帰納法は非論証的推論の前提の一つではない。しかしそれは、帰納法が用いられていないからなのではない。帰納法が用いられている形式では、帰納法法自身、論証(実証)不可能なものではないからである。ケインズは(彼の)『確率論』(Treatise on Probability)において、帰納法を数学的確率論から導出する可能性について、きわめて優れた調査研究を行った。 彼が論究した問題はこうであった(次のごとくであった)。「AはBである」という事例のいくつかが与えられ、反対に「AがBでない」事例は存在せず、しかも「AがBである」という事例の数が増加してゆく場合に、いかなる条件の下において、「すべてのAがBである」という一般命題の確率は、極限としての確実性(訳注:つまり絶対確実)に近づくか(という問題であった)。彼の到達した結論は、そのような確実性に達するには二つの条件が充たされねばならないということである。この二つの条件のうちで第一の、しかも、より重要なものは、「AがBである」という個別的事例を我々が知る前に、「全てのAはBである」という一般命題が他の知識の基礎の上に(on the basis of the remainder of our knowledge)有限な確率を持っていなければならないということである。第二の条件は、その一般命題(「全てのAはBである」)が偽である場合には、「AはBである」という肯定的な個別的事例のみを我々は観察する(目撃する)確率が、推論の数を十分に増せば,極限としての零(ゼロ)に近づくということである。そしてケインズは、この第二条件が 満足されるのは次の場合であることを見出した。すなわち、もしその一般命題が偽でありかつすでに (n-1) 個のAがBであることが見出されているならば、次のn番目の「AがBである」ことの見込みが、 nを十分に大きくとれば、常にPより小であると言えるような、ある確率P(これは確実性には 達しない) が存在する場合である。 これら二つの条件のうち第二のものは第一のものほど重要でなく、またそれについての不都合な問題 はるかに少ない。それで私は第一の条件にもっぱら注意を向けることにする。
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.13 Before explaining the exact epistemological function of the indemonstrable premisses of non-demonstrative inference something further must be said about induction. Induction, as I said above, is not among the premisses of non-demonstrative inference. But this is not because it is not used; it is because in the form in which it is used it is not indemonstrable. Keynes, in his Treatise on Probability, made an extremely able investigation of the possibility of deriving induction from the mathematical theory of probability. The question that he had to investigate was this: given a number of instances of As which are Bs and no contrary instances, in what circumstances does the probability of the generalization ‘all A is B’ approach certainty as a limit when the number of As that are Bs is continually increased? The conclusion that he arrives at is that two conditions must be fulfilled if this is to happen. The first and more important of these conditions is that, before we know any instances of As that are Bs, the generalization ‘all A is B’ should have a finite probability on the basis of the remainder of our knowledge. The second condition is that the probability of our observing only favourable instances, if the generalization is false, should tend to zero as a limit when the number of inferences is sufficiently increased. This condition is found by Keynes to be satisfied if there is some probability short of certainty, say P, such that, given that the generalization is false and that n-1 As have been found to be Bs, the chance that the nth A will be found to be a B is always less than P provided n is sufficiently great. The second of these two conditions is less important than the first and is also much less inconvenient. I shall concentrate attention upon the first of the two conditions. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info. https://russell-j.com/beginner/BR_MPD_16-130.HTM
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.12 The general principles necessary to validate scientific inferences are not susceptible of proof in any ordinary sense. They are distilled out by analysis from particular cases which seem totally obvious, like the one that I gave a moment ago in which A dictates to B. There is a gradual development from what I call ‘animal expectation’ up to the most refined laws of quantum physics. The whole process starts from experiencing A and expecting B. An animal experiences a certain smell and expects the food to be good to eat. If its expectation were usually mistaken, it would die. Evolution and adaptation to environment cause expectations to be more often right than wrong, although the expectations go beyond anything logically demonstrable. Nature, we may say, has certain habits. The habits of animals must have a certain adaptation to the habits of nature if the animals are to survive. This would be a poor argument if employed against Cartesian scepticism. But I do not think it is possible to get anywhere if we start from scepticism. We must start from a broad acceptance of whatever seems to be knowledge and is not rejected for some specific reason. Hypothetical scepticism is useful in logical dissection. It enables us to see how far we can get without this or that premiss ? as, for example, we can inquire how much of geometry is possible without the axiom of parallels. But it is only for such purposes that hypothetical scepticism is useful. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info. https://russell-j.com/beginner/BR_MPD_16-120.HTM
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.11 There is another conception which seemed to me of great utility in non-demonstrative inference, namely that of ‘structure’. It seems reasonable to suppose that, if you see red in one direction and blue in another, there is some difference between what is happening in the one direction and what is happening in the other. It follows that, though we may be compelled to admit that the external causes for our sensations of colour are not themselves coloured in the same sense in which our sensations are, nevertheless, when you see a pattern of colours, there must be a similar pattern in the causes of your sensations of colour. The conception of space-time structure as something which often remains constant, or approximately constant, throughout a series of causally connected events, is very important and very fruitful. Suppose, to take a very simple example, A reads aloud from a book and B takes down what he hears from dictation, and what A saw in the book is verbally identical with what B has written, it would be quite absurd to deny a causal connection between four sets of events — viz. (1) what is printed in the book, (2) the noises made by A in reading aloud, (3) the noises heard by B, and (4) the words written by B. The same sort of thing applies to the relation between a gramophone record and the music that it produces. Or, again, consider broadcasting, where sounds are transformed into electro-magnetic waves, and the electro-magnetic waves are transformed back into sound. It would be impossible for the spoken sounds and the heard sounds to resemble each other as closely as they do unless the intervening electro-magnetic waves had had a space-time structure very closely similar to that of the words, spoken and heard. There are, in nature, innumerable examples of complex structures transmitted causally throughout changes of intrinsic quality, such as those between sound and electro-magnetic waves in broadcasting. In fact, all visual and auditory perceptions have this character of transmitting structure but not intrinsic quality. People unaccustomed to modern logic find it difficult to suppose that we can know about a space-time structure without knowing the qualities that compose it. This is part of a larger aspect of knowledge. Unless we are to land ourselves in preposterous paradoxes, we shall find it necessary to admit that we may know such propositions as ‘all A is B’ or ‘some A is B’, without being able to give any instance of A — e.g., ‘all the numbers that I have never thought of and never shall think of are greater than a thousand’. Although this proposition is undeniable, I should contradict myself if I attempted to give an instance. The same sort of thing applies to space-time structure in the purely physical world, where there is no reason to suppose that the qualities composing the structure bear any intrinsic resemblance to the qualities that I know in sensible experience. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info. https://russell-j.com/beginner/BR_MPD_16-10.HTM
Chapter 16: Non-Demonstrative Inference , n.10 It used to be the custom among philosophers to think that causal laws can be stated in the form ‘A causes B’, interpreted as meaning that whenever an event of a certain kind A occurs, it is followed by an event of another specified kind, B. It was held by many that a causal sequence involves something more than invariability and must have some character that can be called ‘necessity’. Many empiricists, however, denied this and thought that nothing was involved except invariable sequence. This whole point of view, however, could never have persisted among philosophers if they had had any acquaintance with science. Causal laws must be either not invariable or such as state only tendencies. In classical dynamics they take the form of differential equations, stating acceleration, not actual occurrences. In modern physics the laws have become statistical: they do not state what will happen in any particular case, but only different things, each of which will happen in an assigned proportion of cases. For such reasons, causation is no longer what it used to be in the books of old-fashioned philosophers. Nevertheless, it still retains an essential place. Take, for example, what we mean by a single ‘thing’ which is more or less persistent. This ‘thing’ must really consist of a series of sets of occurrences, each set characterizing what we may call a momentary state of the ‘thing’. The states of the ‘thing’ at different times are, often, though not always, connected by means of laws which can be stated without mentioning other ‘things’. If this were not the case, scientific knowledge could never get a start. Unless we can know something without knowing everything, it is obvious that we can never know something. And this applies, not only to particular events, but also to the laws connecting events. In physics, atoms and molecules persist for a time, and, if they did not, the conception of motion would become meaningless. A human body persists for a time, although the atoms and molecules of which it is composed are not always the same. A photon which travels from a star to a human eye persists throughout its journey, and, if it did not, we should not be able to state what we mean by seeing a star. But all these kinds of persistence are only usual, not invariable, and the causal laws with which science begins must state only an approximation to what usually happens. Whether, in the end, something more exact is attainable, we do not know. What I think we can say is something like this: given any event, there is usually, at any neighbouring time and in some neighbouring place, an event very like the given event; and, as a rule, it is possible to discover some law approximately determining its small difference from the given event. Some such principle is necessary to explain the approximate persistence of many ‘things’, and also to explain the difference between perceiving A and perceiving B – for example, if A and B are stars, both of which we are seeing. I give the name of ‘causal line’ to a series of events having the property that from any one of them something can be inferred as to neighbouring events in the series. It is the fact that such causal lines exist which has made the conception of ‘things’ useful to common sense, and the conception of ‘matter’ useful to physics. It is the fact that such causal lines are approximate, impermanent, and not universal which has caused modem physics to regard the conception of ‘matter’ as unsatisfactory. Source: My Philosophical Development, 1959, by Bertrand Russell More info. https://russell-j.com/beginner/BR_MPD_16-100.HTM