ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.2

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.2: サディズム 対 マゾヒズム

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.2

Both sadism and masochism, although in their milder forms they are normal, are connected, in their pernicious manifestations, with the sense of sexual guilt. A masochist is a man acutely conscious of his own guilt in connection with sex. A sadist is a man more conscious of the guilt of the woman as temptress. These effects, in later life, show how profound has been the early impression produced by unduly severe moral teaching in childhood. On this matter, persons connected with the teaching of children, and especially with the care of the very young, are becoming more enlightened. But unfortunately enlightenment has not yet reached the law-courts.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.