ラッセル『結婚論』第二十章 人間の価値の中の性の位置

第二十章 人間の価値の中の性の位置 n.1: 性的強迫観念の犠牲者

性に関わる主題を扱う著者は,そういう主題に言及すべきではないと考えている人びとから,その問題に不当にとりつかれていると非難される危険が常にある。この主題に対する著者の関心がその主題の重要性とまったく不釣り合いでないかぎり,この主題を扱う著者は,淑女ぶった好色な人びとの非難(censure 不信任)をあえてまねくようなことはしないだろう,と考えられている。(注:つまり,あえて扱う人は「性の問題にとらわれているのだと世間は考えているということ。)


 残忍な(厳しい)道徳は,通例,好色な感情に対する反動であり,そういう道徳を口にする人は通例,頭の中は下品な思い(thoughts 考え/思考)で満たされているのである その思い(思考)が下品になっているのは,単に性的な内容を含んでいるためだけではなく,道徳のせいで,この主題について清潔かつ健全な考え方をすることができなくなっているためである(incapacitate 無能力にする)。




Chapter XX: The Place of Sex among Human Values, n.1

The writer who deals with a sexual theme is always in danger of being accused, by those who think that such themes should not be mentioned, of an undue obsession with his subject. It is thought that he would not risk the censure of prudish and prurient persons unless his interest in the subject were out of all proportion to its importance. This view, however, is only taken in the case of those who advocate changes in the conventional ethic. Those who stimulate the appeals to harry prostitutes and those who secure legislation nominally against the White Slave Traffic, but really against voluntary and decent extra-marital relations ; those who denounce women for short skirts and lipsticks ; and those who spy upon sea beaches in the hopes of discovering inadequate bathing costumes, are none of them supposed to be the victims of a sexual obsession. Yet in fact they probably suffer much more in this way than do writers who advocate greater sexual freedom. Fierce morality is generally a reaction against lustful emotions, and the man who gives expression to it is generally filled with indecent thoughts – thoughts which are rendered indecent, not by the mere fact that they have a sexual content, but by the fact that morality has incapacitated the thinker from thinking cleanly and wholesomely on this topic. I am quite in agreement with the Church in thinking that obsession with sexual topics is an evil, but I am not in agreement with the Church as to the best methods of avoiding this evil. It is notorious that St. Anthony was more obsessed by sex than the most extreme voluptuary who ever lived; I will not adduce more recent examples for fear of giving offence. Sex is a natural need, like food and drink. We blame the gormandizer and the dipsomaniac, because in the case of each an interest which has a certain legitimate place in life has usurped too large a share of his thoughts and emotions. But we do not blame a man for a normal and healthy enjoyment of a reasonable quantity of food. Ascetics, it is true, have done so, and have considered that a man should cut down his nutriment to the lowest point compatible with survival, but this view is not now common, and may be ignored. The Puritans, in their determination to avoid the pleasures of sex, became somewhat more conscious than people had been before of the pleasures of the table. As a seventeenth-century critic of Puritanism says :-

Would you enjoy gay nights and pleasant dinners?
Then must you board with saints and bed with sinners.

出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.