
私見では,歴史5歳ごろから始め,最初は,著名な人物の興味深い物語で,挿し絵がいっぱいついているものから始めるのが有益だと思われる。私自身も,5歳の時に,絵入りの英国史の本を一冊持っていた。マティルダ女王(Queen Matilda, 在位1162-1167.英国における初の女性君主で,スティーブン王との間で王位を争って闘った。)がアビンドン(Abindon)で氷のはったテムズ河を渡ったという話は,私にとても強い印象を与えたので,18歳のときに同じことを(私が)したときにも,やはりぞくぞくして,ステイーヴン王(King Stephen, 在位:1135年-1154/ )に追いかけられているような気がしたほどであった。5歳の男の子で,アレキサンダー大王の生涯に興味をもたない者は,ほとんどいないのではないだろうか。コロンブスは,もしかすると,歴史というよりは地理に属する人物かもしれないが,彼は満2歳の,少なくとも海を知っている子供にとっても興味があることは,私は証言できる(保証してもよい)。
子供が6歳になれば,世界史の梗概を学習する準備が十分できている(熟している)はずであり,その扱い方は,多少とも H.G. ウェルズ氏の歴史書の線に沿ったもので,必要な平易化を行い,写真をつけ,できれば映画を利用するとよい。子供がロンドンに住んでいる場合は,英国自然史博物館(Natural History Museum)で奇妙な動物を見ることができる。しかし,私なら,10歳かそこらで子供を大英博物館に連れていくことはしない。歴史を教える時には,子供が(興味を持つほど)成熟するまで,私たち(親たち)にだけ興味のあるような側面を押しつけないように注意しなければならない。
最初に子供の興味をそそる側面は,次の二つである。即ち,地質学から人類(の誕生)へ,野蛮人から文明人へなどといった、次々に展開される一般的な劇的場面とその進行(pageant and procession),それから(もう一つは),お気に入りの(共感を抱いている)英雄の登場する種々の事件についての劇的な物語りへの興味である。しかし,私たちは,野獣(だった祖先)から受け継いでいる野蛮性に絶え間なく妨げられながらも,知識を通して,私たち自身と私たちをとりまく環境を支配する方向へと次第に前進しつつある変化に富んだ進歩を徐々に遂げてきたのだという観念を,導きの糸として,肝に銘じておかなければならない。この観念は,外部の混沌と(人間の)内部の暗闇と闘い,理性のちっぽけな灯火が次第に成長して大きな明りとなり暗黒を追い払う,といった,全体としての人類の観念である。人種や国家や教義の間で区別を行うことは,私たちの唯一の人間的な活動とも言うべき(ミルトン『失楽園』の)「混沌(王)と暗闇(王)(Chaos and Old Night)」との闘いから私たちの心を逸らしてしまう愚行であるとして取り扱わなければならない。

What applies to geography applies even more strongly to history, though at a slightly more advanced age, because the sense of time is rudimentary at first. I think history can profitably be begun at about five years old, at first with interesting stories of eminent men, abundantly illustrated. I myself had, at that age, a picture-history of England. Queen Matilda crossing the Thames at Abingdon on the ice made such a profound impression upon me that I still felt thrilled when I did the same thing at the age of eighteen, and quite imagined that King Stephen was after me. I believe hardly any boy of five years old would fail to be interested by the life of Alexander. Columbus, perhaps, belongs more to geography than to history ; I can testify that he becomes interesting at the age of two, at least to children who know the sea. By the time a child is six years old he ought to be ripe for an outline of world-history, treated more or less on Mr. Wells’s lines, with the necessary simplifications, and with pictures, or the cinema if possible. If he lives in London he can see the strange beasts in the Natural History Museum ; but I should not take him to the British Museum before the age of ten or thereabouts. It is necessary to be careful, in teaching history, not to obtrude aspects which are interesting to us until the child is ripe for them. The two aspects which are first interesting are : the general pageant and procession, from geology to man, from savage man to civilized man, and so on ; and the dramatic story-telling interest of incidents which have a sympathetic hero. But I think we should keep in our own minds, as a guiding thread, the conception of gradual chequered progress, perpetually hampered by the savagery which we inherit from the brutes, and yet gradually leading on towards mastery of ourselves and our environment through knowledge. The conception is that of the human race as a whole, fighting against chaos without and darkness within, the little tiny lamp of reason growing gradually into a great light by which the night is dispelled. The divisions between races, nations, and creeds should be treated as follies, distracting us in the battle against Chaos and Old Night, which is our one truly human activity.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen



 地理と歴史は,私が幼い頃,あらゆる教科(科目)の中で最もまずく教えられていた教科に属していた。私は,地理の授業(lesson)をひどく恐れていた。(注:ラッセルは,幼稚園には通ったが,また,ケンブリッジ大学入学直前に受験速成熟には入ったが,それ以外はまったく学校教育を受けず,★多数の家庭教師によって教育を受けている。従って,lesson を「授業」と訳すのではなく,「勉強」と意訳したほうがよいかも知れない。)
歴史の授業に我慢できたのは(我慢できたとしたら),ずっとかわらず歴史が大好きであったためにほかならない。(地理と歴史の)どちらの教科も,(やり方によっては)ごく幼い子供にも,とても興味のあるものにすることが可能であろう私の小さい息子は,地理の授業(lesson 教え)を受けたことがないのに,既に地理については保母(注:岩波文庫の安藤訳では nurse を「乳母」と訳しているが,乳を飲む年齢ではないであろうことから「保母」と訳したほうがよいであろう。ただし、乳母は保母を兼用しているようであるが・・・。) よりもずっと多くの知識を持っている。息子は,少年ならみなそうであるように,列車や汽船(蒸気船)が大好きであり,それらに対する愛を通して,地理の知識を獲得していた(のである)。息子は,自分の空想上の汽船(蒸気船)がこれから乗り出そうとする航路(journey 旅程)について知りたがる。そこで,私が中国への旅程(the stages of the journey 日程や寄港地など)について話している間,耳を傾けて聞いている。その後,息子が望むなら,航海途上(寄港地)のいろんな国の写真(pictures)を見せてあげる。息子は,時々大型の世界地図帳(Atlas)を書棚から取り出して地図上で旅の行程(journey)を見ると言い張る(ことがある)。息子は年に2回ロンドンとコーンウォール間を列車で旅行するが,彼はこの旅行にとても興味をもっており,列車が停まったり客車が切り離されたりする駅を全て知っている。息子は,北極と南極に心を惹かれていて,東極とか西極とかがないことを不思議に思っている(注:地球が地軸を中心に自転していることを知らない幼児にとっては素朴な疑問と思われる。地球が回転していなければ,北極や南極があるように,西にまっすぐすすめば西極があるはずだと考えるのも理解できる。)。息子は,フランスやスペインやアメリカが(英国から)海を越えてどの方角にあるかを知っているし,これらの国々でなにが見られるかについても,いろいろと知っている。これらの知識は,どれ一つとして,教えられたものではなく,全て強い好奇心に対する回答として得られたものである。ほとんどの子供は,地理を旅行の観念と結びつけてあげれば,すぐに地理に興味を持つようになる。私は,地理を,一部は写真や旅行者の話によって教えるとしても,大部分は,旅行者が旅行中に見るものを上演する映画によって教えたい。地理的な事実についての知識は,有益ではあるが,本質的な知的価値を持つものではない。しかし,地理が写真によって生き生きしたものになれば,想像力を養う糧を与えるというメリットがある。世界には,暑い国,寒い国,平野の多い国,山の多い国があり,また,白人のほかにも,黒人,黄色人種,褐色人種,赤色人種(赤色インディアン)がいることを知ることは,良いことである。この種の知識は,自分が慣れ親しんだ環境がその人の想像力に対して圧政をもたらすことを減らしてくれるし,おとなになってから,遠い国々は本当に存在すると感じることを可能にしてくれる。そうでなければ,そのように感じることは,(実際に)旅行してみる以外には,きわめて困難である。

Geography and history were, when I was young, among the worst taught of all subjects. I dreaded the geography lesson, and if I tolerated the history lesson, it was only because I have always had a passion for history. Both subjects might be made fascinating to quite young children. My little boy, though he has never had a lesson, already knows far more geography than his nurse. He has acquired his knowledge through the love of trains and steamers which he shares with all boys. He wants to know of journeys that his imaginary steamers are to make, and he listens with the closest attention while I tell him the stages of the journey to China. Then, if he wishes it, I show him pictures of the various countries on the way. Sometimes he insists upon pulling out the big Atlas and looking at the journey on the map. The journey between London and Cornwall in the train, which he makes twice a year, interests him passionately, and he knows all the stations where the train stops or where carriages are slipped. He is fascinated by the North Pole and the South Pole, and puzzled because there is no East Pole or West Pole. He knows the directions of France and Spain and America over the sea, and a good deal about what is to be seen in those countries. None of this has come by way of instruction, but all in response to an eager curiosity. Almost every child becomes interested in geography as soon as it is associated with the idea of travel. I should teach geography partly by pictures and tales about travellers, but mainly by the cinema, showing what the traveller sees on his journey. The knowledge of geographical facts is useful, but without intrinsic intellectual value ; when, however, geography is made vivid by pictures, it has the merit of giving food for imagination. It is good to know that there are hot countries and cold countries, flat countries and mountainous countries, black men, yellow men, brown men, and red men, as well as white men. This kind of knowledge diminishes the tyranny of familiar surroundings over the imagination, and makes it possible in later life to feel that distant countries really exist, which otherwise is very difficult except by travelling. For these reasons I should give geography a large place in the teaching of very young children, and I should be astonished if they did not enjoy the subject. Later on, I should give them books with pictures, maps, and elementary information about different parts of the world, and get them to put together little essays about the peculiarities of various countries.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen



 子供は,5歳になるまでには,読み書きの仕方(技術)を理解していると仮定しよう(仮定して話を進めよう)。読み書きは,モンテッソーリ式の学校の仕事でなくてはならない。今後この方式の学校にどのような改善がなされたとしても,そのことは変わらないだろう。また,子供はそこでまた(There, also)感覚的知覚の一定の正確さ,図画,歌唱,踊り(ダンス)の初歩,他にかなり子供がいる中でいくらか学習(勉強)に集中する能力などを身につける。
(注:岩波文庫の安藤訳では a number of other children を「ほかの子供が何人か・・・」と訳されているが,小学校にあがった時に「おおぜいのなかで」一緒に勉強できるようにするために,「かなりの他の子供と」一緒に学習することを言っていると思われるがいかがであろうか? 因みに,みすず書房版の魚津訳でも「おおぜいの子供」となっている。)
もちろん,子供は,5歳では,これらの点であまり完全ではないので,その後さらに数年間,これらのすべての点で教育を受ける必要があるだろう。私は,厳しい精神的努力を必要とするいかなるもの(こと)も,7歳以前(注:小学校にあがる前)に試みられなければならないとは考えないが,十分な熟練があれば,困難は非常に減らすことができる。算数は,幼年時代の恐怖の的(bugbear)である。私は,(幼児期に)九九表を覚えることができなくて,ひどく泣いたことを覚えている。しかし,モンテッソーリ式教育用具を使ってする場合のように,段階を踏んで,注意ぶかく取り組めば,算数の不可解さが引き起こすまったくの絶望感(blank despair)はけっしておこらない(であろう)。けれども,結局は,十分な能力(算術能力)を身につけるべきだとすれば,多くの規則を覚えるというかなり退屈な作業をしなければならない。算数は,低学年用の学科の中で,興味深いものになるように意図されたカリキュラムの中にうまく組み入れるには,最もやっかいなものである。にもかかわらず,実際的な理由から,算数に一定程度熟達することは必要である。また,算数は,正確さというものへの自然な入門になる。つまい,算数の問題に対する答えは,正しいか,間違っているか,のどちらかであり,「おもしろい」ものでも,「示唆に富む」ものでも決してないのである。それゆえ,算数は,実際的な有用性はまったく抜きにしても,初等教育の一要素として重要なものになる。しかし,算数の難しさ(むずかしい問題)は,慎重に段階づけをし,難しい問題を(集中させずに)分散させなければならない。即ち,あまり多くの時間を一度に算数の難しい問題にあててはならない。

I shall assume that by the time a child is five years old he knows how to read and write. This should be the business of the Montessori school, or whatever improvement upon it may hereafter be devised. There, also, the child learns a certain accuracy in sense-perception, the rudiments of drawing and singing and dancing, and the power to concentrate upon some educational occupation in the middle of a number of other children. Of course the child will not be very perfect in these respects at five years old, and will need further teaching in all of them for some years to come. I do not think that anything involving severe mental effort should be undertaken before the age of seven, but by sufficient skill difficulties can be enormously diminished. Arithmetic is a bugbear of childhood– I remember weeping bitterly because I could not learn the multiplication table- but if it is tackled gradually and carefully, as it is by means of the Montessori apparatus, there is no need of the sense of blank despair which its mysteries used to inspire. In the end, however, there must be a good deal of rather tiresome mastering of rules if sufficient facility is to be acquired. This is the most awkward of early school subjects to fit into a curriculum intended to be interesting ; nevertheless, a certain degree of proficiency is necessary for practical reasons. Also, arithmetic affords the natural introduction to accuracy : the answer to a sum is either right or wrong, and never “interesting ” or “suggestive “. This makes arithmetic important as one element in early education, quite apart from its practical utility. But its difficulties should be carefully graded and spread out thin ; not too much time at a stretch should be devoted to them.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen



Learn From Mistakes Move Forward words on gears and people marching, climbing or walking up them to illustrate people who make errors but keep going toward their goal or mission



The questions : What should be taught? and, How should it be taught? are intimately connected, because, if better methods of teaching are devised, it is possible to learn more. In particular, more can be learnt if the pupils wish to learn than if they regard work as a bore. I have already said something about methods, and I shall say more in a later chapter. For the present, I shall assume that the best possible methods are employed, and I shall consider what ought to be taught.
When we consider what an adult ought to know, we soon realize that there are things which everybody ought to know, and other things which it is necessary that some should know, though others need not. Some must know medicine, but for the bulk of mankind it is sufficient to have an elementary knowledge of physiology and hygiene. Some must know higher mathematics, but the bare elements suffice for those to whom mathematics is distasteful. Some should know how to play the trombone, but mercifully it is not necessary that every school child should practise this instrument. In the main, the things taught at school before the age of fourteen should be among those that everyone ought to know ; apart from exceptional cases, specialization ought to come later. It should, however, be one of the aims of education before fourteen to discover special aptitudes in boys and girls, so that, where they exist, they may be carefully developed in the later years. For this reason it is well that everybody should learn the bare beginnings of subjects which need not be further pursued by those who are bad at them.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen



 ごくまれな場合を除き,教師(先生)は,幼年期においてさえ(即ち,たとえば,4歳以後),父親または母親(either parent)であってはならない。教えるということは,特殊なタイプの技能を必要とする仕事であり,この技能は学ぶことはできるけれども,大部分の親(たち)は学ぶ機会を持っていない。生徒の年齢が低ければ低いほど,より高度の教育技術が必要になる。また,それは別としても,親は正規の教育が始まる前から常に子供と接触してきているので,子供は親に対して,教師(先生)の場合はあまり適切ではない一連の習慣や期待を持っている。その上,親は,自分の子供の発達に過剰に熱心かつ関心を持ちすぎることになりやすい親は子供が利発であれば過度に喜び,愚かであれば腹を立てる(怒る)。わが子を教えないほうがよいことについては,医者が自分の家族の治療を差し控えさせるのと同様な理由がある。

Except in very rare cases the teacher, even at an early age (i.e. after four, say), should not be either parent. Teaching is work requiring a special type of skill, which can be learnt, but which most parents have not had the opportunity of learning. The earlier the age of the pupil, the greater is the pedagogical skill required. And apart from this, the parent has been in constant contact with the child before formal education began, so that the child has a set of habits and expectations towards the parent which are not quite appropriate towards a teacher. The parent, moreover, is likely to be too eager and too much interested in his child’s progress. He will be inordinately pleased by the child’s cleverness and exasperated by his stupidity. There are the same reasons for not teaching one’s own children as have led medical men not to treat their own families. But of course I do not mean that parents should not give such instruction as comes naturally ; I mean only that they are, as a rule, not the best people for formal school lessons, even when they are well qualified to teach other people’s children.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles



しかし,適切に指導すれば,少年や少女に,その退屈な部分を学ぶことの重要性を感じさせることができるし,また,強制しなくてもその部分を学習し終えることができる,と私は信じている。課題(set tasks)の出来不出来に応じて,褒めたり,たしなめたりするという刺激を利用したい。ゲームや体操の場合と同様に,生徒が必要な技能を身につけているかどうかを,あきらかにしなければならない。また,ある科目の退屈な部分の(学習の)重要性も,教師がはっきり説明してあげなければならない。

For reasons already given in connection with accuracy, I do not believe that a really thorough education can be made interesting through and through. However much one may wish to know subject, some parts of it are sure to be found dull. But I believe that, given suitable guidance, a boy or girl can be made to feel the importance of learning the dull parts, and can be got through them also without compulsion. I should use the stimulus of praise and blame, applied as the result of good or bad performance of set tasks. Whether a pupil possesses the necessary skill should be made as obvious as in games or gymnastics. And the importance of the dull parts of a subject should be made clear by the teacher. If all these methods failed, the child would have to be classified as stupid, and taught separately from children of normal intelligence, though care must be taken not to let this appear as a punishment.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




As children grow older they become responsive to more remote motives, and it is no longer necessary that every detail should be interesting in itself. But I think the broad principle that the impulse to education should come from the pupil can be continued up to any age. The environment should be such as to stimulate the impulse, and to make boredom and isolation the alternative to learning. But any child that preferred this alternative on any occasion should be allowed to choose it. The principle of individual work can be extended, though a certain amount of class work seems indispensable after the early years. But if external authority is necessary to induce a boy or girl to learn, unless there is a medical cause, the probability is that the teacher is at fault, or that previous moral training has been bad. If a child has been properly trained up to the age of five or six, any good teacher ought to be able to win his interest at later stages.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




・・・。逆に,もし最初に子供の知識欲を刺激し,その後,子供が求めている知識を一つの恩恵(贈り物)として与えることができるならば,状況はまったく異なってくる。外からの躾けは大幅に不必要になり,子供の注意力もやすやすと確保される。この方法で成功するためには,ある一定の条件が必要であり,モンテッソーリ夫人は,ごく幼い子供の間に,そうした条件を作り出すことに成功している。(即ち,)(子供に与えられる)課題は魅力的かつ難しすぎないものでなくてはならない。最初は,少し上の段階にいる他の子供たちのお手本がなくてはいけない。その時に,他に明らかに楽しい仕事(注:子供にとっては遊び=仕事)が子供のために用意されていてはならない。子供がしてもよいものがいくつかあれば,子供は,何であれ,自分の好むもの(好むほう)を自分のために(by himself)するのである。こういう体制のもとでは,ほぼすべての子供は完全に幸福であり,5歳以前に,強制しなくても読み書きできるようになる。

If, on the contrary, you can first stimulate the child’s desire to know, and then, as a favour, give him the knowledge he wants, the whole situation is different. Very much less external discipline is required, and attention is secured without difficulty. To succeed in this method certain conditions are necessary, which Madame Montessori successfully produces among the very young. The tasks must be attractive and not too difficult. There must, at first, be the example of other children at a slightly more advanced stage. There must be no other obviously pleasant occupation open to the child at the moment. There are a number of things the child may do, and he works by himself at whichever he prefers. Almost all children are perfectly happy in this regime, and learn to read and write without pressure before they are five years old.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles

Education の本質は、教える(teach)ことではなく、興味・関心を引き出し、心身を育てる(educate)ことにある、といわれる所以である。


しかし,あなたが寝たり食べたりしてもらいたがっている,というふうに子供に思わせてはいけない。そんなことをすれば,子供はただちに,あなたは頼みごとをしているのだ,と思いこむ。すると,子供は,自分には力があるという気持ちになり,ますますおだてたり,罰を与えたりしなければならなくなる。子供が食べたり眠ったりするのは,自分がそうしたいからであるべきであり ,あなた(親)を喜ばせるためであってはならないのである。

Modern writers on infant psychology all emphasize the importance of not urging a young child to eat or sleep : these things ought to be done spontaneously by the child, not as a result of coaxing or forcing. My own experience entirely bears out this teaching. At first we did not know the newer teaching, and tried the older methods. They were very unsuccessful, whereas the modern methods succeeded perfectly. It must not be supposed, however, that the modern parent does nothing about eating and sleeping ; on the contrary, everything possible is done to promote the formation of good habits. Meals come at regular times, and the child must sit through them without games, whether he eats or not. Bed comes at regular times, and the child must lie down in bed. He may have a toy animal to hug, but not one that squeaks or runs or does anything exciting. If the animal is a favourite, one may play the game that the animal is tired and the child must put it to sleep. Then leave the child alone, and sleep will usually come very quickly. But never let the child think you are anxious he should sleep or eat. That at once makes him think you are asking a favour ; this gives him a sense of power which leads him to demand more and more coaxing or punishment. He should eat and sleep because he wants to, not to please you.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles





Accuracy as to matter of fact is intolerably boring when pursued on its own account. Learning the dates of the kings of England, or the names of the counties and their capitals, used to be one of the terrors of childhood. It is better to secure accuracy by interest and repetition. I could never remember the list of capes, but at eight years old I knew almost all the stations on the Underground. If children were shown a cinema representing a ship sailing round the coast they would soon know the capes. I don’t think they are worth knowing, but if they were that would be the way to teach them. All geography ought to be taught on the cinema ; so ought history at first. The initial expense would be great, but not too great for Governments. And there would be a subsequent economy in ease of teaching.
Logical accuracy is a late acquisition, and should not be forced upon young children. Getting the multiplication table right is, of course, accuracy as to matter of fact ; it only becomes logical accuracy at a much later stage. Mathematics is the natural vehicle for this teaching, but it fails if allowed to appear as a set of arbitrary rules. Rules must be learnt, but at some stage the reasons for them must be made clear ; if this is not done, mathematics has little educative value.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles

