たとえば,1849年のカリフォルニアやその数年後の(オーストラリアの)ヴィクトリア(州)における状況のような,ゴールドラッシュの時に広く行われた準無政府状態を考えてみるとよい。自分自身の所有権に基づいて合法的に獲得した金(きん)を所有する人も,その金(きん)を銀行に預けるまでは(預けないうちは),経済力をもっているとは言えなかった。金を預けるまで,盗まれたり殺されたりしがちであった。完全な無政府状態においては -万人の万人に対する闘争(注:トマス・ホッブスの言葉)も含めて- その人があらゆる襲撃者から,リボルバー銃(連発銃)で自分の身を守れるほどの敏捷さと確実さをもっている者を除いて,金(きん)は無益(無用の長物)であろう。そういう者にとってさえ,金(きん)はじっと眺めて楽しむだけのもの(注:a pleasant object to contemplate)に過ぎなかった。というのは,何も払わずに殺すぞと脅かすだけで自分の必要を充たすことができたからである。そのような状態は,どうしても,きわめてわずかな人が食物を採集している場合を除いて,必然的に不安定であるだろう。農業は(も),土地侵入(自分の地所への無断侵入)及び収穫物の盗難を防止する手段がなくては不可能である。
Chapter VIII: Economic Power, n.4
The connection of economic power with government is to some extent reciprocal; that is to say, a group of men may, by combination, acquire military power, and, having acquired it, may possess economic power. The ultimate acquisition of economic power may, in fact, be their original motive in combining. Consider, for example, the semi-anarchic conditions prevailing in a gold-rush such as that in California in 1849, Or in Victoria a few years later. A man who possessed gold which he had acquired legally on his own holding could not be said to possess economic power until he had lodged his gold in a bank. Until then, he was liable to be robbed and murdered. In a state of complete anarchy, involving a war of all against all, gold would be useless except to a man so quick and sure with his revolver as to be able to defend himself against every assailant; and even to him, it could only be a pleasant object to contemplate, since he could satisfy his needs by the threat of murder, without having to make any payment. Such a state of affairs would necessarily be unstable, except possibly in a very sparse food-gathering population. Agriculture is impossible unless there are means of preventing trespass and the theft of crops. It is obvious that an anarchic community composed of more or less civilized individuals, like the men in a gold rush, will soon evolve a government of some kind, such as a committee of Vigilantes. Energetic men will combine to prevent others from plundering them ; if there is no outside authority to interfere, they may also plunder others, but they will do so with moderation, for fear of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. They may, for example, sell protection in return for a percentage of a man’s earnings. This is called income tax. As soon as there are rules determining the giving of protection, the reign of military force is disguised as the reign of law, and anarchy has ceased to exist. But the ultimate basis of law and of economic relations is still the military power of the Vigilantes.
出典: Power, 1938.