ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.6

 専制政治(古代ギリシアの僭主政治)の初期の時代は,鋳造硬貨(coinage)が使われ始めた時代であり,これは,金持の権力を増大させる上において,近年の信用(credit)と紙幣が与えたものと同様の影響(効果)を与えた。どれだけ真実か判断するカは私にはないが,通貨の導入は専制政治の勃興と結びついていたと,(これまで)主張されてきている(原注:P.N.エア『専制政治の起源』 P. N. Ure, The Origin of Tyranny 参照。)。確かに,銀山の所有は,借主になることを目指している者にとって,助けとなった。貨幣の使用は,新規の場合は(導入後間もないうちは),古くからの慣習をとても混乱させるものであり,それはヨーロッパ(人)の支配下に入って間もないアフリカの諸地域に見られる混乱と同様である。紀元前7~6世紀における,通貨の導入の影響(effect 効果/結果)商業の権力の増大及び土地を領有する貴族階級の権力の減少であった。ペルシャ人が小アジア(Asia Minor)を手に入れるまでは,古代ギリシアにおける戦争はほとんどなく,あったとしても取るに足らないものであり,生産活動の多くは奴隷によって行われることはなかった。このような状況は,経済的権力にとって理想的なもの(状況)であり,19世紀において産業主義が果たしたのほぼ同様のやり方で,伝統の支配力を弱めたのである。

Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.6

The first age of tyranny was that in which coinage first came into use, and this had the same kind of effect in increasing the power of rich men as credit and paper money have had in recent times. It has been maintained (See P. N. Ure, The Origin of Tyranny)–with what truth I am not competent to judge–that the introduction of currency was connected with the rise of tyranny; certainly the possession of silver mines was a help to any man who aimed at becoming a tyrant. The use of money, when it is new, profoundly disturbs ancient customs, as may be seen in the parts of Africa which have not been long under European control. In the seventh and sixth centuries B.C., the effect was to increase the power of commerce, and to diminish that of territorial aristocracies. Until the Persians acquired Asia Minor, wars in the Greek world were few and unimportant, and not much of the work of production was performed by slaves. The circumstances were ideal for economic power, which weakened the hold of tradition in much the same way as industrialism did in the nineteenth century.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.5


Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.5

The word “tyrant” did not, originally, imply any bad qualities in the ruler, but only an absence of legal or traditional title. Many of the early tyrants governed wisely, and with the consent of the majority of their subjects. Their only implacable enemies, as a rule, were the aristocrats. Most of the early tyrants were very rich men, who bought their way to power, and maintained themselves more by economic than by military means. They are to be compared rather with the Medici than with the dictators of our day.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.3

 むきだしの権力は - 外国による征服に服従したがそれは最近のことではない共同体の内政において (not lately submitted)- 次のような二つの異なる状況の時に現れる(生ずる)。




Chapter VI: Naked Power, n.3

Naked power, in the internal government of a community not lately submitted to foreign conquest, arises in two different sets of circumstances : first, where two or more fanatical creeds are contending for mastery; secondly, where all traditional beliefs have decayed, without being succeeded by new ones, so that there are no limitations to personal ambition. The former kind of case is not pure, since the adherents of the dominant creed are not subject to naked power. I shall consider it in the next chapter, under the head of revolutionary power. For the present I shall confine myself to the second kind of case.
The definition of naked power is psychological, and a government may be naked in relation to some of its subjects but not in relation to others. The most complete examples known to me, apart from foreign conquest, are the later Greek tyrannies an
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.2

 軍事的征服によって授けられた権力は,多かれ少なかれ時を経るに従って,単なる軍事的な(性格をもった)権力であることをやめる(~でなくなる)ことがよくある。ユダヤ(注:パレスチナ南部の古代ローマ領)を除いて,ローマ人の征服したすべての領土は,間もなく,ローマ帝国の忠実な臣民となり,独立したいという欲求をまったく感じなくなった。アジアとアフリカにおいては,マホメット教徒によって征服されたキリスト教諸国は,ほとんど抵抗することなく,新しい支配者に服従した。ウェールズは,イングランドの支配に次第に黙従するようになったが,アイルランドでは黙従しなかった。アルピ派の異教徒たち(Albigensian heretics )は軍事力によって征服された後,彼らの子孫は,内的(心的)にも外的(物理的)にもカトリック教会の権威に服従した。ノルマン人によるイングランド征服は,イングランドに(一つの)王家を生みだしたが,後に,王位に対する神権を持っていると考えられた(考えられるようになった)。軍事的征服は征服の後に心理的征服を伴って初めて安定を得るが,これが起こった事例は非常に多い。
(注:みすず書房版の東宮訳は「軍事的征服はその後に心理的征服を伴って初めて安定をえるものだが、しかし,実際のケースは実に種々さまざまである」と “but the cases in which this has occurred are very numerous”を誤訳している。)

Chapter 6: Naked Power, n.2

The power conferred by military conquest often ceases, after a longer or shorter period of time, to be merely military. All the provinces conquered by the Romans, except Judea, soon became loyal subjects of the Empire, and ceased to feel any desire for independence. In Asia and Africa the Christian countries conquered by the Mohammedans submitted with little reluctance to their new rulers. Wales gradually acquiesced in English rule, though Ireland did not. After the Albigensian heretics had been overcome by military force, their descendants submitted inwardly as well as outwardly to the authority of the Church. The Norman Conquest produced, in England, a royal family which, after a time, was thought to possess a Divine Right to the throne. Military conquest is stable only when it is followed by psychological conquest, but the cases in which this has occurred are very numerous.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第6章 むきだしの権力 n.1


As the beliefs and habits which have upheld traditional power decay, it gradually gives way either to power based upon some new belief, or to “naked” power, i.e. to the kind that involves no acquiescence on the part of the subject. Such is the power of the butcher over the sheep, of an invading army over a vanquished nation, and of the police over detected conspirators. The power of the Catholic Church over Catholics is traditional, but its power over heretics who are persecuted is naked. The power of the State over loyal citizens is traditional, but its power over rebels is naked. Organizations that have a long career of power pass, as a rule, through three phases : first, that of fanatical but not traditional belief, leading to conquest; then, that of general acquiescence in the new power, which rapidly becomes traditional ; and finally that in which power, being now used against those who reject tradition, has again become naked. The character of an organization changes very greatly as it passes through these stages.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第5章 王権 n.11


Traditional power, when not destroyed from without, runs, almost always, through a certain development. Emboldened by the respect which it inspires, it becomes careless as regards the general approval, which it believes that it cannot ever lose. By sloth, folly, or cruelty it gradually forces men to become sceptical of its claims to divine authority. Since these claims have no better source than habit, criticism, once aroused, easily disposes of them. Some new creed, useful to the rebels, takes the place of the old one; or sometimes, as in the case of Haiti when it won freedom from the French, mere chaos succeeds. As a rule, a long period of very flagrant misgovernment is necessary before mental rebellion becomes widespread; and in many cases the rebels succeed in transferring to themselves part or the whole of the old authority. So Augustus absorbed into himself the traditional dignity of the Senate; Protestants retained the reverence for the Bible, while rejecting reverence for the Catholic Church; the British Parliament gradually acquired the power of the king, without destroying the respect for monarchy.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第5章 王権 n.10

 フレデリック・バルバロッサ(注:神聖ローマ皇帝フリードリヒ一世, 1122- 1190)の時代ロンバルディア同盟とともに始まった商業とナショナリズムの同盟(関係)は,次第にヨーッパ全体に広まり,ロシアの二月革命(1917年2月23日,ロシアの首都ペトログラード=現在のサンクトペテルブルク,で起こった革命運動。10月革命とあわせて,ロシア革命となる。) において,その最後かつ束の間の勝利を達成した。この同盟が権力を勝ち得たところではどこでも,土地(所有)に基礎を置く世襲的な権力と敵対し,最初は君主制と同盟したが,次には君主制と敵対した。終には,王(君主)はいたるところで消えたかあるいは単なる表看板に過ぎないものと化した。いまや,ついに,ナショナリズムと商業はたもとを分かち(part company 交際をたつ;たもとを分かつ),イタリアやドイツやロシアにおいてはナショナリズムが勝利をおさめた。十二世紀のミラノに始まった自由主義運動は(このように)我が道を走ってきたのである。

Chapter V: Kingly Power, n.10

The alliance of commerce and nationalism, which began with the Lombard League in the time of Frederick Barbarossa, gradually spread over Europe, achieving its last and briefest triumph in the Russian February Revolution. Wherever it won power, it turned against hereditary power based on land, at first in alliance with the monarchy, and then in opposition to it. In the end, kings everywhere disappeared or were reduced to figure-heads. Now, at last, nationalism and commerce have parted company; in. Italy, Germany, and Russia it is nationalism that has triumphed. The Liberal movement, begun in Milan in the twelfth century, has run its course.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第5章 王権 n.9

 商業は,王(君主)が封建的無政府状態に対抗するのを支援(支持)したけれども,自分たちが十分強力だと感した時には,常に共和主義的であり続けてきた(注:共和制は,独裁的かつ世襲的な君主を認めない政体)。それは,古代においてそうであり,中世の北イタリア及びハンザ同盟の諸都市においても,また,最もさかんな頃のオランダにおいても,そうであった。従って 王(君主)と商業との同盟は不安定な同盟であった。王(君主)は「神権(王権神授説)」に訴え,できるかぎり,自分の権力を,伝統的なものや準宗教的なものにしよう(注:王権は神から授けられたということにしよう)と努めた。この点では王(君主)は部分的に成功した。チャールズ一世(注:イングランド王)の処刑は,不敬と感ぜられたのであって,単に(殺人という)普通の犯罪に過ぎないと考えられたのではなかった。フランスでは,聖ルイ(注:サン=ルイ。ルイ九世のこと。高潔で敬虔な人格から理想のキリスト教王と評価された。)は伝説的な人物へと格上げされ,彼の信仰心の幾分が(王が身にまとう)外套としてルイ十五世までも伝わり,ルイ十五世は今までどおり「最大のキリスト教信者の王(君主)」であった。王(君主)は,新しく宮廷貴族階級を創り上げたので,ブルジョアジーよりは宮廷貴族階級の方を好んだ。イングランドでは高位の貴族階級とブルジョアジーが結びついて,単に議会での肩書だけをもった王(君主)を就任させたので,王(君主)は昔の威厳のある魔術的な属性をまったく持っていなかった。たとえば,ジョージ一世は,(昔)アン女王にはできたところの,瘰癧(注: king’s evil るいれき。リンパ腺の病気のことで,昔,王に触れられると治ると考えられた)を治すカをもっていなかった。(また)フランスでは,王(君主)は貴族を味方に引き入れ,そうして,王(君主)の首も貴族の首も,ともにギロチン台の下に転げ落ちた(断頭台で断首された)。

Chapter V: Kingly Power, n.9

Commerce, though it supported kings against feudal anarchy, has always been republican when it has felt sufficiently strong. It was so in antiquity, in the North Italian and Hanseatic cities of the Middle Ages, and in Holland during its greatest days. The alliance between kings and commerce was therefore an uneasy one. Kings appealed to “divine right,” and sought, as far as possible, to make their power traditional and quasi-religious. In this they were partially successful: the execution of Charles I was felt to be an impiety, not merely an ordinary crime. In France, St. Louis was erected into a legendary figure, some of whose piety descended as a cloak even to Louis XV, who was still “the most Christian King.” Having created a new Court aristocracy, kings tended to prefer it to the bourgeoisie. In England, the higher aristocracy and the bourgeoisie combined, and installed a king with a merely parliamentary title, who had none of the old magic properties of majesty: George I, for instance, could not cure the king’s evil, though Queen Anne could. In France, the king won over the aristocracy, and his and their heads fell together under the guillotine.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第5章 王権 n.8


 イングランドとフランスとスペインの新しい君主制は,教会の上に位するものであり(教会に優越するものであり),また,貴族階級の上にも位するものであった。この新君主政体の権力は,二つの新興勢力,即ち,ナショナリズムと商業(から)の支持に依存していた。つまり,新しい君主政体は,この二つの勢力にとって有益と感ぜられる限り,それは強力になることができたが,この点で失敗すると,革命が起こった。チューダー(王)朝はこの二つの点で申し分なかった。しかし,スチュアート(王)朝は,廷臣たちに独占を認めて貿易を妨たげ,そうしてイングランドが,まずスペインの,次いでフランスの四輪競馬車の車輪に引きずられることを許した(可能とした)。フランスの君主制は商業の肩をもち, (十七世紀の)コルベール (Jean-Baptiste Colbert 1619~1683 :フランス・ブルボン王朝全盛期のルイ14世の絶対王政を支えた財務長官で,いわゆる重商主義政策を推進) の体制の終わりまで国力を増強した。それ以後,「ナントの勅令」(注:初期近代のヨーロッパで初めて個人の信仰の自由を認めた勅令)の廃止,度重なる残酷さを増す戦争,重い課税,聖職者と貴族の財政的な負担の免除(といった政策)は,商業とナショナリズムの両者を王に敵対させ,終にはフランス市民革命をもたらした(のである)。スペインは新世界の征服によって方向を偏らせていった。しかし,スペイン統治の新世界(注:南アメリカなど)が叛乱を起こしたのは,スペイン統治の新世界自体が,主に,イングランドや米国と貿易ができるようになるためにそうしたのである。

Chapter V: Kingly Power, n.8

The renaissance monarchies had one great advantage, as compared with earlier kings in their conflicts with the Church, namely that education was no longer a monopoly of ecclesiastics. The help of lay lawyers was invaluable in the establishment of the new monarchy.
The new monarchies, in England, France, and spain, were above the Church and above the aristocracy. Their power depended upon the support of two growing forces, nationalism and commerce : so long as they were felt to be useful to these two, they were strong, but when they failed in these respects there was revolution. The Tudors were faultless in both respects, but the Stuarts hampered trade by monopolies granted to courtiers, and allowed England to be dragged at the chariot wheels of Spain first, and then France. The French monarchy favoured commerce and enhanced national power until the end of Colbert’s regime. After that time, the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, a series of increasingly disastrous wars, crushing taxation, and the exemption of clergy and nobles from financial burdens, turned both commerce and nationalism against the king, and in the end brought about the Revolution. Spain was deflected by the conquest of the New World; but the Spanish New World itself, when it rebelled, did so chiefly in order to be able to trade with England and the United States.
 出典: Power, 1938.

ラッセル『権力-その歴史と心理』第5章 王権 n.7

Japanese vs. European Feudalism

 蛮族の侵入によって,君主制が再び導入(採用)されたが,そこには(幾分の)相違が伴っていた。新しい王(たち)はゲルマン民族(Germanic tribes ゲルマン系部族)の族長であり,その権力も絶対的なものではなく,ある種の長老会議あるいは同族団体(血縁団体)の協力に依存していた。ゲルマン系のある部族がローマ人の属州(注: Roman province 古代ローマの本国以外の領土のこと)を征服すると,その族長は王になったが,彼の最重要の仲間(たち)は一定の独立を持った貴族になった。そのような訳で,封建制度が生じ,それは,西欧のすべての君主を乱暴な直臣(Barons)の言いなりにさせたのである。


Chapter V: Kingly Power, n.7

The Barbarian invasion reintroduced monarchy, but with a difference. The new kings were the chiefs of Germanic tribes, and their power was not absolute, but depended always upon the co-operation of some Council of Elders or kindred body. When a Germanic tribe conquered a Roman province, its chief became king, but his most important companions became nobles with a certain measure of independence. Hence arose the feudal system, which left all the monarchs of Western Europe at the mercy of turbulent Barons.

Monarchy consequently remained weak until it had got the better of both the Church and the feudal nobility. The causes of the weakening of the Church we have already considered. The nobility was worsted in the struggle with the king, in England and France, because it was an obstacle to orderly government. In Germany its leaders developed into petty kings, with the result that Germany was at the mercy of France. In Poland, aristocratic anarchy continued until the partition. In England and France, after the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses, ordinary citizens were compelled to put their faith in a strong king. Edward IV became victorious by the help of the City of London, from which he even chose his queen. Louis XI, the enemy of the feudal aristocracy, was the friend of the higher bourgeoisie, who helped him against the nobles while he helped them against the artisans. “He ruled like a great capitalist,” is the official verdict of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
 出典: Power, 1938.