蛮族の侵入によって,君主制が再び導入(採用)されたが,そこには(幾分の)相違が伴っていた。新しい王(たち)はゲルマン民族(Germanic tribes ゲルマン系部族)の族長であり,その権力も絶対的なものではなく,ある種の長老会議あるいは同族団体(血縁団体)の協力に依存していた。ゲルマン系のある部族がローマ人の属州(注: Roman province 古代ローマの本国以外の領土のこと)を征服すると,その族長は王になったが,彼の最重要の仲間(たち)は一定の独立を持った貴族になった。そのような訳で,封建制度が生じ,それは,西欧のすべての君主を乱暴な直臣(Barons)の言いなりにさせたのである。
Chapter V: Kingly Power, n.7
The Barbarian invasion reintroduced monarchy, but with a difference. The new kings were the chiefs of Germanic tribes, and their power was not absolute, but depended always upon the co-operation of some Council of Elders or kindred body. When a Germanic tribe conquered a Roman province, its chief became king, but his most important companions became nobles with a certain measure of independence. Hence arose the feudal system, which left all the monarchs of Western Europe at the mercy of turbulent Barons.
Monarchy consequently remained weak until it had got the better of both the Church and the feudal nobility. The causes of the weakening of the Church we have already considered. The nobility was worsted in the struggle with the king, in England and France, because it was an obstacle to orderly government. In Germany its leaders developed into petty kings, with the result that Germany was at the mercy of France. In Poland, aristocratic anarchy continued until the partition. In England and France, after the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses, ordinary citizens were compelled to put their faith in a strong king. Edward IV became victorious by the help of the City of London, from which he even chose his queen. Louis XI, the enemy of the feudal aristocracy, was the friend of the higher bourgeoisie, who helped him against the nobles while he helped them against the artisans. “He ruled like a great capitalist,” is the official verdict of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
出典: Power, 1938.