千年(ちとせ)の岩よ 我が身をかこめ
我が魂を 愛するイエスよ
波は逆巻き 大嵐が吹き荒れて
(沈むつつある 我が身を守り)
天(あま)の港に 導きたまえ
Chapter II: Leaders and followers, n.6
Organizations may or may not be designed for the purpose of meeting dangers. Economic organizations in some cases, such as coal mines, involve dangers, but these are incidental, and if they were eliminated the organizations would flourish all the better. In general, meeting dangers is no part of the essential purpose of economic organizations, or of governmental organizations concerned with internal affairs. But life-boats and fire-brigades, like armies and navies, are constructed for the purpose of meeting dangers. In a certain less immediate sense, this is also true of religious bodies, which exist in part to allay the metaphysical fears that are buried deep in our nature. If anyone feels inclined to question this, let him think of such hymns as :
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee;
Jesu, lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly,
While the gathering waters roll,
While the tempest still is high.
In submission to the Divine Will there is a sense of ultimate safety, which has led to religious abasement in many monarchs who could not submit to any merely earthly being. All submissiveness is rooted in fear, whether –
the leader to whom we submit be human or divine.
出典: Power, 1938.