第二十一章 結論 n.3:

母親については,二つの可能性がある。母親は通常の仕事を続け,子供の世話は施設(institutions)に世話をしてもらうかもしれないし,あるいは,法律でそう決まれば,子供が幼い間は,国家から手当てをもらって子供の世話をするかもしれない。後者の方針(course 方向)がとられると,その方針は,伝統的な道徳をささえるために,しばらくの間,使われるかもしれない。貞節でない女性は,支払いを停止されるかもしれないからである。しかし,支払いを停止されれば,働きに行かないかぎり,子供を扶養することができなくなるので,子供を施設(注:保育所など)に入れる必要が生じるだろう。それゆえ,両親が金持ちでない子供の世話については,経済的な強い力の作用(働き)によって,父親の排除(不要化)を,また,大部分の母親も排除(不要化)するかもしれない。かりに,そうなれば, 伝統的道徳のための(支持する)伝統的理由はすべて消滅し,新しい道徳のための(支持する)新しい理由が発見されなければならないだろう。
Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.3
he bi-parental family may, therefore, survive in the future without making such great demands upon the continence of women as it had to make in the past. A second factor, however, in the change which is coming over sexual morals, is liable to have more far-reaching effects. This is the increasing participation of the State in the maintenance and education of children. This factor, so far, affects mainly the wage-earning classes, but they, after all, are a majority of the population, and it is quite likely that the substitution of the State for the father, which is gradually taking place where they are concerned, will ultimately extend to the whole population. The part of the father, in animal families as with the human family, has been to provide protection and maintenance, but in civilized communities protection is provided by the police, and maintenance may come to be provided wholly by the State, so far, at any rate, as the poorer sections of the population are concerned. If that were so, the father would cease to serve any obvious purpose. With regard to the mother, there are two possibilities. She may continue her ordinary work and have her children cared for in institutions, or she may, if the law so decides, be paid by the State to care for her children while they are young. If the latter course is adopted, it may be used for a while to bolster up traditional morality, since a woman who is not virtuous may be deprived of payment. But if she is deprived of payment she will be unable to support her children unless she goes to work, and it will therefore be necessary to put her children in some institution. It would seem probable, therefore, that the operation of economic forces may lead to the elimination of the father, and even to a great extent of the mother, in the care of children whose parents are not rich. If so, all the traditional reasons for traditional morality will have disappeared, and new reasons will have to be found for a new morality.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.