ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.15

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.15

 今日のような避妊法の時代(避妊法が広く知られた時代)にあって,家族の最も重要な点は,あるいは子供を持つ習慣を維持することにあるのかもしれない(注:probably ではなく perhaps )。もしも,男性に子供の所有権(親権など)を持つことも(注:have no property in child 子供が生まれても母親に親権を奪われたり,国家や社会がその子供を育てるような場合には,と言ったニュアンスか),子供と愛情のこもった関係を結ぶ機会もないということになれば,彼は子供を作ってもほとんど意味がないと思うだろう。もちろん,現在の経済制度が少し変われば,母親(と子供)だけから成り立つ家族が存在することも可能だろう。しかし,私が現在考察しているのは,その種の家族ではない。そういう家族は,貞操(性道徳)を守るための動機を与えないからである。本書において我々が関心を持つのは,安定した結婚の理由としての家族である(注:そういう母親(と子供)だけから成り立つ家族が悪いと言っているのではなく,あくまでも本書の検討対象外ということ)。もしかしたら -実際,私は決してありえないことではないと思っているがー 父親は,遠からず完全に除去されるかもしれない(注:国家が父親代わりになるなど)。ただし,金持ちは(金持ちが社会主義によって廃止されることはないと仮定して)その限りではない。その場合には,女性は子供を,個々の父親とではなく,国家と共有することになるであろう。女性は,欲しいだけの数の子供を生むだろうし,父親には(子供に対して)なんの責任もなくなるであろう。事実,母親が少しでも(at all)乱交を好む性格を持っていれば,父親を決めること(父親は誰かと確定すること)は不可能になるかもしれない(注:現在では遺伝子検査で可能です)。

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.15

Perhaps the greatest importance of the family, in these days of contraceptives, is that it preserves the habit of having children. If a man were going to have no property in his child, and no opportunity of affectionate relations with it, he would see little point in begetting it. It would, of course, with a slight change in our economic institutions, be possible to have families consisting of mothers only, but it is not such families that I am considering at the present time, since they afford no motives for sexual virtue, and it is the family as a reason for stable marriage that concerns us in the present work. It may be – and indeed I think it far from improbable- that the father will be completely eliminated before long, except among the rich (supposing the rich to be not abolished by Socialism). In that case, women will share their children with the State, not with an individual father. They will have such number of children as they desire, and the fathers will have no responsibility. Indeed, if the mothers are at all of a promiscuous disposition, fatherhood may be impossible to determine. But if this comes about, it will make a profound change in the psychology and activities of men, far more profound, I believe, than most people would suppose. Whether the effect upon men would be good or bad, I do not venture to say. It would eliminate from their lives the only emotion equal in importance to sex love. It would make sex love itself more trivial. It would make it far more difficult to take an interest in anything after one’s own death. It would make men less active and probably cause them to retire earlier from work. It would diminish their interest in history and their sense of the continuity of historical tradition. At the same time it would eliminate the most fierce and savage passion to which civilized men are liable, namely the fury which is felt in defending wives and children from attacks by coloured populations. I think it would make men less prone to war, and probably less acquisitive. To strike a balance between good and bad effects is scarcely possible, but it is evident that the effects would be profound and far-reaching. The patriarchal family, therefore, is still important, although it is doubtful how long it will remain so.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.14

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.14


 貴族社会においては,いや,個人の栄達(高い地位を得ること)を許すすべての社会において,家族は,ある重要な個人に関して(と関連し)て歴史的に連結した(結びついた)一つの印になっている。観察によれば,ダーウィンという名前の人々は,幼児期にスヌークス(snook あかんべー)と改名された場合よりも,すぐれた科学においてよい仕事をする(科学的業績を挙げる)ということを示しているように思われる。もし仮に,姓が男性ではなく,女性を通じて伝わったとしても(注:If = even if),この種の影響は,今とまったく同じように強いだろう,と思われる。このような場合に,遺伝と環境の役割をそれぞれ振り分ける(割り当てる)ことはとても不可能であるが,ゴールトンとその弟子たちが遺伝のせいにしている現象において,家族の伝統は非常に重要な役割を演じている,と私は固く信じている。

 家族の伝統の影響の一例として,サミュエル・バトラーに無意識的記憶の学説を創案させ,新ラマルク派の遺伝理論を擁護させたと言われている理由を挙げてもよい。その理由というのは,家族的因縁から(from family reason),彼はチャールズ・ダーウィンに反対しなければならない,と感じたということである。彼の祖父は,(どうやら)ダーウィンの祖父と喧嘩をし,彼の父はダーウィンの父と喧嘩をしたので,彼(バトラー)もダーウィンと喧嘩をしなければならなかったのである。こういう次第で,ショーの『メトセラ(メトシェラ)』(Methuselah)があのようであるのは(is what it is),ダーウィンもバトラーも,短気な祖父を持っていたという事実によるのである。

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.14

From the point of view of the young child, the important thing about parents is that from them the child gets an affection not given to anyone else except his brothers and sisters. This is partly good and partly bad. I propose to consider the psychological effects of the family upon children in the next chapter. I shall therefore say no more about it at the present moment than that it is clearly a very important element in character formation, and that children brought up away from parents may be expected to differ considerably, whether for better or for worse, from normal children.

In an aristocratic society, or indeed in any society permitting of personal eminence, the family is, in regard to certain important individuals, a mark connected with historical continuity. Observation seems to show that people whose name is Darwin do better work in science than they would do if their name had been changed to Snooks in infancy. I conceive that if surnames descended through the female instead of the male, effects of this kind would be exactly as strong as they are now. It is quite impossible to apportion the shares of heredity and environment respectively in such cases, but I am quite convinced that family tradition plays a very considerable part in the phenomena which Galton and his disciples attribute to heredity. One might give as an example of the influence of family tradition the reason said to have caused Samuel Butler to invent his doctrine of unconscious memory and to advocate a neo-Lamarckian theory of heredity. The reason was that for family reasons he felt it necessary to disagree with Charles Darwin. His grandfather (it seems) quarrelled with Darwin’s grandfather, his father with his father, so he must quarrel with him. Thus Shaw’s Methuselah is what it is, owing to the fact that Darwin and Butler had ill-tempered grandfathers.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.13

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.13:父と子(特に息子)のすれちがい

 この点に関して,父と子の間には奇妙な誤解が生じがちである。一生懸命働いている男性は,怠け者の息子に向かって,自分はひたすら子供たちのために,生涯奴隷のように働いてきたのだ,と言うだろう。これに対して,息子のほうは,父親が死んだときの財産よりも,むしろ,現在の(=今もらえる)五ポンド紙幣(fiver)と小さな親切のほうがずっと持ちたい(得たい),と思うであろう。そのうえ,息子は,父親がシティー(注:ロンドンの金融街)に出かけるのは習慣の惰性によるものであって,決して親としての愛情からではないということに気づいている(のである)。そこで(従って),父親が息子のことを浪費家(wastrel 穀つぶし)だと思いこむのと同様に,息子は父親のことをぺてん師(humbug)だと思いこむ

しかし,息子は公平ではない(不公平である)。息子は,すべての習慣が形成されてしまった(後の)中年の父親を見ているのであり,そういう習慣を形成するにいたった,ぼんやりとした,また,意識されないいろいろな力(forces 影響力)がよくわかっていない(のである)。もしかしたら,父親は,若い頃に貧乏に苦しんだかもしれないし,最初の子供が生まれた時に,我が子には(誰も)自分が苦しまなければならなかったような貧乏を味あわせたくない,と本能的に誓ったかもしれない(のである)。そのような決意はきわめて重要なものなので,意識的にくりかえして確認する必要は決してない(のである)。何度もくりかえさなくても,その後の(彼の)行動を支配するからである。これが,いまだに家族がきわめて強い影響力をもっている一つの面(側面)である。

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.13

There is apt to be on this point a curious misunderstanding between fathers and children. A man who works hard in business will tell his idle son that he has slaved all his life solely for the benefit of his children. The son, on the contrary, would much rather have a fiver and a little kindness now than a fortune when his father dies. The son notices, moreover, quite correctly, that his father goes to the City from force of habit and not the least from parental afrection. The son is therefore as sure that his father is a humbug as the father is that his son is a wastrel. The son, however, is unjust. He sees his father in middle age, when all his habits are formed, and he does not realize the obscure, unconscious forces which led to the formation of those habits. The father, perhaps, may have suffered from poverty in his youth, and when his first child was born his instinct may have made him swear that no child of his should endure what he had had to suffer. Such a resolution is important and vital, and therefore need never be repeated in consciousness, since without the need of repetition it dominates conduct ever after. This is one way in which the family is still a very powerful force.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.12

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.12:


 今日,家族が重要なのは,いかなる理由よりも,家族(というものが)が親としての情念(強い感情)を両親に与えることにある。女性(の親としての情念)だけでなく,男性の親としての情念は,(親としての)行為に及ぼす影響力という点で,おそらく,他のいかなる情念よりも重要であろう。子供のいる男女はともに,一般的に言って,主に子供に関連して自分の生活を調節(調整)するものであり,また,ごく普通の男女が,子供のために,一定の方法(やり方)で非利己的に行動する。その方法のうち,最も明確で測定可能なものは,おそらく,生命保険(をかけること)であろう。百年前の経済的人間(the economic man )は,教科書の中で子供を持たされたことは一度もなかった(注:経済学の中で,子供のあるなしが,考慮に値する意義・意味を有しているとは考えられていなかった)。もっとも,経済学者たちも,頭の中では彼に子供があると考えていたにちがいない。けれども,経済学者たちは,彼らの仮定している一般的な競争は,父と子の間には当然存在しない,と思っていた。生命保険の心理(生命保険を子供のために掛けようとする親の心理)は,古典経済学(political economy)で扱う動機のまったく枠外にあることは明らかである。しかし,その古典経済学は,心理的に見て自主的(自律的)なものではなかった。財産に対する欲求(欲望)は,親としての感情と密接に結びついているからである。リヴァァーズ(注:Rivers 川にあらず)は,あらゆる私有財産は家族としての感情から派生するとまで言いさえした。リヴァーズは,繁殖期の間だけ土地を私有しているが,ほかの期間には私有しない,ある種の鳥のことを述べている。


Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.12

So far we have been considering only the weakness of the modern family. We must now consider in what respects it is still strong.
The family is important at the present day, more through the emotions with which it provides parents than for any other reason. Parental emotions in men as well as in women are perhaps more important than any others in their power of influencing action. Both men and women who have children as a rule regulate their lives largely with reference to them, and children cause perfectly ordinary men and women to act unselfishly in certain ways, of which perhaps life insurance is the most definite and measurable. The economic man of a hundred years ago was never provided in the textbooks with children, though undoubtedly he had them in the imagination of the economists, who, however, took it for granted that the general competition which they postulated did not exist between fathers and sons. Clearly, the psychology of life insurance lies wholly outside the cycle of motives dealt with in the classical political economy. Yet that political economy was not psychologically autonomous, since the desire for property is very intimately bound up with parental feelings. Rivers went so far as to suggest that all private property is derivative from family feelings. He mentions certain birds which have private property in land during the breeding season, but at no other time. I think most men can testify that they become far more acquisitive when they have children than they were before. This effect is one which is, in the popular sense, instinctive, that is to say, it is spontaneous, and springs from subconscious sources. I think that in this respect the family has been of incalculable importance to the economic development of mankind, and is still a dominating factor among those who are sufficiently prosperous to have a chance to save money.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.11

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.11:権力愛の偽装?


子供が思春期に達すると,両親と子供の間に,衝突が非常に起こりやすくなる。なぜなら,子供(後者)は,今や自分のことは自分で完全にうまくやれると考えているのに,親(前者)は,親としての気遣い(心配)でいっぱいであるからであるが,その気遣い(心配)は権力愛の偽装であることが多い。親は,通例,思春期に生じるさまざまな道徳上の問題は,とりわけ自分の専門だと考えている。けれども,彼ら(親)の述べる意見はひどく独断的なので,若者はめったに胸のうちを親には明かさないで(the young seldom confide in them),通例,秘密裏に自分の好きなとおりにする。それゆえ,この時期(この段階)においては,大部分の親は大いに役に立つとは言えない(あまり役に立たないと言わざるをえない)。

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.11

In the upper and professional classes, the custom is to leave children to nurses while they are young, and then send them to a boarding-school. The mother chooses the nurse, and the father chooses the school, so that they preserve intact their sense of power over their offspring, which working-class parents are not allowed to do. But so far as intimate contact is concerned, there is less, as a rule, between mother and child among the well-to-do than among wage-earners. The father has a play relation with his children in holidays, but has no more part in their real education than a working-class father. He has, of course, economic responsibility and the power of deciding where they shall be educated, but his personal contact with them is not usually of a very serious kind.

When a child reaches adolescence, there is very apt to be a conflict between parents and child, since the latter considers himself to be by now quite capable of managing his own affairs, while the former are filled with parental solicitude, which is often a disguise for love of power. Parents consider, usually, that the various moral problems which arise in adolescence are peculiarly their province. The opinions they express, however, are so dogmatic that the young seldom confide in them, and usually go their own way in secret. It cannot be said, therefore, that at this stage most parents are much use.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.10

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.10:


Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.10

In the modern world, the great majority of fathers are too hard-worked to see much of their own children. In the morning they are too busy getting off to work to have time for conversation ; in the evening, when they get home, the children are (or ought to be) in bed. One hears stories of children who only know of their father as “that man who comes for the week-end”. In the serious business of caring for the child, fathers can seldom participate; in fact this duty is shared between mothers and education authorities. It is true that the father often has a strong affection for his children in spite of the small amount of time that he can spend with them. On any sunday, in any of the poorer quarters of London, large numbers of fathers may be seen with their young children, evidently rejoicing in the brief opportunity of getting to know them. But whatever may be the case from the father’s point of view, from that of the child this is a play relation, without serious importance.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.9

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.9:父親の役割・機能の縮小化

 現代の家族の地位は,その最後の砦(とりで)までも国家の活動によって弱められてきた。家族は,その全盛期には,年配の家長,多くの成人した息子たち,その妻と子供たち,(それから)もしかするとその子供たちの子供たち(孫)から構成されており,全員一つの家の中で暮らし,全員が一つの経済単位(生計単位)として協力しあい,全員が,近代の軍国主義的な国家の市民のように厳しく,外界に対して一致団結していた。今日では,家族は,父親と母親とその幼い子供に縮小されてしまているが,幼い子供たちでさえ,国の法令により,大部分の時間を学校で過ごし,そこで,両親が望んでいる事柄ではなく,国家が子供たちのためによいと考えている事柄を学習する。(けれども,宗教は,一部分,このことの例外になる。)英国の父親は,古代ローマの父親と異なり,我が子に対して生殺与奪の力(権利)を握るどころか,百年前の大部分の父親が道徳的な躾として絶対必要と考えたように我が子を扱おうものなら,それこそ虐待のかどで起訴されかねない。国家は,内科や歯科の世話をし(medical and dental care),親が貧しければ子供に食物を与える。父親の役割・機能は,このようにして最小限のものに縮小されている国家が,大部分の機能を(これまで)引き継いできたからである。文明の進歩とともに,こうなるのは必然である。原始的な状態においては,鳥類や類人猿に見られるように,経済的な理由から,また,子供とその母親を暴力から守るためにも,父親は必要であった。後者の機能(注:安全の確保)は,ずっと昔に,国家によって(父親から)引き継がれた。(現代では)父親が亡くなった子供は,父親が生きている子供よりも(何者かによって)殺される恐れが多いということはない。富裕階級においては,父親の経済的な役割・機能は,父親が生きている場合よりも,死んだ場合のほうが,いっそう効果的に果たされる。父親は,自分の暮らしのために財産の一部を使い果たす必要もなしに,子供に財産を残すことができるからである。稼いだ金(注:既に稼いだ結果として手元にある財産)に頼っている階級(人々)においては,父親はまだ経済的に有用であるが,賃金労働者(注:日々の生活が毎月もらう賃金にかかている人々)に関するかぎり,この有用性は,社会の人道主義的な心情のために絶えず減少しつつあり,その心情は,たとえ子供に費用を支払う父親がいなくても,最小限度の世話は(社会が)してやるべきだ,と主張する。


Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.9

The position of the family in modern times has been weakened even in its last stronghold by the action of the State. In its great days, the family consisted of an elderly patriarch, a large number of grown-up sons, their wives and their children – perhaps their children’s children- all living together in one house, all co-operating as one economic unit, all combined against the outer world as strictly as the citizens of a militaristic modern nation. Nowadays the family is reduced to the father and mother and their younger children, but even young children, by the decree of the State, spend most of their time at school, and learn there what the State thinks good for them, not what their parents desire. (To this, however, religion is a partial exception.) So far from having power of life and death over his children, as the Roman father had, the British father is liable to be prosecuted for cruelty if he treats his child as most fathers a hundred years ago would have thought essential for a moral upbringing. The State provides medical and dental care, and feeds the child if the parents are destitute. The functions of the father are thus reduced to a minimum, since most of them have been taken over by the State. With advancing civilization, this is inevitable. In a primitive state of affairs, the father was necessary, as he is among birds and anthropoid apes, for economic reasons, and also to protect the young and their mother from violence. The latter function was long ago taken over by the State. A child whose father is dead is no more likely to be murdered than one whose father is living. The economic function of the father can be performed, in the well-to-do classes, more efficiently if he is dead than if he is living, since he can leave his money to his children, without having to use up part of it on his own maintenance. Among those who depend upon earned money, the father is still economically useful, but so far as wage-earners are concerned this utility is being continually diminished by the humanitarian sentiment of the community, which insists that the child should receive a certain minimum of care, even if he has no father to pay for it. It is in the middle classes that the father is at present of most importance, for so long as he lives and earns a good income, he can give his children those advantages in the way of an expensive education which will enable them in their turn to preserve their social and economic status, whereas if he dies while the children are still young, there is a considerable chance that they may sink in the social scale. The precariousness of this state of affairs is, however, much diminished by the custom of life insurance, by means of which, even in the professional classes, a prudent father can do much to diminish his own utility.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.8

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.8:


この段階で,避妊法が知られるようになり,出生率の低下が始まった。普通の人は,あらゆる時代を通して,ちょうど(no more and no less),持っていれば利益になるだけの数の子供(as many children as it paid him to have)を持ってきたという見解には,傾聴するべき点が多い(注:pay ためになる/It won’t pay me to do that job. その仕事を引き受けても割が合わない)。ともかくも,このことは,オーストラリアの原住民(であるアボリジニ),ランカシャーの紡績工,及び英国貴族にはあてはまると思われる。この見解は,理論的な厳密さをもって主張できると言うつもりはないが,ともすれば想像されるほど真実から遠ざかったものではない(だろう)。

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.8

The decay of the family in quite recent times is undoubtedly to be attributed in the main to the industrial revolution, but it had already begun before that event, and its beginnings were inspired by individualistic theory. Young people asserted the right to marry according to their own wishes, not according to the commands of their parents. The habit of married sons living in their father’s house died out. It became customary for sons to leave home to earn their living as soon as their education was ended. So long as small children could work in factories, they remained a source of livelihood to their parents until they died of overwork ; but the Factory Acts put an end to this form of exploitation, in spite of the protests of those who lived on it. From being a means of livelihood, children came to be a financial burden. At this stage, contraceptives became known, and the fall in the birth-rate began. There is much to be said for the view that the average man in all ages has had as many children as it paid him to have, no more and no less. At any rate this seems to be true of Australian aborigines, Lancashire cotton operatives, and British peers. I do not pretend that this view can be maintained with theoretical exactness, but it is not so far from the truth as one might be inclined to suppose.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.7

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.7:キリスト教道徳と仏教道徳との違い

けれども,仏教の場合(事例)は,宗教の純粋に経済的な原因を不当に強調してはいけないということを,我々に警告するであろう(警告するはずである)。私は,仏教が広まった時代のインドの状況を十分知らないので,仏教が個人の魂を強調するのは経済的な原因であるとすることはできないし(assign for 帰する),むしろ,そういう原因が存在したかどうかも疑わしいと思っている。仏教がインドで栄えた時代を通して,仏教は本来(主として),王侯のための宗教であったように思われる。そこで,家族に関する思想が,(きっと)他のどの階級よりも強く王侯を支配していたと考えることができるだろう。にもかかわらずこの世を軽蔑し(軽んじ/見下し),魂の救済を求めることが一般的となり,その結果,仏教の倫理(道徳)においては,家族はきわめて従属的な地位を占めるようになっている。偉大な宗教指導者は,マホメット,それから-もし,孔子を宗教的と言えるならば-孔子も,一般的に言って,社会や政治の問題に非常に無関心であり,むしろ,瞑想,修行,自己否定によって,魂の完成を図ろうとした(のである)。

 有史時代に起こった宗教は,既に先史時代から存在していた(歴史の記録が始まった時には既に存在していた)宗教とは異なり,通例,個人主義的であり,人は孤立したままで,自分のあらゆる義務を果たすことができる,と考えがちであった。もちろん,そうした宗教も,人が社会的な関係を持っている場合は,そういう関係に属すると認められる義務は果たすべきだと主張したが,通例,そういう関係を結ぶこと自体が義務であるとは見なしていなかった。このことは,特にキリスト教にあてはまるのであり,キリスト教は,家族(制度)に対して,常に両面価値的な態度をとってきた。「私(注:神)よりも父や母を愛するものは,私にふさわしくない」と福音書にある。これは,要するに(in effect),たとえ両親が(自分がやることを)正しくないと思っていても,人は自分が正しいと信じることをするべきである,ということを意味しており,この見解には,古代ローマ人も,古風な中国人も同意しないであろう。キリスト教に含まれる,この個人主義のパン種(leaven イースト酵母)は,ゆっくりと作用したが,特に最も熱心な人々(信者)の間で,あらゆる社会的な関係を徐々に弱める傾向があった。この影響は,カトリックでは新教(プロテスタンティズム)ほど見られない。というのは,新教(プロテスタンティズム)においては,我々は人間よりも神に従うべきだという原理に含まれている無政府主義的な要素が,前面に出てきたからである。神に従うことは,実際上,自分の良心に従うことであるが,人間の良心はそれぞれ異なるかもしれない(違う可能性がある)。それゆえ,良心と法律の間でときどき衝突が起こらざるをえず,その場合,真のキリスト教徒は,法律の命令よりも自分自身の良心に従う人を尊敬するべきだと感じるであろう。(原注:このことの一例として,第一次世界大戦中,ヒュー・セシル卿が良心的参戦拒否者に対して示した寛容さは注目に値する。)初期の文明においては,父親が神であったが,キリスト教では,神が父である。その結果,単なる人間にすぎない親の権威は弱くなった(のである)。

Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.7

The case of Buddhism, however, should warn us against an undue emphasis upon the purely economic causation of religions. I do not know enough of the condition of India at the time when Buddhism spread to be able to assign economic causes for its emphasis upon the individual soul, and I am rather doubtful whether such causes existed. Throughout the time when Buddhism nourished in India, it appears to have been primarily a religion for princes, and it might have been expected that ideas connected with the family would have had a stronger hold upon them than upon any other class. Nevertheless, contempt of this world and the search for salvation became common, with the result that in Buddhist ethics the family holds a very subordinate place. Great religious leaders, with the exception of Mohammed -and Confucius, if he can be called religious- have in general been very indifferent to social and political considerations, and have sought rather to perfect the soul by meditation, discipline, and self-denial. The religions which have arisen in historical times, as opposed to those which one finds already in existence when historical records begin, have been, on the whole, individualistic, and have tended to suppose that a man could do his whole duty in solitude. They have, of course, insisted that if a man has social relations he must perform such recognized duties as belong to those relations, but they have not, as a rule, regarded the formation of those relations as in itself a duty. This is especially true of Christianity, which has always had an ambivalent attitude towards the family. “Whoso loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me”, we read in the Gospels, and this means, in effect, that a man should do what he thinks right, even if his parents think it wrong -a view to which an ancient Roman or an old-fashioned Chinese would not subscribe. This leaven of individualism in Christianity has worked slowly, but has tended gradually to weaken all social relations, especially among those who were most in earnest. This effect is less seen in Catholicism than in Protestantism, for in Protestantism the anarchic element contained in the principle that we ought to obey God rather than man came to the fore. To obey God means, in practice, to obey one’s conscience, and men’s consciences may differ. There must, therefore, be occasional conflicts between conscience and law, in which the true Christian will feel bound to honour the man who follows his own conscience rather than the dictates of the law. (note: As an example of this, we may note the leniency of Lord Hugh Cecil to conscientious objectors during the war.) In early civilization, the father was God; in Christianity, God is the Father, with the result that the authority of the merely human parent is weakened.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.6

『結婚論』第十三章 今日の家族 n.6:家族の衰退をもたらした諸原因

 この段階までは,文明の進歩が家族の力を増してきた。しかし,この段階から先は,反対の動きが起こり,(現在では)西欧世界の家族は見る影もなく衰えてしまっている(過去の単なる幻影となってしまっている)。家族の衰退をもたらした原因は,一部分は経済的なものであり,一部分は文化的なものであった最高度に発達した家族というものは,都市住民にとっても,船乗り(seafaring people)にとっても,決してあまり適したものではなかった。商業は,現代を除く(except ours)あらゆる時代において,文化を生み出す主な要因であった。商業は,人々を自分たちのものとは異なる慣習と接触させ,そうして,部族の偏見から人々を解放したからである。従って,船乗りである古代ギリシア人(注:ギリシア時代のギリシア人)の間には,同時代の他の人々よりも,はるかに家族への隷属が見られない。海の持つ解放的な影響力の例は,他に,べネチア,オランダ,エリザベス朝のイギリスにも見られる。

しかし,このことは,本題からはずれている(beside the point)。我々に係る唯一の要点は,家族の一員が長い航海に出ていった一方家族の他の者が家にとどまっている時には,彼は必然的に家族の支配(家族によるコントロール)から解放され,家族はそれに比例して弱まった,ということである。田舎の住民の都市への流入は,あらゆる時代の興隆期の文明の特徴であるが,これも家族を弱める点で,海上貿易(marine commerce)と同様な効果があった



Chapter XIII: Family at present day, n.5

Up to this point, the growth of civilization had increased the strength of the family. From this point onward, however, an opposite movement has taken place, until the family in the Western world has become a mere shadow of what it was. The causes which brought about the decay of the family were partly economic and partly cultural. In its fullest development, it was never very suitable either to urban populations or to seafaring people. Commerce has been in all ages except ours the chief cause of culture, since it has brought men into relations with customs other than their own, and has thus emancipated them from tribal prejudice. Accordingly we find, among seafaring Greeks, much less slavery to the family than among their contemporaries. Other examples of the emancipating influence of the sea are to be found in Venice, in Holland, and in Elizabethan England. This, however, is beside the point. The only point which concerns us is that when one member of a family went on a long voyage while the rest stayed at home, he was inevitably emancipated from family control, and the family was proportionately weakened. The influx of rural populations into the towns, which is characteristic of all periods of rising civilization, had the same kind of effect as marine commerce in weakening the family. Another influence, perhaps even more important where the lower strata of society were concerned, was slavery. The master had little respect for the family relations of his slaves. He could part husbands and wives whenever he felt so disposed, and he could, of course, himself have intercourse with any female slave who pleased him. These influences, it is true, did not weaken the aristocratic family, which was kept coherent by the desire for prestige, and for success in the Montague-and-Capulet brawls which characterized ancient city life as much as the city life of Italy in the latter Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Aristocracy, however, lost its importance during the first century of the Roman Empire, and Christianity, which ultimately conquered, had been at first a religion of slaves and proletarians. The previous weakening of the family in those social classes no doubt accounts for the fact that early Christianity was somewhat hostile to it, and formulated an ethic in which the place of the family was much less than in any previous ethic, except that of Buddhism. In the ethic of Christianity, it is the relation of the soul to God that is important, not the relation of man to his fellow-men.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.