ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.9

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.9: 恋愛の障害となるもの

 現代世界には,もうひとつ,恋愛(感情)の十全な発展にとって,もっと心理的な障害となるものが存在している。それは,多くの人びとが感じている,自分の個性が損なわれはしないか(そのままの自分の個性を保てないのではないか),という恐怖(心)である。これは,愚かな恐怖であり,またかなり現代的な恐怖(心)である。(注:岩波文庫の安藤訳では,rather を「どちらかと言えば」と訳されているが,ここでは「かなり」の意味と思われる。即ち、昔は個性をそれほど重要視しておらず,個性尊重は現代的な考えである,といった意味と思われる。)個性は,それ自体が目的ではない。個性は,(個性が)実を結ぶために世界と接触しなければならないものであり,世界と接触することで個性は孤立化をまぬがれなければならないガラス箱の中に入れられた個性はしぼんでしまうが,人間的接触に惜しげなく(自由に)費やされた個性は豊かになる。


仕事は,いつも人を外界との実り多い接触に導くことができるわけでは決してない。仕事がそのような接触に導くことがができるかどうかは,仕事にたずさわる精神にかかっている。もっぱら金銭だけが動機となっているような仕事には,この価値を持ち得ないのであって,ある種の献身 -人に対してであれ,物に対してであれ,あるいは,単なる夢に対してであれ- が具現化されているような仕事にだけがそのような価値を持つことができる。


Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.9

There is another more psychological obstacle to the full development of love in the modern world, and that is the fear that many people feel of not preserving their individuality intact. This is a foolish and rather modern terror. Individuality is not an end in itself; it is something that must enter into fructifying contact with the world, and in so doing must lose its separateness. An individuality which is kept in a glass case withers, whereas one that is freely expended in human contacts becomes enriched. Love, children, and work are the great sources of fertilizing contact between the individual and the rest of the world. Of these love is usually chronologically the first. Moreover, it is essential to the best development of parental affection, since a child is apt to reproduce the characteristics of both parents, and if they do not love each other, each will only enjoy his own characteristics when they appear in the children, and will be pained by the characteristics of the other parent. Work is by no means always capable of bringing a man into fruitful contact with the outer world. Whether it does so or not depends upon the spirit in which it is undertaken. Work of which the motive is solely pecuniary cannot have this value, but only work which embodies some kind of devotion, whether to persons, to things, or merely to a vision. And love itself is worthless when it is merely possessive; it is then on a level with work which is merely pecuniary. In order to have the kind of value of which we are speaking, love must feel the ego of the beloved person as important as one’s own ego, and must realize the other’s feelings and wishes as though they were one’s own. That is to say, there must be an instinctive and not merely conscious extension of egoistic feeling so as to embrace the other person as well. All this has been rendered difficult by our pugnacious competitive society, and by the foolish cult of personality derived partly from Protestantism and partly from the Romantic Movement.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.8

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.8: 因習的な教育の残滓

 因習的な教育が恋愛に -いや,結婚の中の愛情にさえ- 植えつけた罪の意識(罪悪感)は,女性ばかりではなく,男性の中でも,また,古い伝統にしがみついている人びとだけでなく,意識的には解放された意見を持っている人びとの中でも,しばしば,潜在意識的に働いている(作用している)。こうした心的態度のもたらす結果は,様々である。それは,性行為(love-making)において,男性をしばしば粗暴で,不器用で,思いやりのない人間にする。なぜなら,男性は,女性の気持ちを確かめるために性行為について話題にする気になれないし,また,大部分の女性の喜びにとって不可欠な,最後の行為(final act)に徐々に近づいていくことの価値(重要性)を十分に理解することができないからである。実際,男たちは,女性は(性的)喜びを経験するべきであり,それが経験できない場合は,男のほうに責任がある,ということを理解していないことが多い。


Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.8

The sense of sin which a conventional education attaches to love, even to love within marriage, operates often subconsciously in men as well as in women, and in those whose conscious opinions are emancipated as well as in those who adhere to old traditions. The effects of this attitude are various; it often renders men brutal, clumsy and unsympathetic in their love-making, since they cannot bring themselves to speak about it so as to ascertain the woman’s feelings, nor can they adequately value the gradual approaches to the final act which are essential to most women’s enjoyment. Indeed they often fail to realize that a woman should experience enjoyment, and that if she does not, her lover is at fault. In women who have been conventionally educated there is often a certain pride in coldness, there is great physical reserve, and an unwillingness to allow easy physical intimacy. A skilful wooer can probably overcome these timidities, but a man who respects and admires them as the mark of a virtuous woman is not likely to overcome them, with the result that even after many years of marriage the relations of husband and wife remain constrained and more or less formal. In the days of our grandfathers, husbands never expected to see their wives naked, and their wives would have been horrified at such a suggestion. This attitude is still commoner than might be thought, and even among those who have advanced beyond this point, a good deal of the old restraint often remains.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.7

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.7: 恋愛感情と(単なる)性的魅力


互いに愛しあっている場合でも,どちらか一方がそれが(その愛)が罪だと信じていれば,その愛は毒されてしまうだろう。もちろん,この信念には,確かな根拠のある場合もあるであろう(well founded)。たとえば,パーネル(Charles Stewart Parnell, 1846 -1891:アイルランドの政治指導者)は,姦通によって確かに罪を犯した。というのは,パーネルは,それによってアイルランドの希望(注:アイルランド自治)の実現を多年にわたって遅らせたからである。しかし,の意識は,(それを持つ)根拠がないときでも,やはり恋愛感情を毒することであろう。もしも,愛に,可能なかぎりの善の全てをもたらせたいと思うなら,愛は,自由で,惜しみなく,制限がなく,真心のこもったものでなければならない

Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.7

Most men and women, given suitable conditions, will feel passionate love at some period of their lives. For the inexperienced, however, it is very diffficult to distinguish passionate love from mere attraction; especially is this the case with well-brought-up girls, who have been taught that they could not possibly like to kiss a man unless they loved him. If a girl is expected to be a virgin when she marries, it will very often happen that she is trapped by a transient and trivial sex attraction, which a woman with sexual experience could easily distinguish from love. This has undoubtedly been a frequent cause of unhappy marriages. Even where mutual love exists, it may be poisoned by the belief of one or other that it is sinful. This belief may, of course, be well founded. Parnell, for example, undoubtedly sinned in committing adultery, since he thereby postponed the fulfilment of the hopes of Ireland for many years. But even where the sense of sin is unfounded, it will poison love just as much. If love is to bring all the good of which it is capable, it must be free, generous, unrestrained and wholehearted.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.6

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.6: 恋愛は社会学者が関心を持つべき事柄

 幸福な相互的な愛情に結ばれた深い親密さと熱烈な付き合いをまったく経験したことのない人びとは,人生が提供する最上のものを失っていることになる。彼らは(そういった人たちは),たとえ意識はしていないとしても,無意識的にこのことを感じており,その結果生じる失望のために,(他者に対する)ねたみ,抑圧,残虐(な行為)に傾いていく。従って,情熱的な愛に正当な位置をあたえることは,社会学者が関心を持つべき事柄(matter 問題)でなければならない。なぜなら,男性も女性も,もしもこの経験を逸するなら(経験する機会を失えば),完全な精神的成長(stature)をとげることはできないし,世界のほかの人びとに対して,寛容な温かい気持ちをいだくこともできないからである。この気持ちがなければ,ほぼまちがいなく,彼らの社会的活動は有害なものになる(のである)。

Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.6

Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life has to give; unconsciously, if not consciously, they feel this, and the resulting disappointment inclines them towards envy, oppression and cruelty. To give due place to passionate love should be therefore a matter which concerns the sociologist, since, if they miss this experience, men and women cannot attain their full stature, and cannot feel towards the rest of the world that kind of generous warmth without which their social activities are pretty sure to be harmful.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.5

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.5: 愛は男女の自我の堅い壁を打ち壊す


Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.5

Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives. There is a deep-seated fear, in most people, of the cold world and the possible cruelty of the herd ; there is a longing for affection, which is often concealed by roughness, boorishness or a bullying manner in men, and by nagging and scolding in women. Passionate mutual love while it lasts puts an end to this feeling ; it breaks down the hard walls of the ego, producing a new being composed of two in one. Nature did not construct human beings to stand alone, since they cannot fulfil her biological purpose except with the help of another ; and civilized people cannot fully satisfy their sexual instinct without love. The instinct is not completely satisfied unless a man’s whole being, mental quite as much as.physical, enters into the relation.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.4

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.4:典型的な実業家の実態

 現代の典型的な実業家(注:business man 日本語の「ビジネス・マン」のような一般の平社員のことは言わない。)の生活,特にアメリカの(企業家の)例を考えてみよう。彼は,ようやく成人の仲間入りをした時から,最良の思考と最良の精力の全てを経済的な成功のために捧げる。それ以外のことは,彼にとっては,すべて重要性のない余暇でしかない。若い時には,時々,肉体的な要求を娼婦で満足させることもある。やがて(presently),彼は結婚する。だが,彼の興味関心は妻のものとはまったく異なっているので,妻と本当に打ち解けるようには決してならない(親密にはならない)。彼は,会社(職場)から,夜遅く,疲れて帰宅する(tired from the office)。朝は,妻が目を覚まさないうちに起きる。日曜日は,ゴルフをして過ごす蓄財競争(金儲けの闘い)に向けて体調を整えるために,運動は欠かせないからである。妻の興味関心は,彼には本質的に女性的なものに思われる。そうして彼は妻の興味関心は認める一方,決して一緒に共有しようとはしない(やろうとはしない)。彼には,結婚愛のための暇(時間)がないのと同様に不倫の恋愛(illicit love)をする暇(時間)もまったくない。ただし,むろん,仕事(用務)で家を留守にする時には,時々娼婦を訪れることはあるかもしれない。



Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.4

Consider the life of a typical business man of the present day. especially in America : from the time when he is first grown up he devotes all his best thoughts and all his best energies to financial success; everything else is merely unimportant recreation. In his youth he satisfies his physical needs from time to time with prostitutes: presently the marries, but his interests are totally different from his wife’s, and he never becomes really intimate with her. He comes home late and tired from the office; he gets up in the morning before his wife is awake; he spends Sunday playing golf, because exercise is necessary to keep him fit for the money-making struggle. His wife’s interests appear to him essentially feminine, and while he approves of them, he makes no attempt to share them. He has no time for illicit love any more than for love in marriage, though he may, of course, occasionally visit a prostitute when he is away from home on business. His wife probably remains sexually cold towards him, which is not to be wondered at, since he never has time to woo her. Subconsciously he is dissatisfied, but he does not know why. He drowns his dissatisfaction mainly in work, but also in other less desirable ways, for example, by the sadistic pleasure to be derived from watching prize-fights or persecuting radicals. His wife, who is equally unsatisfied, finds an outlet in second-rate culture, and in upholding virtue by harrying all those whose lives are generous and free. In this way the lack of sexual satisfaction both in husband and wife turns to hatred of mankind disguised as public spirit and a high moral standard. This unfortunate state of affairs is largely due to a wrong conception of our sexual needs. St. Paul apparently thought that the only thing needed in a marriage was opportunity for sexual intercourse, and this view has been on the whole encouraged by the teaching of Christian moralists. Their dislike of sex has blinded them to all the finer aspects of the sexual life, with the result that those who have suffered their teaching in youth go about the world blind to their own best potentialities.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.3

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.3: 恋愛の敵-経済的成功の追求

 けれども,現代世界においては,恋愛には,宗教よりもいっそう危険なもうひとつの敵がある。その敵とは,仕事と経済的成功(仕事に励んで経済的成功を得る)という信条(gospel)である。男は恋愛のために出世(キャリア)がさまたげられるようなことを許すべきではなく,もし許すようなら,その男は愚かである,と一般に-特にアメリカでは-考えられている。しかし,あらゆる人事(human matters 人間に関する事柄)におけると同様に,ここでもバランスが必要である。恋愛のために出世をすっかり犠牲にすることは -- 場合によっては,痛ましく英雄的であるかもしれないが- 愚かなことであろう。しかし,出世のために恋愛をすっかり犠牲にすることも同様に愚かであり,まったく英雄的でもない。にもかかわらず,これは起こるし,万人が金を奪いあうことを基礎にして組織されている社会においては必然的に起こる。

Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.3

In the modern world, however, love has another enemy more dangerous than religion, and that is the gospel of work and economic success. It is generally held, especially in America, that a man should not allow love to interfere with his career, and that if he does, he is silly. But in this as in all human matters a balance is necessary. It would be foolish, though in some cases it might be tragically heroic, to sacrifice career completely for love, but it is equally foolish and in no degree heroic to sacrifice love completely for career. Nevertheless this happens, and happens inevitably, in a society organized on the basis of a universal scramble for money.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.2

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.2:恋愛と一般的な愛情の違い

 恋愛(Love)は,この言葉を適切に(正しく)使用した場合は,男女間の任意の,あるいはすべての関係(注:いわゆる「愛情」)を指すのではなく,少なからぬ情緒を含み,肉体的であると同時に心理的でもある関係のみを意味する(注:従って,特別な意味を持たせていない限り,通常は「精神的な慈愛」や人類愛などは含まれない)。恋愛は,いかなる程度の激しさにも高まる可能性がある。『トリスタンとイゾルデ』(注:『ロミオとジュリエット』のモデルになった悲しい恋の物語)の中に表現されているような情緒は,無数の男女の経験と一致している(同じである)。恋愛の情緒を芸術的に表現する能力は稀であるが,情緒そのもの(の存在)は,少なくともヨーロッパにおいては稀ではない。この情緒は,ある社会では,他の社会よりもずっと普通である(一般的な現象である)。これは,当の国民(民衆)の性格によるのではなく,その慣習と制度によっている,と私は考える。中国においては,この情緒は稀であり,歴史上,邪悪な妾(側室)にまどわされた悪しき皇帝の特徴として現われる。つまり,伝統的な中国文化は,強い情緒にはおしなべて反対し,人はいかなる状況にあっても理性の支配を維持するべきだと考えた。この点で(In this),伝統的な中国文化は,十八世紀の初頭に似ていた。過去にロマン主義,フランス革命,世界大戦を経験してきた我々は,人生(人間生活)における理性の役割は,アン女王の治世に期待されていたほど支配的なものではない,ということに気づいている。さらに,理性そのものが,精神分析学の学説を作り出したことで反逆者になってしまった(注:人間はいかに無意識に支配されているかということを明らかにした)。


Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.2

Love, when the word is properly used, does not denote any and every relation between the sexes, but only one involving considerable emotion, and a relation which is psychological as well as physical. It may reach any degree of intensity. Such emotions as are expressed in Tristan und lsolde are in accordance with the experience of countless men and women. The power of giving artistic expression to the emotion of love is rare, but the emotion itself, at least in Europe, is not. It is much commoner in some societies than in others, and this depends, I think, not upon the nature of the people concerned but upon their conventions and institutions. In China it is rare, and appears in history as a characteristic of bad emperors who are misled by wicked concubines: traditional Chinese culture objected to all strong emotions, and considered that a man should in all circumstances preserve the empire of reason. In this it resembled the early eighteenth century. We, who have behind us the Romantic Movement, the French Revolution, and the Great War, are conscious that the part of reason in human life is not so dominant as was hoped in the reign of Queen Anne. And reason itself has turned traitor in creating the doctrine of psychoanalysis. The three main extra-rational activities in modern life are religion, war, and love; all these are extra-rational, but love is not anti-rational, that is to say, a reasonable man may reasonably rejoice in its existence. Owing to the causes that we have considered in earlier chapters, there is in the modern world a certain antagonism between religion and love. I do not think this antagonism is unavoidable; it is due only to the fact that the Christian religion, unlike some others, is rooted in asceticism.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.1

第九章 人生における恋愛の位置 n.1: 恋愛に対する支配的な態度


Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.1

The prevailing attitude of most communities towards love is curiously twofold: on the one hand, it is the chief theme of poetry, novels, and plays; on the other hand, it is completely ignored by most serious sociologists, and is not considered as one of the desiderata in schemes of economic or political reform. I do not think this attitude justifiable. I regard love as one of the most important things in human life, and I regard any system as bad which interferes unnecessarily with its free development.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.18

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.18:ギリシア人の(裸の)習慣?



Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.18

There are also many important grounds of health in favour of nudity in suitable circumstances, such as out-of-doors in sunny weather. Sunshine on the bare skin has an exceedingly health-giving effect. Moreover anyone who has watched children running about in the open-air without their clothes must have been struck by the fact that they hold themselves much better and move more freely and more gracefully than when they are dressed. The same thing is true of grown-up people. The proper place for nudity is out-of_doors in the sunshine and in the water. If our conventions allowed of this, it would soon cease to make any sexual appeal; we should all hold ourselves better, we should be healthier from the contact of air and sun with the skin, and our standards of beauty would more nearly coincide with standards of health, since they would concern themselves with the body and its carriage, not only with the face. In this respect the practice of the Greeks was to be commended.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.