
 しかし,権力欲には,もっと望ましいそれ以外の側面があります。知識の探究は主として権力欲(注:影響力を持ちたいという欲求/ラッセルは「権力」を広義にとっていることに注意)によって動機づけられる(actuated),と私は考えます。また,科学技術における進歩も全てそうです。政治においても,改革者もまた,おそらく専制君主(despot)とまったく同様に強い権力欲を持っているでしょう(may have …) 。動機としての権力欲をいちがいに非難する(けなす)ことは完全な誤りでしょう。この動機(権力欲)によって有益な行動に導かれるか,あるいは,有害な行動に導かれるかは,社会制度とその人の能力にかかっています。もしその人の能力が理論的であるかまたは技術的であれば,その人は知識かあるいは技術に貢献するでしょうし,概してその人の活動は有益でしょう。その人が政治家であれば,権力欲によって動機づけられるでしょうが,普通は,この動機は,何らかの理由で,その人が現状維持よりましだと考える,ある状況を実現したいという欲求と結びついているでしょう。アルキビアデス(古代アテナイの政治家かつ軍人でソクラテスの弟子。民衆を扇動することにすぐれていたが,アテナイの政敵により一時追放されたため敵国スパルタに味方した。)のように,偉大な将軍は,どちらの陣営について戦うかは気にしないでしょうが,たいていの将軍は自分の国のために戦うことを好んできており,それゆえ,権力欲以外にも他の動機を持ってきたのです。政治家は常に多数派のなかにいたいと思うので,しばしば党派を変える可能性がありますが,たいていの政治家はいずれかの党派(や政党)に好みを持っており,この好みに(自らの)権力欲を従属させます。ほとんど純粋に近い権力欲はいろいろなタイプの人々に見られます。その一つは冒険家タイプ(soldier of fortune 利益や冒険などのためならどこにでも行くタイプ)で,ナポレオンが一番いい例です。ナポレオンは(生まれ故郷の)コルシカよりフランス(本土)のほうがよいとは観念論的にはまったく思っていなかったけれども,もしかりに彼がコルシカの皇帝になっていたとしたら,フランス人のふりをして彼が実際になったほどの偉大な人物にはなれなかったでしょう。けれども,そのような人たちは,虚栄心からも大きな満足も得ているので,まったく純粋な権力欲の例であるとは言えません。最も純粋な型は「黒幕」(eminence grise : “grey eminence” のフランス語) と呼ばれるタイプ,即ち,公衆の面前には決して現われない,王座の背後にいる権力(者)であり,「誰が糸を引いているか,この傀儡(かいらい/操り人形)どもはほとんどわかっていない!」と思ってほくそ笑んでいる(hugs itself)だけなのです。ホルスタイン男爵は,1890年から1906年にかけて,ドイツ帝国の外交を支配していましたが,この権力者タイプを完壁に例証しています。彼はスラム(貧民街)に住んでいました。つまり,決して社会(表)に出ませんでした。彼はドイツ皇帝のしつこさに耐えかねてただ一度だけ会ったことを例外として,(それ以外は)皇帝に会うことを避けました。彼は宮廷の行事を,宮廷用の服を持っていないという理由で,すべて辞退しました。彼は首相(カイゼル)と,首相に親密な人々をゆすることのできる秘密を握っていました。彼がゆすりのカを利用したのは,富や名声や,その他すぐわかるような利益を得るためではなくて,ただ単に彼が好んだ外交政策を採用させるためでした。東洋では,そのような人物は宦官(かんがん)のなかにまれではありませんでした.

But it (= the love of power) has other sides which are more desirable. The pursuit of knowledge is, I think, mainly actuated by love of power. And so are all advances in scientific technique. In politics, also, a reformer may have just as strong a love of power as a despot. It would be a complete mistake to decry love of power altogether as a motive. Whether you will be led by this motive to actions which are useful, or to actions which are pernicious, depends upon the social system, and upon your capacities. If your capacities are theoretical or technical, you will contribute to knowledge or technique, and, as a rule, your activity will be useful. If you are a politician you may be actuated by love of power, but as a rule this motive will join itself on to the desire to see some state of affairs realized which, for some reason, you prefer to the status quo. A great general may, like Alcibiades, be quite indifferent as to which side he fights on, but most generals have preferred to fight for their own country, and have, therefore, had other motives besides love of power. The politician may change sides so frequently as to find himself always in the majority, but most politicians have a preference for one party to the other, and subordinate their love of power to this preference. Love of power as nearly pure as possible is to be seen in various different types of men. One type is the soldier of fortune, of whom Napoleon is the supreme example. Napoleon had, I think, no ideological preference for France over Corsica, but if he had become Emperor of Corsica he would not have been so great a man as he became by pretending to be a Frenchman. Such men, however, are not quite pure examples, since they also derive immense satisfaction from vanity. The purest type is that of the eminence grise – the power behind the throne that never appears in public, and merely hugs itself with the secret thought: “How little these puppets know who is pulling the strings.” Baron Holstein, who controlled the foreign policy of the German Empire from 1890 to 1906, illustrates this type to perfection. He lived in a slum; he never appeared in society; he avoided meeting the Emperor, except on one single occasion when the Emperor’s importunity could not be resisted; he refused all invitations to Court functions, on the ground that he possessed no court dress. He had acquired secrets which enabled him to blackmail the Chancellor and many of the Kaiser’s intimates. He used the power of blackmail, not to acquire wealth, or fame, or any other obvious advantage, but merely to compel the adoption of the foreign policy he preferred. In the East, similar characters were not very uncommon among eunuchs.
出典:Bertrand Russell: What Desires Are Politically Important? 1950



人々に対する権力は,自分で進んでやらないことを人にやらせることにで示されますので,権力欲によって動かされる人は,相手に快楽(の機会)を許すよりも,苦痛を加えがちになります。ある正当な理由で(on some legitimate occasion),休暇を上司に願い出たら,その上司の権力欲は,(部下に)同意することよりも拒否することによって,より快楽を引き出すでしょう。建設許可を必要とするとき,担当の小役人は「イエス」というより「ノー」と答えることからより快発を得ることは明らかでしょう。権力欲を危険な動機にするのは,こういった種類のものです。

Love of power is greatly increased by the experience of power, and this applies to petty power as well as to that of potentates. In the happy days before 1914, when well-to-do ladies could acquire a host of servants, their pleasure in exercising power over the domestics steadily increased with age. Similarly, in any autocratic regime, the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical with experience of the delights that power can afford. Since power over human beings is shown in making them do what they would rather not do, the man who is actuated by love of power is more apt to inflict pain than to permit pleasure. If you ask your boss for leave of absence from the office on some legitimate occasion, his love of power will derive more satisfaction from a refusal than from a consent. If you require a building permit, the petty official concerned will obviously get more pleasure from saying “No” than from saying “Yes”. It is this sort of thing which makes the love of power such a dangerous motive.
出典:Bertrand Russell: What Desires Are Politically Important? 1950


権力 > 所有欲や虚栄心 - 特に政治家においては・・・

 しかし,我々がこれまで考察してきた動機(注:所有欲及び虚栄心の影響は大きなものですが,それらを上回る動機があります。それは権力欲です。権力欲は,虚栄心にかなり似ていますが,決して同じものではありません。虚栄心は,それを満足させるためには栄光(glory)が必要です。権力を持っていなくても栄光を持つことは容易です。米国において最高の栄光を享受しているのは映画スターたちですが,彼らは,(下院)非米活動調査委員会(the Committee for Un-American Activities 米ソ冷戦時代に1945年に設置され1975年に廃止された常任委員会であり,「赤狩り(共産主義者摘発)」が行なわれた。)によっておとなしくさせることができます。英国では,国王は総理大臣よりも栄光を持っていますが,総理大臣のほうが国王より権力を持っています。多くの人々は権力よりもむしろ栄光を好みますが,大体において,そういった人々は,栄光よりも権力を好む人々ほど物事の進行に対し影響力をもっていません。1814年に,ブリュッヘル将軍(Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher, 1742-1819:プロイセン王国の軍人で,ワーテルローの戦いでナポレオンを撃破)は,ナポレオンの宮殿を見た時,こう言いました。「これだけのものを持っていながら,モスクワを求めて駆けまわるとは愚かではなかったか。」 ナポレオンは,確かに虚栄心に欠けてはいませんでしたが,選択をしなければならなくなると,彼は(虚栄心よりも)権力の方を好みました。ブリュッヘル将軍には,この選択は愚かに思われました。権力は,虚栄心同様,飽くことを知らないものです。全能でないものは何であっても権力欲を完全に満足させることはできません。そして,権力欲は,特に精力的な人々の悪癖なので,権力欲の因果的効力(causal efficacy)は,権力欲が生じる頻度とはまったく不釣合いなものとなっています。権力欲は,実際,重要人物の生涯において最も強力でずば抜けた動機なのです。

But great as is the influence of the motives we have been considering, there is one which outweighs them all. I mean the love of power. Love of power is closely akin to vanity, but it is not by any means the same thing. What vanity needs for its satisfaction is glory, and it is easy to have glory without power. The people who enjoy the greatest glory in the United States are film stars, but they can be put in their place by the Committee for Un-American Activities, which enjoys no glory whatever. In England, the King has more glory than the Prime Minister, but the Prime Minister has more power than the King. Many people prefer glory to power, but on the whole these people have less effect upon the course of events than those who prefer power to glory. When Blucher, in 1814, saw Napoleon’s palaces, he said, “Wasn’t he a fool to have all this and to go running after Moscow.” Napoleon, who certainly was not destitute of vanity, preferred power when he had to choose. To Blucher, this choice seemed foolish. Power, like vanity, is insatiable. Nothing short of omnipotence could satisfy it completely. And as it is especially the vice of energetic men, the causal efficacy of love of power is out of all proportion to its frequency. It is, indeed, by far the strongest motive in the lives of important men.
出典:Bertrand Russell: What Desires Are Politically Important? 1950




Vanity is a motive of immense potency. Anyone who has much to do with children knows how they are constantly performing some antic, and saying “Look at me”. “Look at me” is one of the most fundamental desires of the human heart. It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to the pursuit of posthumous fame. There was a Renaissance Italian
princeling who was asked by the priest on his deathbed if he had anything to repent of.

“Yes”, he said, “there is one thing. On one occasion I had a visit from the Emperor and the Pope simultaneously. I took them to the top of my tower to see the view, and I neglected the opportunity to throw them both down, which would have given me immortal fame”.

History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution. One of the troubles about vanity is that it grows with what it feeds on. The more you are talked about, the more you will wish to be talked about. The condemned murderer who is allowed to see the account of his trial in the press is indignant if he finds a newspaper which has reported it inadequately. And the more he finds about himself in other newspapers, the more indignant he will be with the one whose reports are meagre. Politicians and literary men are in the same case. And the more famous they become, the more difficult the press-cutting agency finds it to satisfy them. It is scarcely possible to exaggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life, from the child of three to the potentate at whose frown the world trembles. Mankind have even committed the impiety of attributing similar desires to the Deity, whom they imagine avid for continual praise.
出典:Bertrand Russell: What Desires Are Politically Important? 1950



(注:主婦の友社から出されたノーベル文学賞全集・第22巻に収められた大竹勝訳では「回教史のなかで,何回となく,サルタンの息子たちのそれぞれの母親が不和となったことから・・・」と訳されている。しかし、”Mohammedan history” は,ここでは「回教という宗教」の歴史ではなく「回教徒」の歴史のことであり、また,不和(意見の不一致)は母親同士ではなく息子たちである,つまり主語を取り違えており、残念ながら読者に誤解を与える訳になってしまっている。)

But acquisitiveness, although it is the mainspring of the capitalist system, is by no means the most powerful of the motives that survive the conquest of hunger. Rivalry is a much stronger motive. Over and over again in Mohammedan history, dynasties have come to grief because the sons of a sultan by different mothers could not agree, and in the resulting civil war universal ruin resulted. The same sort of thing happens in modern Europe. When the British Government very unwisely allowed the Kaiser to be present at a naval review at Spithead, the thought which arose in his mind was not the one which we had intended. What he thought was, “I must have a Navy as good as Grandmamma’s”. And from this thought have sprung all our subsequent troubles. The world would be a happier place than it is if acquisitiveness were always stronger than rivalry. But in fact, a great many men will cheerfully face impoverishment if they can thereby secure complete ruin for their rivals. Hence the present level of taxation.
出典:Bertrand Russell: What Desires Are Politically Important? 1950
