哲学と科学と神学との関係 - 三すくみ?

sansukumi_3way 我々が「哲学的」(philosophical)と呼んでいるところの,人生や世界に関する諸概念は,2つの要因から産み出されたものである。1つは,過去から受け継がれてきた宗教的,倫理的概念という要因であり,もう1つは,最も広義の意味で「科学的」(scientific)と呼んでよい種類の研究という要因である。個々の哲学者は,これら2つの要因が彼らの哲学体系に入りこむ割合に関して,非常な相違があったが,とにかくなんらかの程度で,この2つがともに存在していることが,哲学を特徴づけているのである。

The conceptions of life and the world which we call ‘philosophical‘ are a product of two factors: one, inherited religious and ethical conceptions; the other, the sort of investigation which may be called ‘scientific’, using this word in its broadest sense. Individual philosophers have differed widely in regard to the proportions in which these two factors entered into their systems, but it is the presence of both, in some degree, that characterizes philosophy.
‘Philosophy’ is a word which has been used in many ways, some wider, some narrower. I propose to use it in a very wide sense, which I will now try to explain.
Philosophy, as I shall understand the word, is something intermediate between theology and science. Like theology, it consists of speculations on matters as to which definite knowledge has, so far, been unascertainable; but like science, it appeals to human reason rather than to authority, whether that of tradition or that of revelation. All deflnite knowledge- so I should contend- belongs to science; all dogma as to what surpasses definite knowledge belongs to theology. But between theology and science there is a No Man’s Land, exposed to attack from both sides; this No Man’s Land is philosophy. Almost all the questions of most interest to speculative minds are such as science cannot answer, and the confident answers of theologians no longer seem so convincing as they did in former centuries.
出典: A History of Western Philosophy, 1945, Introduction





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