これらの権力の諸形態は,我々が動物を扱う時に,最もむき出しかつ単純に表に現れ(開陳され),そこでは,偽装や見せかけ(フリ)は必要だと考えられていない。胴体の真ん中をロープで巻きつけられた豚がキーキー叫びならが釣り上げられて船に積み込まれる場合,豚は自分の肉体に対する直接の物理的な力(権力)に服従している。これとは反対に,諺に出てくるロバが,諺に出てくる(目の前の)ニンジンを(食べようと)目で追う場合(follow),私たちは,(ロバが)そうすることがロバの利益になることをロバに信じ込ませて,我々(人間)が望むようにロバに行動させようと誘導する。右の二つの場合(cases 事例)の中間にあるのが,芸をする動物の場合で,これらの動物の場合には賞罰によって習慣が形成されてきた。またこれとはやり方が異なるが,羊の場合もまた,誘導して船に乗せる場合,先頭の(リーダーの)羊を無理やり船の出入り口(gateway)に引きずり込まなければならない(が),その後,残りの羊は強制することなくその羊(先頭の羊)の後ろについていく。
Chapter III: The Forms of Power, n.3
These forms of power are most nakedly and simply displayed in our dealings with animals, where disguises and pretences are not thought necessary. When a pig with a rope round its middle is hoisted squealing into a ship, it is subject to direct physical power over its body. On the other hand, when the proverbial donkey follows the proverbial carrot, we induce him to act as we wish by persuading him that it is to his interest to do so. Intermediate between these two cases is that of performing animals, in whom habits have been formed by rewards and punishments ; also, in a different way, that of sheep induced to embark on a ship, when the leader has to be dragged across the gangway by force, and the rest then follow willingly.
All these forms of power are exemplified among human beings.
The case of the pig illustrates military and police power.
The donkey with the carrot typifies the power of propaganda.
Performing animals show the power of”education.”
The sheep following their unwilling leader are illustrative of party politics, whenever, as is usual, a revered leader is in bondage to a clique or to party bosses.
出典: Power, 1938.