権力の形態を分類する多様な方法があり,そのいずれの方法にも有用性(utility 利点)がある。第一に,人間に対する力(支配力)と,生命のない物質,あるいは,非人間的な形態の生命に対する力(支配力)がある。私は,主に,人間に対する力(支配力)に関心を持っているが,現代世界における(諸)変化の主な原因は,科学のおかげである物質に対する(人間の)力(支配力)の増大であるということは,記憶しておく必要がある(忘れてはならない)であろう。
Chapter 3: The Forms of Power, n.2
There are various ways of classifying the forms of power, each of which has its utility. In the first place, there is power over human beings and power over dead matter or non-human forms of life. I shall be concerned mainly with power over human beings, but it will be necessary to remember that the chief cause of change in the modern world is the increased power over matter that we owe to science.
Power over human beings may be classified by the manner of influencing individuals, or by the type of organization involved.
An individual may be influenced: A. By direct physical power over his body, e.g. when he is imprisoned or killed; B. By rewards and punishments as inducements, e.g. in giving or withholding employment; C. By influence on opinion, i.e. propaganda in its broadest sense. Under this last head I should include the opportunity for creating desired habits in others, e.g. by military drill, the only difference being that in such cases action follows without any such mental intermediary as could be called opinion.
出典: Power, 1938.