
かつてこのように幸福にも未来に対して盲目であった時代があったであろうか? カサンドラ(注:ギリシア神話に登場するトロイアの王女で悲劇の予言者)は大惨事を正しく予言し,そうして信じられなかった。(我々の)父の世代の人たちは繁栄を間違って予言し,そうして信じられた。彼(ラッセルの祖父)が現在の我々の世界に生まれ帰ってくることができたなら,彼の祖父が19世紀に生き返った時に困惑した場合よりも,(現代の状況を見て)より困惑したことだろう(注:みすず書房刊の<b>ラッセル『自伝的回想』の中村秀吉訳</b>では「彼が現在の我々の世界にもどることができたら,彼の祖父が19世紀に出逢った場合よりもずっと困惑したことだろう。」となっており,19世紀より前の時代に生きたラッセルの祖父の祖先が19世紀に生き返った場合に困惑する場合と比較すると・・・という主旨をつかみにくい)。

Pembroke Lodge, where my grandfather lived, was a house in the middle of Richmond Park about ten miles from the center of London. It was in the gift of the Queen, and was given by her to my grandfather for his lifetime and that of my grandmother. In this house many Cabinet meetings took place and to this house many famous men came. On one occasion the Shah of Persia came and my grandfather apologized for the smallness of the house. The Shah replied politely, “Yes, it is a small house, but it contains a great man”. In this house I met Queen Victoria when I was two years old. I was much interested by the visit of three Chinese diplomats in the correct Chinese ceremonial costume of that day; also by the visit of two Negro emissaries from Liberia. There was in the drawing room an exquisite inlaid Japanese table given to my grandfather by the Japanese Government. On sideboards in the dining room there were two enormous porcelain vases, which were presents from the King of Saxony. There was a narrow space between a table and a china cabinet which I was strictly forbidden to squeeze through, and, on this ground, it was always called the Dardanelles. Every corner of the house was associated with some nineteenth-century event or institution which now seems as remotely historical as the dodo. Everything belonging to my childhood was part of a now completely vanished world — the rambling Victorian house, now no longer in the gift of the sovereign, but turned into a tea shop; the garden, formerly full of nooks and crannies in which a child could hide, but now wide open to the general public; the courtly diplomats representing sovereigns of States now vanished or turned into republics; the solemn pompous men of letters, to whom every platitude seemed profound; and above all, the absolute conviction of stability which made it an unquestioned axiom that no changes were to be expected anywhere in the world, except an ordered and gradual development toward a constitution exactly like that of Britain. Was ever an age so blessedly blind to the future? Cassandra truly prophesied disaster and was not believed; the men of my grandfather’s age falsely prophesied prosperity and were believed. If he could come back into our present world he would be far more bewildered than his grandfather would have been by the nineteenth century. For those who have grown up in the atmosphere of a strong tradition, adaptation to the world of the present is difficult. Awareness of this difficulty makes it possible to understand how in the past and in the present great empires and great institutions, which have stood for ages, can be swept away because the political experience that they embody has suddenly become useless and inapplicable. For this reason our age produces bewilderment in many, but offers at the same time a possibly fruitful challenge to those who are capable of new thought and new imagination.
出典: Lord John Russell (1952).



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