The modern parent wants his children to be as unconstrained in his presence as in his absence ; he wants them to feel pleasure when they see him coming ; he does not want a fictitious Sabbath calm while he is watching, succeeded by pandemonium as soon as he turns his back. To win the genuine affection of children is a joy as great as any that life has to offer.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 9: Punishment
(訳注)「He (= The modern parent) wants them to feel pleasure when they see him coming.」 は,岩波文庫版の安藤訳『幸福論』では「親がくるのを見れば喜んで欲しいと願っている」と,また,みすず書房版の魚津訳『幸福論』では,「子どもたちが親のくるのをみて喜んでくれるように願っている」と訳されている。これは誤訳ではないか?
↑これは私の早とちりです。コメントされた方が言うとおりですので、訳を修正させていただきました。(なお、「人の喜びを我が喜びとする。 」はそのまま(正解)ですね。)