私はまたソビエト連邦におけるユダヤ人の窮状についても大いに関心を持っていたし,現在でも持ち続けている。そうして,ソ連政府と,その問題に関して,手紙等のやりとりをかなり頻繁かつ継続的に行ってきた。さらに,東欧における非常に多数のユダヤ人家族が,第二次世界大戦によってずっと離れ離れにされてきており,彼らは海外 -通常はイスラエル- の親戚と再会したいと望んでいる。当初私は,彼らが個々に移民(移住)することを許可するように訴えた。
That same April, 1963, I sent a representative to Israel to look into the situation of the Palestine Arab refugees. We wished to form some assessment of what, if anything, might most effectively be urged to help to settle matters between Jews and Arabs concerning the question of the Palestine refugees. Since then I have, often at request, sent other representatives to both Israel and Egypt to discuss the separate and the joint problems of those countries. In turn, they have sent their emissaries to me. I was also much concerned, and still am, with the plight of the Jews in the Soviet Union, and I have carried on a considerable and continuing correspondence with the Soviet Government in regard to it. In addition, a very large number of Jewish families in Eastern Europe have been separated by the Second World War and wish to rejoin their relations abroad, usually in Israel. At first I appealed for permission for them to emigrate individually, but later, under the pressure of hundreds of requests, I began to make appeals on behalf of whole groups. As such work developed, I found myself working for the release of political prisoners in over forty countries where they are held, half forgotten, for deeds which were often praiseworthy. Many prisoners in many lands have been freed, we are told, as a result of my colleagues’ and my work, but many remain in gaol and the work goes on.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3:1944-1969 ,chap4:The Foundation,(1969)
【クルド人の分布 (ウィキペディアより】
トルコ 約1140万人; イラン 約480~660万人;
イラク 約400~600万人; シリア 約90~280万人;
ドイツ 約50~80万人
アフガニスタン 約20万人; アゼルバイジャン 約15万人;
フランス 約12万人; スウェーデン 約10万人;
イスラエル 約10万人; レバノン 約8万人; オランダ 約7万人】