ラッセルについてのデマ・根も葉もない噂 - 無視ばかりしていられない

BR-19661113TRIBUNAL その他にも,私が最近知った二つの噂もひろまりつつあり,それについても腹立だたしく思っている。その2つの噂というのは,私宛の手紙や文書が,私を煩わすことのないようにという配慮で,秘書たちが私に渡さずに保留しているという噂と,私に会いたいと思う人々を私の秘書や同志たちが私に会わさないようにしているという噂である。しかし,私の自宅宛の手紙は私自身が全て開封し読んでいる。けれども私宛の郵便はあまりにも多いので,私自身がその全部に返事を書くというわけにはいかない。とはいっても(=ただし),私は書いてやりたいことを秘書に指示したり,秘書が書いた返事の草稿を発信する前に読んで確認している。また,いろいろな理由で私に会いたいと希望する人々の数が多いため,それら全ての人に会うことは不可能である。たとえば,ヴェトナム戦争犯罪国際法廷の準備会議(右上及び右下写真:ラッセル法廷準備委員会において記者発表するバートランド・ラッセル)を開くために,1966年の終わりにかけてロンドンに滞在した一週間の間,毎日,朝,昼,晩,というように私と話し合いたいと希望する人々の来訪を受けた。しかし,百人をかなり越える人々がこの一週間に私と会って語り合いたいと申し込んで来たが,百人以上の多くの人たちの面会を断わらなければならなかった。

BR-19661113TRIBUNAL2Two other rumours which I have learned recently are being put about, I also find vexatious. They are that letters and documents sent to me are withheld by my secretaries lest they trouble me, and that my secretaries and colleagues prevent people who wish to see me from doing so. But I myself open and read all that is addressed to me at home. My mail, however, is so large that I cannot reply to everything, though I indicate to my secretary what I wish said and read the replies drafted by my secretary before they are sent. Again, it is the number of people who wish to see me about this or that which makes it impossible to see them all. During a week, for instance, that I spent in London towards the end of 1966 in order to open the preparatory meetings of the War Crimes Tribunal. I received visits each day, morning, afternoon and evening, from people wishing to talk with me. But, as well over one hundred people asked to talk with me during this week, many, over a hundred, had to be refused.
I have remarked upon these charges at such length not only because I dislike being thought to be silly, but because it exasperates me to have my arguments and statements flouted, unread or unlistened to, on such grounds. I also dislike my colleagues coming under fire for doing, most generously, what I have asked them to do.
出典: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3:1944-1969 ,chap4:The Foundation,(1969)



<送られてきた手紙からの抜粋>  ★写真(ラッセルの書斎)

拝啓 Laczer 博士

PLAS08-2W日 課 (右写真:北ウェールズの自宅2階の書斎

敬 具 バートランド・ラッセル

… From 8 to 11.30 a.m., I deal with my letters and with the newspapers. I receive on an average one hundred letters a day. From 11.30 to 1 p.m., I am seeing people. From 2 to 4 p.m., I read, primarily current nuclear writings. From 4 to 7 p.m., I am writing or seeing people. From 8 to 1 a.m., I am reading and writing. That is my daily routine and I hope it answers your questions.
With good wished,
出典: Dear Bertrand Russell; a selection of his correspondence with the general public, 1950 – 1968. Allen & Unwin, 1969.