その後2,3カ月して,この時の講演(講義)は --オックスフォード大学のラスキン・コレッジで私が初めて行なった講演(講義)と,さらに1949年にロンドンの英国医学協会で行なったロイド・ロバーツ記念講演とともに- 『社会に対する科学の衝撃』(The Impact of Science on Society)という私の著書の主要内容となって,出版された。この書名は,コロンビア大学での3回の連続講演(講義)を収録しコロンビア大学から別途出版された本の書名と同じである。そのため,不幸にも,書誌作成者を困惑させることになり,また時々,コロンビア大学版だけしか見ない人々を失望させている。
There I received the news that I was to be given a Nobel Prize. But the chief memory of this visit to America is of the series of three lectures that I gave on the Matchette Foundation at Columbia University. I was put up in luxury at the Plaza Hotel and shepherded about by Miss Julie Medlock, who had been appointed by Columbia to bear-lead me. Her views on international affairs were liberal and sympathetic and we have continued to discuss them, both by letter and when she visits us as she sometimes does.
My lectures, a few months later, appeared with other lectures that I had given originally at Ruskin College, Oxford, and the Lloyd Roberts Lecture that I had given in 1949 at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, as the basis of my book called The Impact of Science on Society. The title is the same as that of the three lectures that Columbia University published separately, which is unfortunate as it causes bewilderment for bibliographers and is sometimes a disappointment to those who come upon only the Columbia publication.
I was astonished that, in New York, where I had been, so short a time before, spoken of with vicious obloquy, my lectures seemed to be popular and to draw crowds.
[From: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 chap. 1: Return to England, 1969]
ラッセルが1929年に出した『結婚と性道徳』(Marriage and Morals) は,1940年のバートランド・ラッセル事件の裁判の時には「わいせつ文書」とされていた。しかし、人間の自由のためにペンで戦ってきた業績が認められて,ラッセルが1950年にノーベル文学賞を受賞した時には、受賞理由のなかで、『結婚と性道徳』(Marriage and Morals, 1929)は『西洋哲学史』(A History of Western Philosophy, 1945)とともに高く評価されており、たった10年間(1940年~1950年)における変貌ぶりは驚くべきものである。