思いやりや同情心の芽生え -「共感」が築かれる土台となるもの

CompassionKids同情は,疑いもなく,いくぶん本能的なものである。子供は,兄弟や姉妹が泣くと心配し(気をもみ),しばしば自分も泣き出す。兄弟や姉妹が(親によって)不愉快な目にあっていると,はげしく大人に反抗(敵対)する。私の息子がひじにケガをして(包帯や膏薬などで)手当をしなければならなくなったとき,彼の妹(生後18か月)は,別な部屋で兄が泣いているのを聞き,ひどく取り乱した。手当てという痛々しい仕事が終わるまで,彼女は,「ジョニーが泣いてる,ジョニーが泣いてる」と言いつづけた(注:ラッセルの長男の名前は John)。
empathy-good-manners このような出来事は,本能的な身体的な同情から起こるにちがいない。これこそ,その上にもっと洗練された共感が築かれるに相違ない基礎(土台)である。

There is no possible method of compelling a child to feel sympathy or affection; the only possible method is to observe the conditions under which these feelings arise spontaneously, and then endeavour to produce the conditions. Sympathy, undoubtedly, is partly instinctive. Children are worried when their brothers or sisters cry, and often cry too. They will take their part vehemently against the grown-ups when disagreeable things are being done to them. When my boy had a wound on his elbow which had to be dressed, his sister (aged eighteen months) could hear him crying in another room, and was very much upset. She kept on repeating “Jonny crying, Jonny crying”, until the painful business was finished. When my boy saw his mother extracting a thorn with a needle from her foot, he said anxiously, “It doesn’t hurt, mummy.” She said it did, wishing to give him a lesson in not making a fuss. He insisted that it didn’t hurt, whereupon she insisted that it did. He then burst into sobs, just as vehement as if it had been his own foot. Such occurrences must spring from instinctive physical sympathy. This is the basis upon which more elaborate forms of sympathy must be built. It is clear that nothing further is heeded in the way of positive education except to bring home to the child the fact that people and animals can feel pain, and do feel it under certain circumstances. There is, however, a further negative condition: the child must not see people he respects committing unkind or cruel actions. If the father shoots, or the mother speaks rudely to the maids, the child will catch these vices.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy



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